

单词 abate
释义 I. abate, v.1|əˈbeɪt|
[a. OFr. abat-re, abat-tre, f. à prep. to + batre, battre to beat:—late L. battĕre, batĕre, from cl. L. batuĕre. In the technical senses 18, 19, the identity of the prefix is uncertain, and the relation to the other senses undetermined.]
I. To beat down, demolish, destroy.
1. trans. To beat down, throw down, demolish, level with the ground. Obs. exc. in Law.
1366Mandeville viii. 95 (1839) Jerusalem hath often tyme ben distroyed, & the Walles abated & beten doun.c1420Palladius on Husb. ii. 5 Hem to desolate Of erthe, and all from every roote abate.1494Fabyan vii. 490 Y⊇ gates of Bruges, of Ipre, of Courtray, and of other townes were abated and throwyn downe.1576Lambarde Peramb. Kent 185 (1826) Bycause Apultre was not of sufficient strength for their defence and coverture they abated it to the ground.1643Prynne Doom of Cowardice & Treach. 4 And that night came a great party of them, and by fine force made an assault and abated the Baracadoes.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort. 13 (1729) During the hottest months carefully abate the weeds.1809Tomlins Law Dict. s.v., To abate; to prostrate, break down, or destroy. In law to abate a castle or fort is to beat it down.1864Wandsw. Br. Act 44 If any work made by the Company in, over, or across the River Thames..be abandoned or suffered to fall into disuse or decay, the Conservators of the River Thames may abate and remove the same.
2. fig. To put down, put an end to, do away with (any state or condition of things). Obs.
c1270E.E.P., Old Age 149 When eld blowid he is blode . his ble is sone abatid.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1672 Ded [= death], of al þat it comes to, abates And chaunges all myghtes and states.c1350Will. Palerne 1141 To abate þe bost of þat breme duke.1413Lydgate Pylg. Sowle v. xii. 103 (1843) And fynally abatid is the strif.1585Abp. Sandys Serm. 79 (1841) St. Paul abateth this opinion.Ibid. 293 To abate the haughty conceit which naturally we have of ourselves.
3. Esp. Law.
a. To put an end to, do away with (as a nuisance, or an action).
1297R. Glouc. 447 And oþer monye luþer lawes, þat hys elderne adde ywroȝt, He behet, þat he wolde abate.1768Blackstone Comm. III. 168 The primitive sense is that of abating or beating down a nusance.1780Burke Sp. on Econ. Ref. Wks. III. 247 They abate the nuisance, they pull down the house.1844H. Rogers Essays I. ii. 88 He has not lived in vain who has successfully endeavoured to abate the nuisances of his own time.1859De Quincey The Cæsars Wks. X. 104 To put him down and abate him as a monster.
b. To render null and void (a writ).
1580Baret Alvearie, His accusation or writte is abated or ouerthrowne when the Attorney by ignorance declareth not the processe in due forme, or the writte abateth.1621Sanderson Serm. Ad. Cl. ii. xxii. 30 (1674) And any one short Clause or Proviso, not legal, is sufficient to abate the whole Writ or Instrument.1726Ayliffe Parergon 266 This only suspends but does not abate the action.1741Robinson Gavelkind vi. 109 The Writ was abated by the Court.1809Tomlins Law Dict. s.v., To abate a nuisance is to destroy, remove, or put an end to it... To abate a writ is to defeat or overthrow it by shewing some error or exception.
4. intr. (through refl.) To be at an end, to become null or void; esp. of writs, actions, appeals.
1602W. Fulbecke First Part of Parallele 62 In the summons A. was omitted, wherefore the writte abated.1745De Foe Eng. Tradesm. I. xvi. 148 Commissions shall not abate by the death of his majesty.1768Blackstone Comm. III. 247 The suit is of no effect, and the writ shall abate.1809Tomlins Law Dict. s.v. It is said an appeal shall abate, and be defeated by reason of covin or deceit.1860Massey Hist. Engl. III. xxxi. 437 The Committee of Privileges resolved, that impeachments stood on the same footing as appeals and writs of error; consequently they did not abate.
