

单词 scalp
释义 I. scalp, n.1|skælp|
Also 4–7 skalp, 5–7 scalpe, 6 skalpe; (chiefly Sc.) 5, 8 skap, 6 scawpe, skape, 7 scop, 8–9 scaup, scawp, 9 scap.
[Northern ME. scalp; presumably of Scandinavian origin, though the Eng. senses are not found in any Scandinavian or Teut. language. Cf. ON. skálp-r sheath, Da. dial. skalp shell, husk, MLG. schulpe, scholpe, MDu. schelpe (Du. schelp) shell; the sense of these words suggests derivation from OTeut. *skal-, *skel- (see scale n.1), but a Teut. p- suffix is not known.
The It. scalpo, given by Oudin 1540 with the rendering le test, and by Florio 1611 with the rendering ‘scalp’, seems to be of doubtful genuineness. The Eng. word in sense 3 has passed into several European langs.: F. scalpe, G., Sw. skalp.]
1. a. The top or crown of the head; the skull, cranium. Now only Sc. and north. dial. (scaup, scap).
a1300E.E. Psalter vii. 17 His wiknes in his scalp doune falle.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxxiv. 153 Of þe scalpe [v.r. brayn panne] of þe heued he gers make him a coppe.c1460Towneley Myst. xvi. 353 Then thi scalp shall I clefe.c1480Henryson Mor. Fab., Trial of Fox 1026 (Charteris MS.) With bludie skap, and cheikis bla and reid.1508Dunbar Test. Kennedy 52 To hede of kyn, bot I wait nought Quis est ille, than I schrew my scawpe [Bann. MS. skape].1535Coverdale Ps. lxvii[i]. 21 The God that smyteth his enemies vpon the heades & vpon the hayrie scalpes. [Similarly 1611.]1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. D iij b, What is the skull or scawpe of the heade? Answere. It is that parte of the heade that is full of heare, wherin the anymal membres are conteyned.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iv. i. 69 Take this transformed scalpe, From off the head of this Athenian swaine.1598Stow Surv. 270 In digging the foundation of this newe woorke..there were founde more then an hundred scalpes of Oxen, or Kine.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 124 [Their] hornes..grow..not to their bones or skalps, but to their skin.16..Robin Hood & Tanner ix, If I get a knop upon the bare scop thou canst as well shite as shoote.1650G. P. Comenius' Janua Ling. xxiv. 297 If the skull [marg. scalp, brainpain] bee one entire bone.1724Ramsay Vision iii, To..skonce my skap and shanks frae rain.1899J. Lumsden Edin. Poems & Songs 198, I wat for't sune his Scotch scap reissils.
fig.1596Nashe Saffron Walden F 2 Not content to haue the naked scalp of his credit new couered with a false periwig of commendations.
b. The head or skull of a whale exclusive of the lower jaw.
In recent Dicts.
2. a. The integument of the upper part of the head, usually covered with hair and moving freely over the underlying bones.
Formerly often hairy scalp; cf. quot. 1535 in sense 1. Possibly this Bible phrase (a literal rendering of the Heb.) may have caused the development of sense 2 a.
1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Scalpe, the haire skinne of the head.1651Biggs New Disp. ⁋259 Those fained vapours..stirre up the tempest of the diseases causation, before they can come to the hairy scalp.1656Blount Glossogr., Scalp (pericranion), the skin compassing and covering all the skull.1676Wiseman Chirurg. Treat. v. ix. 374 The Hairy scalp.1725Bradley's Fam. Dict. s.v. Turning-Evil, Then take a long sharp Knife and a Hammer, and cut the Scaup two Inches square, and turn it up.1800Med. Jrnl. III. 444 Five or six small spiculæ of bone worked themselves through the scalp, (the wound being healed).1872Darwin Emotions xiv. 352 The naked scalp of a very young infant reddens from passion.1894H. Drummond Ascent Man 117 Every one has met persons who possess the power of moving the whole scalp to and fro.
