

单词 Scots
释义 Scots, a. (n.) orig. Sc. and northern.|skɒts|
Forms: 4 Skot(t)is, 4–6 Scottis, 5–7 Scottes, 6 Skottes, Scotes, Scotis, 6–8 Scotts, 7– Scots.
[Orig. Scottis, northern var. of Scottish. (Cf. Inglis English.)
For the relation in use between this form and the two others, see Scotch a.]
1. Of or belonging to Scotland or its inhabitants, Scottish, Scotch.
a1352Minot Poems (ed. Hall) i. 79 And þarfore many a Skottis brid With dole er dight þat þai most dwell.1473J. Warkworth Chron. (Camden) 2 The Scottes host.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxxvii. 40 Fair gem of joy, Mergreit of the I meyne: Gladethe thoue Queyne of Scottis regioun.1513Douglas æneis i. Prol. 103 This buik I dedicaite, Writing in the language of Scottis natioun.1622Malynes Anc. Law-Merch. 80 Scots-coale, Wheat, Barley and all kind of graines in both Kingdomes.1637Monro Exped. ii. 23 The other Scots Officers of the Regiment.1797Dr. Burney Let. to Mme. D'Arblay 28 Sept., A Scots lady.1827Hallam Const. Hist. xvii. (1857) III. 337 The Scots parliament took care to bring on the crisis by the act of security in 1704.1902Buchan Watcher by Threshold 125 He thought Scots games inferior to southern sports.
b. Qualifying the name of a coin or a money of account (in contradistinction to sterling), as mark Scots, penny Scots, pound Scots, shilling Scots (see the ns.). Also in names of weights and measures denoting a particular variation from the English standard, Scots acre, Scots boll, Scots mile, Scots pint, Scots stone, Scots Troy weight (see the ns.). Now arch. or Hist.
1520Charges conc. Dk. Albany in G. Douglas Wks. (1874) I. Introd. 109 Fourty thousand pund of Scottis money.Ibid., Bettir than ten thousand pundis Scottis.1632[see mile n.1 2].1641in Cochran-Patrick Rec. Coinage Scot. (1876) I. Introd. 30 The king hes vpon the coinage of euerie Scots staine of siluer bulyion 64 li.1697in A. I. Ritchie Churches of St. Baldred (1880) 39 Whoever shall desire the great bell to be rung to any burial, must pay for the same ten shillings Scots.1765Museum Rust. IV. 455 From eleven to twelve pecks, Linlithgow measure, of Dutch or Riga seed, is generally sufficient for one Scots acre.1775Brit. Chronol. an. 1719 II. 51/2 An act for laying a duty of two pennies Scots..upon every pint of ale or beer that shall be vended or sold within the town of Inverness.1791Burns Tam o' Shanter 7 We think na on the lang Scots miles..That lie between us and our hame.c1792Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) X. 718/1 It was enacted by..James VI that it [the pint] should contain 55 Scots Troy ounces of the clear water of Leith.1801Farmer's Mag. