

单词 branke
释义 I. brank, n.1 Obs. or dial.|bræŋk|
Also 6 branke, 7 branck.
[Derivation unknown.
The plant was introduced from Asia in 14th or 15th c. perh. by the Turks; cf. its various names, L. frumentum Turcicum, Ger. heide(n)kraut, F. blé sarrasin, Pol. poganka, Boh. pohanka lit. ‘heathen, Turkish’. There is a certain similarity of sound between the last and brank, but nothing is known of any connexion.]
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum).
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. (1586) 40 b, You may sowe Bucke, or Branke, as they call it.1677Lond. Gaz. No. 1227/4 A Dutch built Hoy, laden with 14 Tuns of Buck, or Branck.1730T. Cox Magna Brit. V. 275 The Eastern parts..produce Plenty of Branke and Hemp.1815W. Johnson tr. Beckmann's Hist. Invent. (1846) I. 430 It is grown [in] Norfolk and Suffolk, where it is called brank.
II. brank, n.2
see branks1.
III. brank, v.1 Sc. Obs.|bræŋk|
[app. f. brank, sing. of branks1.]
trans. To bridle, restrain; to put in the branks. Also fig.
1574Glasgow Burgh. Rec. in Wilson Sc. Archæol. 692 Gif thai flyte to be brankit.a1600Scot. Poems 16th C. (1801) II. 194 We sall gar brank you Before that time trewly.1664Mem. Dr. Spottiswode (1811) 74 (Jam.) They feared also that their estaittes might be branked.
IV. brank, v.2 Obs. exc. Sc. and dial.
[Of uncertain origin. Cf. Ger. prangen ‘to adorn oneself, vaunt, brag’, for which MHG. had brangen (also brankieren); perh. the Eng. word was adapted from an equivalent LG. form. Cf. prank. Jamieson connects it with the prec., through the notion of ‘bridle up oneself’.]
Hence ˈbranking, -and ppl. a.
1. intr. Of horses: To prance, to toss the head.
1400Morte Arth. 1861 They hewene, With brandez of browne stele brankkand stedez!1513Douglas æneis xi. xii. 7 Stedis apon thar strait born bridillis brankand fast.
2. Of persons: To march in a confident or demonstrative fashion; to strut; to prance, prank.
c1550Lyndesay Pedder Coffeis 37 He cumis brankand throw the toun.1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. iv. ii, Her brankan wooer taks his horse, To strut a gentle spark at E'nburgh cross.1811A. Grant Highland Superst. II. 260 When Donald came branking down the brae Wi' twenty thousand men.1862H. Kingsley Ravenshoe xlvii, They came branking into some pot-house.
V. brank(e Obs. rare.
Also braunk.
[a. OF. branc (branc de l'espée sword-blade), taken by Diez as a variant of brant = brand, though, as the Pr. form is brenc, this appears doubtful.]
A brand, a sword. App. only in Caxton.
1480Caxton Ovid's Met. xii. xii, He..bete hym with his branke of steel.c1489Sonnes of Aymon i. 28 Soo heued uppe the duke his branke of stele, and smote Lohier.Ibid. 81 His braunk of stele.




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