

单词 branded
释义 I. [branded
misreading for brauded embroidered; so also brandur for braudur embroidery.
c1440Gaw. & Gol. ii. iii, Here belt was of blunket..Branded with brende golde.Ibid. ii. iv, His brene and his basnet..With a brandur abought, al of brende golde.]
II. ˈbranded, ppl. a.1 Obs. exc. dial.
[A northern var. of brended, later brinded.]
1561Richmond. Wills (1853) 148, I geve to Henry Todd an oxe calfe in Peknell, color branded.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 126 A spotted, branded, party coloured dog is not approved.1611Chapman Iliad xxi. 217 They saw a branded serpent sprawl..amongst them from above.a1800Ballad, ‘Lads of Wamphray’ iii. in Scott Minstr., The brokit cow and the branded bull.1880Patterson Antrim & Down Gloss., Branded, brannet, of a red colour with streaks or bands, applied to cattle.
III. branded, ppl. a.2|ˈbrændɪd|
[f. brand v.]
1. a. Marked with a hot iron.b. Bearing a trade-mark, or mark of quality.
1652Proc. Parliament No. 159. 2502 Advt., A light grey Mare..branded with E.a1704T. Brown Sat. Quack Wks. 1730 I. 64 A branded villain.1880Daily Tel. 30 Apr., There is no alteration in branded iron.
c. Labelled with a trade or proprietary name; having a brand-name.
1897Daily News 16 Dec. 7/2 A customer asked for a certain branded ham.1946D. L. Sayers Unpopular Opinions 128 Any proposal to control the marketing of branded goods..will be violently opposed, on the loftiest hygienic grounds, by the papers that carry the branded advertising.
2. fig. Marked with infamy, stigmatized.
1601R. Yarington Two Lament. Traj. v. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. IV, Bronded with a marke of Shame.1654Curia Politiæ 100 Why should that branded Polititian make feare and love impossible and inseparable?1878R. B. Smith Carthage 265 Branded with the defeat of Cannæ.
IV. ˈbranded, ppl. a.3 Sc. Obs. rare—1.
[Cf. F. brandir to fasten two pieces of wood together with a peg.]
? Firmly secured; perh. error for bandit.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 350 Ane brig..Rycht stark of tymmer..Brandit and bond, and festnit richt fest.




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