

单词 scornful
释义 scornful, a.|ˈskɔːnfʊl|
[f. scorn n. + -ful.]
1. Full of scorn, contemptuous, derisive.
a1400Morte Arth. 1840 Thow skornede vs lang ere with thi skornefulle wordez.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxx. 244 And whan he had of hem but a short and a scornefull ansuere he told it to the kyng.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. v. ii. 137 And dart not scornefull glances from those eies.1667Milton P.L. x. 625 To gratifie my scornful Enemies.1712Steele Spectator No. 272, I offered..to each of them a Kiss; but, one, more scornful than the rest, turned her Cheek.1848Dickens Dombey liv, The same defiant, scornful woman still.
quasi-adv.1667Milton P.L. iv. 536 So saying, his proud step he scornful turn'd.
b. absol. (Cf. scorner 1 b.)
1535Coverdale Ps. i. 1 O blessed is y⊇ man, yt..sytteth not in y⊇ seate of the scornefull.1894K. Grahame Pagan P. 73 Did they..sit at the table of the scornful and learn, with Dante, how salt was alien bread?
c. Const. of.
1704Prior Let. to Boileau 180 The English Muse..Scornful of Earth and Clouds, should reach the Skies.a1763Shenstone Elegies x. 22 Honorio built, but dar'd my laws defy; He planted, scornful of my sage commands.
2. Regarded with scorn, contemptible. Obs.
1570Levins Manip. 187 Scornful, ridiculus.a1586Sidney Apol. (Arb.) 66 But I speake to this purpose, that all the end of the comicall part, bee not vpon such scornefull matters, as stirreth laughter onely.1592Greene Upst. Courtier D 2, Of a scornefull Taylor, he sets up an vpstart scuruy Gentleman.1593Shakes. Lucr. 520 So thy suruiuing husband shall remaine The scornefull marke of euerie open eye.1596Edw. III, i. ii. 7 Thou dost not tell him, what a griefe it is To be the scornefull captiue to a Scot.1618Wither Motto (1621) C 2, To whom the riches of the minde, doe seeme A scornefull pouerty.1624Donne Devot. (ed. 2) 277 And wee haue heard of death, vpon small occasions, and by scornfull instruments; a pinne, a combe, a haire, pulled, hath gangred, and kild.




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