II. To bring down, lower, depress.
5. To bring down (a person) physically, socially, or mentally; to depress, humble, degrade; to cast down, deject. Obs.
c1325Grosseteste Castel of Loue 1334 He was abated of his tour [= in his turn].c1386Chaucer Pars. T. 118 The heyher that they were in this present lif, the more schuln thay ben abatid and defouled in helle.1470–85Malory Morte Arthur (1634 repr. 1816) I. 241 Then sir Beaumains abated his countenance.1564Bauldwin Moral Phil. (ed. Palfr.) iii. 4 Hee is to be honoured among them that be honoured, that fortune abateth without fault.1618Raleigh Remains (1644) 27 If any great person to be abated, not to deal with him by calumniation or forged matter.1651Jer. Taylor Sermons i. ix. 104 They were abated with humane infirmities and not at all heightened by the Spirit.
6. intr. To fall, be dejected, humbled. Obs.
1306Political Songs (Camd. S.) 216 Ys continaunce abated eny bost to make.1387Trevisa Higden Rolls Ser. II. 185 Þe bolde nolle abateþ [cervix deprimitur].c1460Urbanitatis in Babees Book (1868) 16 Lette not þy contynaunce also abate.1642Rogers Naaman 30 The naturall spirit of the hautiest..will abate and come downe.
7. To abate of; to bring down (a person) from; hence to deprive of, curtail of. Obs.
c1430Octouian Imperator 1316 (Weber III. 212) He was abated of all hys hete.c1530Ld. Berners Arthur of Lytell Bryt. 105 (1814) That she be not thereby abbated of her noblenesse and estate.1605Shakes. Lear ii. iv. 161 She hath abated me of halfe my Traine.1637Lisle tr. Du Bartas 30 Mens bodies were abated of their bignesse.
III. To bring down in size, amount, value, force.
8. To beat back the edge or point of anything; to turn the edge; to blunt. lit. and fig. Obs.
1548Hall Chron. 689 Such wepons as the capitain of the Castle shall occupie, that is, Morrice pike sworde target, the poynt and edge abated.1594Shakes. Rich. III, v. v. 35 Abate the edge of Traitors, gracious Lord.1613W. Browne Brit. Past. i. iv. (1772) 107 With plaints which might abate a tyrant's knife.1625Bacon Essays ix, To abate the edge of envy.1634Heywood Maidenh. lost xi. 120 The name of Childe Abates my Swords keene edge.1699Evelyn Acetaria 145 (1729) Such as abate and take off the keeness.
9. To bring down in size; lower, lessen or diminish (things tangible). arch.
1398Trevisa Barth. De Pr. Rerum (1495) xvii. lxxviii. 652 Gutta abatyth all swellynge and bolnynge.1611Bible Gen. viii. 3 After the end of the hundred and fiftie dayes, the waters were abated.1612Woodall Surgeon's Mate Wks. (1653) 11 Small Files are used..to abate any end of a bone..which is fractured.1662Evelyn Chalcog. (1769) 59 In wood, which is a graving much more difficult; because all the work is to be abated and cut hollow.1823Scott Peveril (1865) 241 A lucky accident had abated Chiffinch's party to their own number.
10. intr. To decrease in size or bulk. arch.
1587Golding Mornay's Chr. Relig. xiv. 220 (1617) The more that the body abateth in flesh, the more workfull is the mind.1597Warner Albion's Eng. iii. xviii. 86 Their poyson, growing when it seemeth to abate.1726De Foe Hist. Devil i. x. 121 (1840) The arke rested, the waters abating.
11. trans. To bring down in value, price, or estimation. arch.