Phrase.1842Tennyson St. Sim. Styl. 2 From scalp to sole one slough and crust of sin.1890Talmage From Manger to Throne 78 Christian infidels..who are from scalp to heel surcharged with unbeliefs.
transf.1658Sir T. Browne Gard. Cyrus iii. 47 He that inquireth into the little bottom of the globe-thistle, may finde that gallant bush arise from a scalpe of like disposure.
b. Her. The skin of the head of an animal.
1688Holme Armoury ii. 166/1 The Horns of a Bull fixed upon the curled Skalp..with two Ears, Sable.1722Nisbet Syst. Her. ii. iv. 337 The Attirings of a Stag fixed to the Scalp.
c. U.S. The skin from the head of an animal preserved as proof of its death (usu. in order to obtain a bounty).
1703Narrangansett Hist. Reg. (1884–5) III. 162 All persons who shall kill any Sheep or Lambs..shall be obliged to carry in the Skalp with Ears of the same.1847J. S. Robb Streaks of Squatter Life 80 He can git a bonus for wolf⁓scalps.1890Stock Grower & Farmer 22 Feb. 3/1 The bounty law must be fixed up so that scalps will be paid for.1901Duncan & Scott Hist. Allen & Woodson Counties, Kansas 15 [The county board] offered a bounty of twenty⁓five cents for wolf scalps.
3. a. The scalp with the hair belonging to it cut or torn from a man's head: prized by American Indians as a battle trophy.
1601Holland Pliny vii. ii. I. 154 The former Anthropophagi..whom we have placed about the North pole,..use..to weare the scalpes, haire and all, in steed of..stomachers before their breasts.1677W. Hubbard Narrative i. 19 Two or three miles further they came up with some Heads, Scalps, and Hands cut off from the bodies of some of the English.1748Washington Jrnl. 23 Mar., Writ. 1889 I. 3 We were agreeably surprized at ye sight of thirty odd Indians coming from war with only one scalp.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxvi. II. 24 The scalps of their enemies formed the costly trappings of their horses.1817J. Bradbury Trav. Amer. 42 The dance of the scalp.1837W. Irving Capt. Bonneville I. iv. 76 The chief..had his scalps to show and his battles to recount.1867Parkman Jesuits in N. Amer. xix. (1875) 282 Eleven fresh scalps fluttered in the wind.
b. fig. as the symbol of a victory gained.
1759W. Mason Let. 25 Jan. in Corr. of Thomas Gray (1935) II. 612 Criticks like Indians are proud of the number of scalps they make in a Manuscript.1828–40Berry Encycl. Her. II, Dymock... Crest..the skalp of a hare, the ears erect sa.1870M. D. Conway Earthward Pilgr. xxiii. 276 The savage creed that wears the scalp of Shelley at its belt.1902C. N. & A. M. Williamson Lightning Conductor 141 If I had been, that girl wouldn't have got back into the house without being proposed to, and having another ‘scalp’ to count, as they say American beauties do.1928T. E. Lawrence Lett. (1938) 571 It riles me unbearably to lose my scalp to a lot of fellows round whom I can make rings.1977R.A.F. News 11–24 May 19/1 Convincing wins..for the RAF under-21 hockey team... The Navy provided the first scalp.
4. A wig made to cover a part of the scalp.
1801Chron. in Ann. Reg. 458 [Patent] for a method of making perukes and scalps.1843Thackeray Ravenswing i, Mr. Eglantine, the celebrated perruquier..whose..patent ventilating scalps are known throughout Europe.
5. a. A bare piece of rock or stone standing out of water or surrounding vegetation (thus resembling a hairless skull). Sc. and north. dial. (pronounced and often written scaup).
1721Ramsay Prospect of Plenty 215 (1877) I. 52 Plenty shall cultivate ilk scawp and moor.1722Newcastle Courant 1 Sept. Advt. (E.D.S. 71) The Ship called the John and Margaret,..now lying upon the Scalp against Mr. Jennison's Key, North Shields.1865G. Tate in Hist. Berw. Nat. Club (1868) V. 151 On the scalp of the rock where it dips into the hill, four figures are traceable.1871Daily News 21 Aug., There there is a bare ‘scaup’ of boulders and scanty turf.1903Expositor Jan. 11 The grey argillaceous soil is shallow, stony and constantly interrupted by scalps, ledges and knolls of naked limestone.
b. The cap of a mountain. Chiefly poet.
