

单词 abating
释义 I. abating, vbl. n.|əˈbeɪtɪŋ|
[f. abate v.1 + -ing1.]
The action or process of bringing down or lowering.
1. The action of casting down or overthrowing; and fig. of doing away with, or putting an end to. Obs. except in Law.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1714) 34 What Dishonour is this, and abatyng the Glory of a Kyng.1768Blackstone Comm. III. 168 This expression, of abating, which is derived from the French and signifies to quash, beat down, or destroy, is used by our law in three senses. The first, which seems to be the primitive sense, is that of abating or beating down a nuisance..and in a like sense..of abating a castle or fortress.
2. A lowering, lessening, diminution, decrease.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (714) 37 Pensions without grete abatyng of the Kyngs Revenues.1548W. Thomas Ital. Gram. (1567) Diminumento, the abatyng or decrease.1674Playford Skill of Musick i. xi. 38 Those excellent Graces and Ornaments..which we call Trills, Grupps, Exclamations of Increasing or Abating of the Voice.1699Evelyn Acetaria 12 (1729) Nor ought it to be over-oyl'd, too much abating of its grateful acidity.1861Trench Seven Ch. in Asia 77 The abating of any other love but that to God and Christ.
3. A deducting, or subtracting.
1557Recorde Whetst. S iij b, Subtraction doeth depend onely of the signe of abatemente, which is this—, and signifieth lesse, or abatyng.c1620A. Hume Orthog. Brit. Tongue 23 In abating from the word following, we, in the north, use a mervelouse libertie.
II. abating, ppl. a.|əˈbeɪtɪŋ|
[f. abate v.1 + -ing2.]
Decreasing, subsiding.
1727De Foe Hist. Apparitions xi. 218 The abating force of the water.1801Southey Thalaba ii. 26 Wks. IV. 58 To deluge o'er with no abating flood Our consummated World.




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