

单词 presupposition
释义 presupposition|priːsʌpəˈzɪʃən|
Also 8 præ-.
[ad. med.L. præsuppositiōn-em (a 1308 in Duns Scotus Rer. Princip. 5. 21), n. of action from med.L. præsuppōnĕre: see presuppone. So F. présupposition (14th c. in Godef.).]
1. The action or an act of presupposing; a supposition antecedent to knowledge; the assumption of the existence or truth of something, as a preliminary to action, argument, etc.
a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. xxx. (1535) 50 To my iugement, these princis are not chosen, that they shulde eate more mete than all other,..but with presupposition, yt they ought to knowe more than all other.1614Selden Titles Hon. 4 That cannot..be conceiued..otherwise than with a presupposition of a Democracie, out of which, as is related, a Monarchie might haue originall.1701Norris Ideal World i. v. 238 That which Suaver calls a priority of præsupposition.1871Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue §387 The verb and adjective alike have their very nature based upon the pre-supposition of the substantive.
2. That which is presupposed, assumed, or taken for granted beforehand; a supposition, notion, or idea assumed as a basis of argument, action, etc.; an antecedent supposition, preliminary assumption.
1579–80North Plutarch (1676) 383 As in a Mathematicall Proposition, there were many great conjectures and presuppositions, and many long circumstances to bring the matter to a conclusion.1660Jer. Taylor Duct. Dubit. ii. ii. rule vi. §1, I will not now examine whether they certainly follow from their premises and presuppositions.1847Lewes Hist. Philos. (1867) I. iv. 307 The presupposition, absurd as it really is, has been generally entertained.1882W. Wallace in Academy 1 Apr. 231/3 He sought to set before those who ignore philosophy,..the consideration that there are a few presuppositions still unanswered and apparently unanswerable by scientific methods.1895Athenæum 23 Feb. 242/3 Pre-suppositions, axioms, postulates, call them what you will, are discovered by analysis to be a necessary ingredient of knowledge; and their acceptance is an act of faith, which is justified by its results.
3. Comb., as presupposition-free adj.
1966Jrnl. Philos. LXIII. 699 (heading) Completeness theorems for some presupposition-free logics.1972Jrnl. Symbolic Logic XXXVII. 424 ‘Presupposition-free’ here refers to the absence of presuppositions that there are individuals in the domain over which individual variables range.
Hence presuppoˈsitionless a., without presuppositions; presuppositionlessness.
1871Davidson tr. Trendelenburg in Jrnl. Spec. Philos. V. 358. Presuppositionless.1885A. Seth in Encycl. Brit. XVIII. 795/1. Presuppositionless.1906Mind XV. 281 There is no absolutely presuppositionless psychology.1940Philos. Rev. XLIX. 285 The idea of a presuppositionless philosophy.1974Jrnl. Ecumenical Stud. XI. 140 Presuppositionless appreciation of..convictions.1976Word 1971 XXVII. 191 A presuppositionless analysis of a child's corpus will not have any theoretical import.
1940M. Farber Philos. Ess. in Memory E. Husserl 44 The claim of presuppositionlessness has been made at various times.




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