1810Scott Lady of L. iii. ix, Ben-an's grey scalp the accents knew.1816Byron Ch. Har. iii. lxii, The Alps,..whose vast walls Have pinnacled in clouds their snowy scalps.1848Clough Bothie i. 58 The frosty scalp of the Cairn-Gorm.1875J. Grant One of the 600 III. xxi. 290 When the snows of Christmas whiten the scalps of Largo and the Lomond Hills.
6. attrib. and Comb.
a. (sense 1) scalp-house dial., a charnel house.
1890Murray's Handbk. Lincolnshire 113 Below is a groined undercroft, known as the ‘scaup (skull-) house’.
b. (sense 2), as scalp hair, scalp knot, scalp length, scalp-massage, scalp muscle, scalp wound.
1805Southey Madoc ii. xvi, On the front it [the spear] met him, and plough'd up The whole scalp-length.1851H. Melville Whale iii. 24 There was no hair on his head..nothing but a small scalp-knot.1868Darwin in Life & Lett. (1887) III. 99, I believe all anatomists look at the scalp-muscles as a remnant of the Panniculus carnosus.1879St. George's Hosp. Rep. IX. 237 Forty cases of simple scalp-wounds.1890Billings Med. Dict., Scalp-tumor, caput succedaneum; cephalhæmatoma.1930A. Bennett Imperial Palace xxiii. 143 An electric scalp-massage.1977J. Aiken Last Movement vii. 125, I always gave her scalp massage in the evenings..her shaved hair was taking its time about growing back.
c. (sense 3), as scalp-bearer, scalp-dance, scalp-hunter, scalp-mark, scalp-merchant, scalp-trophy, etc.; scalp-knife = scalping-knife; scalp-lock, a long lock of hair left on the head (the rest being shaved) by North American Indians as a challenge to their enemies; scalp-money, money paid as a reward for ‘bringing in’ scalps of men or animals; scalp ticket orig. U.S., a ticket sold by a scalper (see scalper2 2 a); scalp yell, a shout celebrating the taking of a scalp.
1878C. Tuttle Border Tales 18 One by one the squaws fell in behind the *scalp-bearer.
1791J. Long Voyages 35 The dances among the Indians are many and various,..[including] the *scalp dance.1878C. Tuttle Border Tales 17 The weird music of the scalp⁓dance.
1835R. M. Bird Hawks of Hawk-Hollow I. 79 He acquired a singular reputation as a bold and successful *scalp-hunter.1851Mayne Reid Scalp Hunt. xvii. 121, I became a scalp-hunter.1937T. Rattigan French without Tears ii. i. 37, I can't quite see what my novel has got to do with the machinations of a scalp-hunter.1975Observer (Colour Suppl.) 23 Nov. 25/3 Once the scalp-hunters get the word that such-and-such a diplomat wants to defect or to become an out-and-out agent they enjoy priority over the sanctifiers and all the other categories of black operations people.
1807J. Barlow Columb. v. 52 Ax, quiver, *scalpknife on the girdle hung.
1827J. F. Cooper Prairie II. i. 5 His head was shaved to the crown, where a large and gallant *scalp-lock seemed fearlessly to challenge the grasp of his enemies.1877G. Gibbs Tribes of W. Wash. 222 A figure of a man, with a long queue, or scalp-lock, reaching to his heels.
1866Whittier Snow-Bound 261 How the Indian hordes came down..And how her own great-uncle bore His cruel *scalp-mark to four-score.
1795Coleridge Conciones ad Pop. 46 In America the recent enormities of their *Scalp-Merchants.
1704in G. Sheldon Hist. Deerfield, Mass. (1895) I. 299 That the sum of Sixty Pounds be allowed and Paid to the Petitioners..as *Scalp money.1712S. Sewall Diary 13 June (1879) II. 351 Council would have had subsistence and {pstlg}100 Scalp-money.
