

单词 purpresture
释义 purpresture Law.|pɜːˈprɛstjʊə(r)|
Also (erron.) 6 -tour, 7 -tor; 7–8 pour-.
[a. OF. por-, pur-, pourpresture (13th c.), altered from por-, pourpresure, f. por-, pur-, pourprendre to occupy, seize, usurp, appropriate, environ, enclose, encroach upon, etc., f. por-, pour- (:—L. prō-), here intensive + prendre (:—L. præhendĕre) to seize, take. Cf. med.L. pur-, prōprestūra, purprisūra, etc. (from Fr.), in Du Cange.]
An illegal enclosure of or encroachment upon the land or property of another or (now only) of the public; as by an enclosure or building in royal, manorial, or common lands, or in the royal forests, an encroachment on a highway, public waterway, etc.
[a1190Glanville Tract. de Leg. Angl. ix. xi. (1776) 521 De Purpresturis.1292Britton i. xix. §6 Et ausi soit enquis de totes maneres de purprestures fetes sur nous de terres et de fraunchises.]1421Coventry Leet Bk. 30 Allso we commaund..þat no man make noo purpresture ne stoppyng with trees ne stones ne with no othur filthe in the forseid Ryver, up the peyn aforsaid.1598Stow Surv. x. (1603) 84 Purprestures, or enchrochmentes on the High⁓wayes, lanes, and common groundes, in and aboute this cittie.1609Skene Reg. Maj. ii. lxxiv. §1 Purpresture is, quhen ane man occupies vnjustlie anie thing against the King, as in the Kings domain..or in stoppin the Kings publick wayis, or passages, as in waters turned fra the richt course.a1634Coke Inst. IV, lxxiii. Courts of Forest (1648) 291 To be quit of asserts, and purprestures.1754Erskine Princ. Sc. Law (1809) 176 Purpresture draws likewise a forfeiture of the whole feu after it, and is incurred by the vassal's encroaching upon any part of his superior's property.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. II. xiv. 36 note 2 To account for the essarts and purprestures made in the forests of Hampshire.1879E. Robertson in Encycl. Brit. IX. 409/2 The offence of ‘purpresture’..was an encroachment on the forest rights, by building a house within the forest, and it made no difference whether the land belonged to the builder or not.
b. A payment or rent paid to a feudal superior for liberty to enclose land or erect any building upon it.
c1384Charter Rich. II, ciii. in Arnolde Chron. (1502) D j b/2 Of alle maner custumes vsagis and ymposicions and also prepresturs and other thinges what so they bee that fall with in the fraunches of the forsaid cite.c1450Oseney Reg. 29, I haue i-ȝefe to þe forsaide chanons..in-to perpetuell almys, ffre and quite for all seruice and purpresture of here Gardeyne of Cudelynton.1480Coventry Leet Bk. 461 Be suffraunce of þe Meire & Comenalte, which be poynt of Charter & tyme out of mynde haue had profit of purprestures.




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