1340Ayenb. 28 Vor þe guode los to abatye, and hire guodes to loȝy, þe envious agrayþeþ alle his gynnes.c1400Rom. Rose 286 She ne might all abate his prise.c1460Fortescue Absol. & Lim. Mon. (1714) 116 Hou the Pricys of Merchaundises, growyn in this Lond, may be holdyn up, and encreasyd, and the Prycys of Merchaundise, brought into this Lond abatyd.1651Hobbes Leviathan ii. xxii. 119 They raise the price of those, and abate the price of these.1670R. Coke Disc. of Trade 33 If the Importation of Irish Cattel had abated the Rents of England one half.
12. intr. To fall in amount, value, or price, suffer reduction, be reduced. arch. exc. in Law.
1745De Foe Eng. Tradesm. II. xxxii. 101 As wages abate to the poor, provisions must abate in the market, and rents must sink and abate to the landlords.1768Blackstone Comm. II. 512 And in case of a deficiency of assets, all the general legacies must abate proportionably, in order to pay the debts.
13. trans. To lessen or lower in force or intensity (a quality, feeling, action, etc.); to diminish, lessen, lighten, relieve, mitigate.
1330R. Brunne Chron. 269 His moder Helianore abated þer grete bale.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 2840 For na thyng may abate þair pyne.1574tr. Marlorats Apocalips 33 Charitie is lyke fyre, whyche is easyly put oute if it be abated.1593T. Hill Profitable Arte of Gard. 137 The sauor of them [garlic] wilbe greatly abated.1599Shakes. Hen. V, iii. ii. 24 Abate thy Rage, abate thy manly Rage.1611Bible Deut. xxxiv. 7 His eye was not dimme, nor his naturall force abated.1670Walton Lives iv. 288 Lord, abate my great affliction, or increase my patience.1759Robertson Hist. Scot. I. ii. 156 She shook the fidelity, or abated the ardour of some.1859Mill Liberty ii. 68 To abate the force of these considerations.
14. intr. To fall off in force or intensity; grow less, calm down.
c1400Destr. Troy xi. 4665 Sesit the wyndis; The bremnes abated.1599Shakes. Hen. V, iv. iv. 50 My fury shall abate, and I The Crownes will take.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. i. 463 (1721) When Winter's Rage abates, when chearful Hours Awake the Spring.1720De Foe Capt. Singleton xvi. 274 Towards morning the wind abated a little.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. vi. iii. 322 This conflagration of the South-East will abate.1869Echo Oct. 9 The Foot and Mouth Disease which has been raging with some virulence is now beginning to abate.
IV. To strike off, deduct.
15. trans. To strike off or take away a part, to deduct, subtract.
a. with of (out of, from obs.).
c1391Chaucer Astrol. 34 Abate thanne thees degrees And minutes owt of 90.1413Lydgate Pylgr. Sowle iv. viii. 62 (1483) He nele noo thynge abaten of the prys.1551Recorde Pathway to Knowl. ii. Introd., And if you abate euen portions from things that are equal, those partes that remain shall be equall also.1570Dee Math. Praef. 9 If from 4. ye abate 1. there resteth 3.1611Bible Lev. xxvii. 18 It shall be abated from thy estimation.1679–88Secret Service Moneys of Chas. & Jas. II, 126 (Camd. S. 1851) To be abated out of the moneys that are or shall be due to him for work.1741Complete Family-Piece i. ii. 192 Take..9 eggs, abating 4 whites.1745De Foe Eng. Tradesm. I. xix. 178 Rather than abate a farthing of the price they had asked.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xx. 506 The merchant abating something of his morning price.
b. with obj. (orig. dat.) of the person.
1465Manners & Househ. Exps. 465 Roberd Thrope lente me l.s...and herof he moste a bate me [= to me] .xiiij.s.1647Sanderson Sermons Ad Aul. xv. 1 (1673) 209 He therefore sendeth for his Master's Debtors forthwith; abateth them of their several Sums, and makes the Books agree.1671J. Flavel Fount. of Life iii. 6 When the Payment was making, he will not abate him one Farthing.1771Franklin Autobiog. Wks. 1840 I. 61 She would abate me two shillings a week for the future.
c. absol. To make an abatement.