1880G. A. Sala Amer. Revisited 201/1 There are ‘round trip’ tickets which are something more than return, tickets; and finally, there are ‘*scalp’ tickets, which you can deal in and discount.1941Baker Dict. Austral. Slang 68 Scalp ticket, the return half of a train ticket.
1792H. H. Brackenridge Mod. Chivalry I. v. ii. 113 A warrior..separates it [sc. a scalp] from the head, giving, in the mean time, what is called the *scalp yell.1913J. London Valley of Moon 465 He drew his finny prize to the bank..with the scalp-yell of a Comanche.1947National Geogr. Mag. July 108/1 The hundreds of scientists being marshaled there are pioneers more potent than any who fought when war drums rolled along the Mohawk, scalp yells quivered on the valley air, and the frontier was aflame.
II. scalp, n.2 Chiefly Sc. and north.|skælp|
Forms: 6 skap, scawip, skalp, scalfe, scalph, 7 scap, 7, 9 scaup, 6– scalp.
[Perh. a specific use of prec. (cf. sense 5), but the forms with f, ph point to the possibility of a different origin. Cf. shelp.]
A bank providing a bed for shellfish, esp. oysters and mussels; an oyster or mussel bed or colony. (Often mussel-scalp, oyster-scalp.)
1521Aberdeen Reg. (1844) I. 98 Nane of the mussillis..now begingin to gader one ane now skap at the northt watter, besyd the Cunningar hillis.15..Aberd. Reg. (Jam.), The scawip of mussillis & kokilliss.1552Huloet, Muskleskalp.Ibid., Oyster scalph, ostrifer. [Cf. Elyot Dict., Ostrifer, the place in the sea, whiche is apte to ingender oysters.]1557Sel. Pleas Crt. Admiralty (Selden Soc.) II. p. lxvii, Mussel scalfe.1587Burgh Rec. Edin. (1882) 488 To caus brek the swame of the mvssill scalp in the heavin of Leyth.1593,1896[see mussel n. 4].a1672Willughby Ornith. iii. (1676) 279 Avis hæc the Scaup⁓duck dicta est, quoniam scalpam [Ray (1678) 365 Scaup] i.e. pisces testaceos fractos seu contritos esitat.1793Statist Acc. Scot. VIII. 461 A scalp of a small kind of mussels.1862Macm. Mag. Oct. 503 There used to be great battles between the men of Newhaven and the men of Fisherrow, principally about their rights to certain oyster-scalps.1882Standard 26 Sept. 2/1 Boston Deep, which is admirably suited for mussel culture, returns, now that the ‘scalps’ are protected, over 5000l. per annum.
III. scalp, v.1 Obs.
[ad. L. scalpĕre.]
trans. To cut, carve, engrave; to scrape, scratch.
1552[implied in scalping vbl. n.1].1662Evelyn Chalcogr. i. 9 With the..stile, we only cut the Vernish, razing, and Scalping as it were, the Superficies of the Plate.a1764R. Lloyd Poet. Wks. (1774) I. 95 Critics..Should..not, unskilful, yet with lordly air, Read Surgeon's lectures while they scalp and tear.1802M. Moore Lascelles II. 23 The points of their swords scalped off their noses.
IV. scalp, v.2
Also 7 skulp (?).
[f. scalp n.1
From Eng. are F. scalper, G. skalpiren, Du. scalpeeren, Sw. skalpera.]
1. a. trans. To cut off the scalp of (a person): chiefly said of the North American Indians.
