

单词 brinjarry
释义 brinjarry Anglo-Ind.|brɪnˈdʒɑːrɪ|
Also 6 banjara, 7–9 bunjara, 8 bandjarrah, benjarry, brinjary, 8–9 binjarree, -jarry, 9 brinjaree, -jarree, bunjarrah, -jarree, vanjarrah.
[corruption of Urdū banjārā, according to Wilson deriv. of Skr. vanij trade: influenced, some think, by Pers. birinj rice (Col. Yule). Called in Bombay vanjārā.]
A travelling grain and salt merchant of the Deccan.
[c1632Life of Mohabut Khan in J. Briggs Acc. Bunjaras (Y.) The very first step..was to present the Bunjaras of Hindostan with elephants, horses, and cloths.]1793Dirom Camp. India 2 (Y.) His convoy of brinjarries had been attacked.1794E. Moor Narr. Little's Detachm. 131 The Bandjarrahs..This very useful class of Hindoos, generally, but we think, improperly called Brinjarries.1798Webbe in Owen Disp. Wellington 9 To open our rear for the admission of Brinjaries.1799Kirkpatrick ibid. 173 As many Benjarries as possible.1800Wellington in Gurw. Disp. I. 146 No Brinjarries in yet.1804― in Owen Desp. 425 His Highness shall collect as many Bunjarrahs as possible.1813Forbes Oriental Mem. I. 206 (Y.) We met there a number of Vanjarrahs, or merchants.a1876Meadows Taylor in Life II. 17 (Y.) Brinjarries, or carriers of grain.




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