

单词 bracke
释义 I. brack, n.1|bræk|
Also 2–3 bracc (Orm.), 6 Sc. brek, 6–7 bracke, 6–8 brak. See breck.
[Two formations: (1) in Ormin a. ON. brak (= OE. ᵹebræc, OS. gibrak) creaking noise, f. OTeut. brekan to break: cf. L. fragor, f. stem of frangĕre. (2) In later use, a parallel form to break n., f. break v.]
I. ME., from ON. brak.
1. Noise, outcry. Obs.
c1200Ormin 1178 Shep iss all unnskaþefull..& makeþþ itt nan mikell bracc.Ibid. 1186 Jesu Crist..toc þildiliȝ wiþþutenn bracc, Þatt mann himm band.1513Douglas æneis xiii. vi. 85 For all the brek and sterage that hes bene.
II. mod., f. break v. Cf. break n., breck.
2. A breaking, breach, rupture. Still Sc.
1540T. Raynalde Byrth Man. ii. vi. (1634) 130 Heale this brack and wound by sowing both sides of it together again.a1599in Hakluyt Voy. III. i. 81 They beat the sayd bulwarke and wall in such wise, that they made great bracks.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. Pref. 6 To repaire all the ruines and seuerall bracks of it.1669Worlidge Syst. Agric. (1681) 322 A Breck, or Brack, a gap in a Hedge.
b. fig. A rupture, quarrel. Obs.
1600Holland Livy xxv. xxix. 570 Hippocrates and Epicides..made the brack, & were the troublers and disturbers of this peace.1608Chapman Byron's Conspir. Plays 1873 II. 236 That can mend The brack betwixt us.
3. A flaw in cloth. Also fig. (Now chiefly dial.)
[1530Palsgr. 200/2 Brake in clothe, rentreture.]1552Act 6 Edw. VI, vi. §1 Over-stretching them upon the Tenter, and then stopping with Flocks such Bracks as shall be made.1597Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 33 The finest veluet [hath] his bracke.1636Featly Clavis Myst. lxix. 888 The needle fils not up the bracke or rent.1840Browning Sordello v. 400 The knack Of keeping fresh-chalked gowns from speck and brack.1873M. E. Braddon Str. & Pilgr. i. vi. 62 ‘She sent me a gownd last week..a regular good one, not a brack in it’.
4. A broken piece, fragment, atom. Obs.
c1615Chapman Odyss. xvii. 249 A cord, that would not slip For knots and bracks about the mouth of it.1644Digby Nat. Bodies Ded. (1658) 14 Many bracks and short ends which cannot be spun into an even piece.1647N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 79 The least brack of body cannot be broken a pieces, because 'tis already the least.
5. Breach, breaking, violation. Sc.
1658Presbyt. Strathbogie Rec. in Hessey Sunday (1880) 217 The said day A.C...was delaitit for brak of Sabbath.
6. Break of continuity, ‘fault’ in mining. dial.
1747Hooson Miner's Dict. S ii, After crossing of Pees, Tees, Braks, Jumbles, or what other disorder may happen that the vein cannot be easily made out.
7. ‘A stripe of uncultivated ground, between two shots or plots of land.’ (Jamieson.) Cf. break n. 12. Sc.
8. A sudden breaking out of water; a sudden heavy fall of rain; a flood when the ice breaks; a quantity of snow, earth, or debris shooting from a hill. Sc.
II. brack, n.2 Obs. rare.
[prob. identical with prec.: cf. connexion of L. rūpes with rumpĕre to break, and break n.]
A cliff, crag, or rock.
c1530Hickscorner in Hazl. Dodsl. I. 185 Thrown in a raft, and so about borne On rocks or bracks for to run.1598Florio, Bricche, crags, cliffs, or brackes in hills.
III. brack, n.3
[f. Ger. bracken to examine or sort goods. Cf. brack v., bracker.]
The system of official sorting of goods or produce in vogue at the principal Baltic ports.
1734Treaty Eng. & Russ. in Magens Insurances II. 592 The Brack shall be equitably established.
IV. brack, n.4 Obs.
[App. a shortened form of bracken.]
= bracken1.
1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 40 A full depe valeye..set with bocis and brackys on euery syde hangyng owte.1627Drayton Agincourt 182 They fed on Fearne & brack.1675Evelyn Terra (1776) 36 Vegetables abounding in fixed Salts..as Pease-haulm, Bracks.
V. brack, n.5 Obs. rare—1.
[? ad. F. braque, brague, breeching for cannon.]
? Breeching for cannon; or perh. = bracket n. 3.
1622R. Hawkins Voy. S. Sea 213 Our hatches upon our bolts, our brackes in our deckes and gunner roome.
VI. brack, a. and n.6
Also 6 brak, bracke.
[prob. (as a nautical word) a. Du. brak brackish (whence Ger. brackwasser brackish water); identified by Franck with MDu. brak worthless.]
A. adj. Salt, briny, brackish. ? Obs.
1513Douglas æneis v. xiii. 28 Ȝet [= pour] the cleir wyne furth in fludis brak [L. salsos fluctus].1786tr. Sparrman's Voy. I. 255 The Brak rivers have got this appellation from the quality of their waters, which are brackish or saltish.1827Southey in Q. Rev. XXXV. 117 Living upon beef and brack water.
B. n. Salt water, brine; the sea. Obs. (Only in Drayton, and apparently not in general use then, as the gloss ‘salt water’ is given in the margin.)
1591Drayton in Farr S.P. (1845) I. 133 Drags their fat carkasse through the foamie bracke.1627Agincourt 185 The Sunne..Shall with the Fishes shortly diue the Brack.
VII. brack, n.7
[Abbrev. of barnbrack; cf. Ir. breac speckled.]
An Irish cake or loaf containing seeds or fruit; = barnbrack.
Quots. 1855 prob. represent attempts to render Irish bairghean breac barnbrack.
1855E. Acton Mod. Cookery (rev. ed.) xxvi. 546 Rich Brawn Brack, or Borrow Brack.Ibid., To convert the above into the popular Irish ‘speckled bread’, or Brawn Brack..add to it three ounces of carraway-seeds.Ibid. xxvi. 555 Common brown brack, or Irish seed-cake.1959J. O'Donovan Visited xxix. 182 She..made tea and sliced a home-made brack.1960Guardian 10 Dec. 12/6 Breads, bracks, baps, scones.
VIII. brack, v.|bræk|
[ad. Ger. bracken to sort or inspect goods, f. brack ‘inferior goods, refuse’.]
trans. To sort or select (goods, produce, etc.) (at the Baltic ports). Cf. brack n.3, bracker. Hence bracked ppl. a.
1858Homans Cycl. Comm. 1343 All flax and hemp shipped from Memel must be bracked or assorted by sworn selectors.1883Scotsman 30 July 7/6 Tallow, bracked, about 51s.
IX. brack(e
obs. form of brake, brach; and Sc. pa. tense of break v.




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