

单词 pur
释义 I. pur1 dial.
Also 8 purr.
[OE. in pur lamb, of uncertain origin.]
a. A ram or wether lamb; also pur-lamb, pur-hog.
b. transf. A male child, a boy.
c1000ælfric Exod. xii. 5 Nyme ælc mann an lamb..Þæt lamb sceal beon anwintre pur lamb clæne and unwemme.a1722Lisle Husb. Gloss., Pur-lamb, male lamb.1787Grose Provinc. Gloss. s.v., In Dorsetshire a purr signifies a boy, also a male lamb.1817W. Stevenson Agric. Dorset 411 Pur-lambs are sold to dealers, etc. from Somersetshire, and other districts, where breeding flocks are not so generally kept as in the upland parts of Dorsetshire.1883Standard 21 Apr. 5/8 The lambs..are nearly all purs.1888Elworthy W. Somerset Word-bk., Pur, a male lamb... Seldom used in W. Som., but is the regular term in E. Som. and Dorset. Ram or wether is the common term in W.S.
II. pur2, purr Cards. Obs.
[Origin unascertained.]
A name given to the knave or Jack in the game of post and pair (see post n.4). Also attrib. pur-chop, pur-dog, ? a card which would take the knave.
1592Lyly Midas v. ii, Mine armes are all armarie, gules, sables, azure, or, vert, pur, post, pare, &c.1616B. Jonson Masque Christmas, Enter..Post and Pair, with a pair⁓royal of aces in his hat; his garments all done ouer with Pairs and Purs.Ibid., Post and Pair wants his pur-chops, and his pur dogs.a1618Davies Wittes Pilgr. Wks. 1878 II. 38/1 Some, hauing lost the double Pare and Post, Make their aduantage on the Purrs they haue: Whereby the Winners winnings all are lost, Although, at best the other's but a Knaue.
III. pur
obs. f. poor, porr, purr, purre.




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