

单词 sciagraphy
释义 sciagraphy|saɪˈægrəfɪ|
Forms: 6–9 sciography, 7, 9– sciagraphy. See also skiagraphy.
[a. F. sciagraphie, sciographie, ad. L. scia-, sciographia, a. Gr. σκιᾱ-, σκιογραϕία, f. σκιᾱ-, σκιογράϕος: see sciagrapher.]
1. That branch of the science of Perspective which deals with the projection of shadows; also, the delineation of an object in perspective with its gradations of light and shade. Cf. scenography 1.
1598R. Haydocke tr. Lomazzo iv. xxii. 173 Sciographie is..the second part of Perspective; considering the self same reasons of the shaddowes of bodies, which Delineation or drawing doth.1664Evelyn tr. Freart's Archit. 122 Scenography, or (as some) Sciagraphy, which is the same object elevated upon the same draught and center in all its optical flexures, diminutions and shadows, together with a fore shortning of a third side, so as the whole solid of the edifice becomes visible in perspective.1788T. Taylor tr. Proclus I. 78 [Optics] is divided into that which is properly called optics..; and into universal catoptrics..: as also into that which is called sciography, or the delineation of shadows.1789Smyth tr. Aldrich's Archit. i. i. i. 2 Let the Architect first make a draught on paper of the intended work: 1. the Ichnography..; 2. Orthography..; 3. Sciagraphy, or Scenography, which exhibits the front and the sides retiring in a perspective view.1822Gwilt (title), Sciography; or Examples of Shadows, and Rules for their Projection.1868R. C. Puckett Sciography Introd., This..book does not treat upon..Linear Perspective; but is limited to the perspective projection of shadows.
b. = scenography 2.
1850J. Leitch tr. C. O. Müller's Anc. Art §324. 380 This..gave rise to a separate branch of perspective painting, scenography or sciagraphy, in which..more careful and delicate design was sacrificed to the attainment of illusive effects for distant beholders unskilled in art.
c. In allusion to the etymology: The depicting of shadows.
1639Fuller Holy War iii. ii. 111 Let those who are delighted with Sciographie paint out (if they please) these shadow-Patriarchs.
2. A sciagraphic delineation or picture. Obs.
1611Coryat Crudities 486 Plate, A Sciographie or Modell of that stupendious vessell which is at this day shewed in the Palace..in..Heidelberg.1648Herrick Hesper., On Julia's Picture, How am I ravisht! when I do but see The Painter's art in thy Sciography?
b. = sciagraph 1. Obs.
The only sense of F. sciographie given by Littré; it would appear to have arisen from some misunderstanding of the statements of ancient writers respecting σκιαγραϕία.
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Sciography,..in Architecture,..is sometimes taken for the Draught of a Building cut in its Length or Breadth, to show the Inside of it; as also the Thickness of the Walls, Vaults, &c.1755in Johnson, Sciagraphy.
3. An outline, draught, rough sketch. Chiefly fig. Obs.
[1624Wotton Elem. Arch. 65 Let no man that intendeth to build, setle his Fancie vpon a draught of the Worke..or..vpon a bare Plant thereof, as they call the Schiographia or Ground lines.]1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 146 The first sciography and rude delineation of atheism.1683Weekly Memorials 22 Hereto is added Dr. Slades Sciagraphy of the Nutrition of Animals.1686Goad Celest. Bodies i. ix. 32 Nature being nothing else but a Sciagraphy of Divinity.1721–31Bailey, Sciagraphy, a profile or platform; the first rude draught of a thing.1738Ray Coll. Travels (ed. 2) II. 445 And thus much of the Sciography, or of the artificial and architectonical part [of the Pyramids].
4. The art or practice of finding the hour of the day or night by observation of the shadow of the sun, moon or stars upon a dial. Obs.
[1635J. W[ells] (title) Sciographia, Or the Art of Shadowes.]1651Hobbes Leviath. 40 Table, Consequences from the Light of the Starres. Out of this, and the Motion of the Sunne is made the Science of Sciography.1679Moxon Math. Dict., Sciography..is the Art of Shadows, comprehending Dialling, and part of Astronomy, as far as serves for finding out the hour of the Day or Night, or other Question, by the Shadow of the Sun, Moon, or Stars.1721Bailey, Sciagraphy,..the Art of Dialling.




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