1530Palsgr. 420, I alowe or abate upon a reckenyng or accompte made.1745De Foe Eng. Tradesm. I. xix. 179 He cannot abate without underselling the market, or underrating the value of his goods.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India II. iv. iv. 134 Lacey offered to abate in his pecuniary demand.
16. fig. To omit, leave out of count; to bar or except.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 547 Abate [a] throw at Novum, and the whole world againe, Cannot pricke out five such.1700Law Council of Trade 253 (1751) Abating accidents which happen but seldom.1772Johnson in Boswell (1816) II. 149 Abating his brutality, he was a very good master.1865Sala Diary in America I. 307 Abating the gold and silver plate.
17. To abate of (a thing): to deduct something from, make an abatement from; to lower, or lessen in amount. arch.
1644Bulwer Chirologia 144 It falls short and abates of the perfection of the thing.1645Bp. Hall Remedy of Discontent. 27 Their fading condition justly abates of their value.1653Izaak Walton Compl. Angler 2 [I shall] either abate of my pace, or mend it, to enjoy such a companion.1765Tucker Lt. of Nat. II. 635 Their own experience and the world they converse with will abate of this excess.1810Scott Lady of L. v. iii. 22 The guide abating of his pace Led slowly through the pass's jaws.
V. Technical.
18. Falconry. To beat with the wings, flutter. More commonly aphetized to bate. Obs.
c1430Bk. of Hawkyng in Rel. Antiq. I. 297 If that she [the hawk] abate, let her flee, but be war that thou constreyne her not to flee.1575Turberville Booke of Falc. 135 You shall keepe hir alwayes in best plighte and leaste daunger to abate.
19. In Horsemanship. ‘A Horse is said to Abate, when working upon Curvets, he puts his two hind Legs to the Ground, both at once, and observes the same Exactness at all Times.’ Bailey 1721; whence in J. and subseq. Dicts. Obs.
II. abate, v.2 Law|əˈbeɪt|
[a. Anglo-Fr. abat-re, earlier enbatre, embatre (see a- prefix 10), in the legal phr. se enbatre or abatre en (Britton) to thrust oneself forcibly into, f. en in, into + batre to beat; see abate v.1 Subseq. confused with the prec. both in Anglo-Fr. and Eng.; the law-books treat it as the same word.]
To intrude or thrust oneself forcibly or tortiously into a tenement between the death of the owner and the accession of the legal heir. a. refl. (early instances are wanting).
1865Nichols tr. Britton iii. i. 2, II. 2 Because a person that has no right may immediately after the death of any one abate himself into the inheritance of the right heir, and keep out the heir and chief lord of the fee [Fr. sei enbatre en le heritage].Ibid. ii. xx. 4. I. 336 He by his own force abated himself into the tenement [Fr. se abaty en cel tenement].
b. intr. (by omission of refl. pron. in late Anglo-Fr., or ME. The ordinary construction since 6.)
1528Perkins Profitable Booke v. §325. 144 If a man seised of three acres in fee taketh a wife and dyeth and a stranger abate in one of the acres.1629Coke First Pt. of Inst. 277 Betweene the death and the entry of the heire, an estranger doth interpose himselfe, and abate [Fr. et un estraunge abate].1809Tomlins Law Dict. s.v., He that steps in between the former possessor and his heir is said to abate; he is called an abator, and this act of intrusion or interposition is termed an abatement.
III. aˈbate, n. Obs.
[f. abate v.1]
1. Depression, casting down.
1423James I King's Quair ii. xxi. For quhich sodayne abate, anon astert The blude of all my body to my hert.
2. The lowering of a quality; diminution.
1646H. Lawrence Com. & Warre with Angels, Ep. Ded. The abate of power & strength which sinne had caus'd.
3. Deduction, subtraction.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iv. vii. 195 Nor will the difference be sensible in the abate of scruples or dragmes.




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