

单词 purging
释义 I. purging, vbl. n.|ˈpɜːdʒɪŋ|
[f. purge v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of the verb purge.
1. a. Purgation; cleansing, removal of impurities, faults, or errors.
1382Wyclif Num. xix. 21 Eche that towchith the watris of purgynge, shal be vnclene vnto the euen.2 Pet. i. 9 Receyuynge forȝetingnes of the purgynge of his olde trespassis.a1533Frith Disput. Purgatory F vj, Wherfore shuld theyr inuencyon of purgatorye serue but to be a place of purgynge, punishment, and penaunce.1553Brende Q. Curtius 90 b, Therupon thei fel to weaping and purging of them selues.1691T. H[ale] Acc. New Invent. p. lx, Any other Engine for the purging the River of Thames from Obstructions.1733P. Lindsay Interest Scot. 165 The purging and washing of Yarn is now pretty well understood.1867Burton Hist. Scot. I. viii. 276 Purging of the lists of saints.
b. concr. That which is washed away, or removed as refuse. Obs.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cliv. (1495) 705 The codde of all manere of codware and pourgynge: wyth the whyche swyne ben fed.1598R. Grenewey Tacitus' Ann., Germanie vi. (1622) 271 It lay as nought worth, like other purging of the sea.
c. Removal of political opponents.
1938Sun (Baltimore) 27 Aug. 16/8 Four others marked for purging by the Washington group.1940E. Hemingway For Whom Bell Tolls xl. 398 Here it reports the purging of more of thy famous Russians.1974J. White tr. Poulantzas's Fascism & Dictatorship vii. v. 338 The judiciary..suffered least from purging after national socialism came to power.
d. = purge n. 2 c.
1950Sun (Baltimore) 3 Jan. 9/5 When..natural gas is allowed to flow into the line it will ‘push the inert gas or oxygen-short-air ahead of it. This will be allowed to escape until tests indicate pure natural gas has completely filled the line,’ an engineer explained. ‘This process is called purging.’1958[see purge n. 2 c].1973J. G. Tweeddale Materials Technol. II. ii. 24 Various methods of removal can be used, such as reaction with a suitable flux, or by purging, in which an insoluble carrier-gas is bubbled through the liquid to create large surface areas at which the hydrogen can gather and be carried away.1980New Scientist 3 July 4/1 The purging of 57,000 curies of krypton from the containment building at TMI is an essential step in the $400 million clean-up operation.
2. spec. The excretion or evacuation of refuse matter, esp. (now always) from the bowels, generally by means of a purgative; = purgation 1 b.
1647Cowley Mistress, Counsel i, Cordials of Pity give me now, For I too weak for Purgings grow.1656Ridgley Pract. Physick 122 Purging was continual with decoction of Mallows, Fennel,..Rheubarb, Senna, made like Claret.1818–20E. Thompson Cullen's Nosol. Method (ed. 3) 225 Vomiting and frequent purging of a bilious humour.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 908 Recurrent purging and vomiting.
3. Clearing from a charge or suspicion; exculpation; = purgation 4.
1726–31Waldron Descr. Isle of Man (1865) 21 They are..obliged to swear themselves innocent, or endure the shame and punishment... This they call purging.
4. attrib. and Comb., as purging day, purging faculty, etc.; purging-cock, a cock for discharging sediment, dregs, or refuse from a steam-boiler, etc.; purging place, (a) purgatory, (b) a privy.
1553Epit. on Gray in Furnivall Ballads fr. MSS. I. 435 Nor fferynge ones the porgynge plase Devysed by the pope.1577Hellowes Gueuara's Chron. 29 He buylt in all streetes in Rome publique purging places.1579–80North Plutarch, Romulus (1595) 34 The feast of Lupercalia..on the vnfortunate daies of the moneth of Februarie, which are called the purging daies.1617Moryson Itin. iii. 21 Supping warm brothes, helps the purging faculty.
II. purging, ppl. a.|ˈpɜːdʒɪŋ|
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That purges.
1. Cleansing, purifying.
1598R. Grenewey Tacitus' Ann. xii. ii. (1622) 157 That punishment and purging sacrifices of incest should bee sought.1882F. W. H. Myers Renewal of Youth, etc. 264 The purging sacrament of pain.
2. spec. That induces purgation of the alimentary canal; purgative, aperient, cathartic.
1562Turner Herbal ii. 79 b, So haue the old autores gyuen vnto diuerse herbes a purgyng vertue.1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 143 Let your purging Medicines be such as purge downward onely.1696Salmon Fam. Dict. 203 Purge with Mecoacan-Ale, or some such-like easie Purging-Ale.1718Quincy Compl. Disp. 235 Purging Waters.—There is no County scarce in England, but discovers some of these Springs.1729Woodward Nat. Hist. Foss. I. 73 A like flat Body..was found in sinking the Purging-Well at New-Cross, near Deptford.1778Eng. Gazetteer (ed. 2) s.v. Richmond, Surry,..On the ascent of the hill are wells of purging mineral water, to which a great deal of company resort.1843R. J. Graves Syst. Clin. Med. xxvii. 338 The purging mixture of Epsom salts.
b. In names of plants having purgative qualities: purging agaric, a fungus, Polyporus officinalis; purging broom, Spartium purgans; purging buckthorn, Rhamnus catharticus; purging cassia, Cassia Fistula; purging flax, Linum catharticum; purging grain, Sesamum; purging nut, the seed of Curcas purgans (Jatropha Curcas) or Barbados nut; also, the seed of Croton Tiglium; purging thorn, Rhamnus catharticus.
1822Hortus Anglicus II. 223 S[partium]. Purgans. *Purging Broom.
1776Withering Brit. Plants (1796) II. 256 *Purging Buckthorn. Woods and hedges near Norwich.
1778Lightfoot Flora Scotica (1789) 174 Linum catharticum, *Purging-flax. Anglis.
1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 324 *Purging Grain, Oily, Sesamum.
Ibid. 320 *Purging Nut, Croton.Ibid. 324 Purging Nut, Jatropha.1836J. M. Gully Magendie's Formul. (ed. 2) 151 It appears..that the croton plant is the same which produces the seeds known in commerce as the Indian purging-nut.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 5/2 The Jatropha Curcas, or purging-nut of the Philippine Islands.




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