1676N. S. Narrat. New-Eng. 14 Laying him for dead, they flead (or skulp'd) his head of skin and hair.1697S. Sewall Diary 13 Sept. (1878) I. 459 Indians shot and scalped him about noon.1754H. Walpole in World III. 285 The Chippoways and Orundaks are still very troublesome. Last week they scalped one of our Indians.1867Parkman Jesuits in N. Amer. xix. (1875) 281 They sought out the bodies, carefully scalped them, and set out in triumph on their return.1877G. Gibbs Tribes of W. Wash. 192 None of the western tribes within my observation have pursued the practice of scalping the slain.
absol.1759W. Mason Let. 25 Jan. in Corr. of Thomas Gray (1935) II. 612 If you don't let them [sc. critics] scalp they'll do you no service.c1778Conquerors 61 Whose Indians scalp'd and carry'd desolation..to christian nation.
fig.1849N. Hawthorne Let. to H. Mann 8 Aug., I shall do my best to kill and scalp him in the public prints.1856Ferrier Inst. Metaph. xi. ix. (ed. 2) 298 Dr. Reid and his followers, instead of scalping a doctrine, have merely tomahawked a word.1939‘A. Bridge’ Four-Part Setting ii. 16 Henry is plain sailing, of course—he's quite simply scalped... He's always being scalped. It's his own fault—he will chase women so.1973D. Kyle Raft of Swords (1974) x. 99 Calder took a taxi to Heathrow airport. Inevitably he would be scalped on the cab fare.
b. U.S. political slang.
1891Century Dict., Scalp,..to destroy the political influence of, or punish for insubordination to party rule.
2. transf.
a. U.S. (See quot. 1895.)
1825J. Lorain Pract. Husb. 335 The Yankee farmer first chops the fallen timber, then scalps off the grubs level with the ground.1895Funk's Stand. Dict., Scalp, to level by cutting off, as the tops of cradle-knolls and the knobs of logs laid in corduroy roads; as, to scalp a road.
b. dial. To strip off (the turf or upper soil).
1806Forsyth Beauties Scot. IV. 524 Unmerciful destroyers of all the grounds around them, scalping and tearing up every bit of better soil.1866T. Edmondston Shetland & Orkney Gloss., Scalp; ‘To scalp the land’—to pare off the surface of the soil, S.
c. Metallurgy. To remove the surface layer of (metal); to remove (the surface) from metal.
1922Brass World & Plater's Guide XVIII. 96 After the slabs are cooled they are sent to the overhauling machines where a thin layer of metal is scalped from the surface.1922,1949[implied in scalping vbl. n.2 2].1958A. D. Merriman Dict. Metallurgy 305/1 Other methods used to scalp the ingot are by chipping, milling, planing or by means of the oxyacetylene torch.
3. Milling.
a. To separate the ‘hair’ or ‘fuzz’ from (wheat, etc.) by attrition and screening.
b. To separate the different sizes of wheat, etc. from one another by means of sieves or screens.
1883Neftel Rep. Flour-Milling (10th Census U.S.) 16 The wheat is scalped in four reels.1884[see scalping vbl. n. 2, 3].
4. Stock Exchange, etc. To buy at very low rates so as to be able to sell at less than official rates. Also absol.
1886Harper's Mag. July 213/2 [The scalper buys] any quantity of grain that may be offered, sells it at an advance of 1/8 cent per bushel, thus scalps the market.1888Pall Mall G. 15 Oct. 12/1 A professional speculator, who ‘scalped’ the market on a big scale for a small profit per bushel.1891Century Dict. s.v., To scalp railway-tickets.1897Boston Globe 29 Aug. 39/5 The broker himself would be selling the stock at 104 in New York, thereby ‘scalping’ one-fourth and making a handsome profit at no risk.1902G. H. Lorimer Lett. Merchant 201, I saw what looked like a safe chance to scalp the market for a couple of cents a bushel.1948Sun (Baltimore) 26 Nov. 18/2 The Stadium attendants told me they are the same men..who scalp at other games,..selling 60-cent tickets for $1.1977Time 19 Dec. 66/1 The generous benefactor to down-and-out friends wore the same loud waistcoats as the pinchpenny negotiator who scalped outmatched publishers.
V. scalp, v.3 rare.
= scapple v.
1725J. Webb's Stone-Heng 88 They were scalped [ed. 1665 scapled] at the Quarries.1883Stonemason Jan., It is then trimmed (or scalped) into shape by men called block-choppers.




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