

单词 scantly
释义 scantly, adv.|ˈskæntlɪ|
[f. scant a. + -ly2.]
1. Scarcely, hardly, barely. arch.
Exceedingly common from the 15th to the middle of the 17th c.; in the 18th c. it had app. become obsolete; revived in literary use by Scott.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xvii. (Martha) 111 Scantly þe todir day fand þai quhare þe body lay.c1440Ipomydon 1228 Scantly had they the mete corvyn, That in comyth the kyngis messyngere, And grette the lady in thys manere.c1449Pecock Repr. i. iii. 15 Ȝit of thilk vertu or gouernaunce scantli is writen in al Holi Writt ten lynes.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon xxi. 460 Ye can scantly heve up your staff.1520Nisbet N.T., Luke ix. 50 And scantlie [Wycl. vnnethe; Vulg. vix] he gais away al to drawand him.1565Cooper Thesaurus, s.v. Cerrus, The maste rough like a chesten, scantly holsome for swyne.1575–85Abp. Sandys Serm. x. 153 Wee are hearers of the woord, and yet skantly that.1627Hakewill Apol. (1630) 221, I say it is scantly foure inches long.1805Scott Last Minstr. iii. xvii, His kirtle..Reach'd scantly to his knee.a1844Campbell Napoleon & Brit. Sailor 65 Our sailor oft could scantly shift To find a dinner, plain and hearty.1859Tennyson Marr. Geraint 287 We hold a tourney here tomorrow morn, And there is scantly time for half the work.
b. with superfluous negative. Obs.
1585Parsons Chr. Exerc. i. viii. 87 For scantly, there is not a seuere saying of God..which commeth not now to his mind.
2. Sparingly; at little cost. Obs.
c1440Alphabet of Tales ix. 8, I liff als skantlie as I can, & diligentlie I kepe all my merchandise.
3. In scant measure; inadequately; scantily. Also rarely grudgingly.
1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1874) I. 223 And where as the angels ar ther with reuerence..worshyppynge our holy sauyour These vnkynde caytyfs wyll scantly hym honour.a1585Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae 1058 For all the proverbs they perusit, Ȝe thocht them skantly skild.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iii. iv. 6 He hath..spoke scantly of me.a1631Donne Serm. vii. (1640) 70 Indeed, God can doe nothing scantly, penuriously, singly.1817Keats Sonn. i, Cynthia is from her silken curtains peeping So scantly, that it seems her bridal night.1840Hood Kilmansegg, Birth xvi, Tables sprang up all over the lawn; Not furnish'd scantly or shabbily.a1859De Quincey Posth. Wks. (1891) I. 50 On that ground, agreeably to the logic I have so scantly expounded.
b. Curtly. ? rare.
1884Howells Silas Lapham (1891) I. 133 ‘How?’ asked the Colonel scantly.




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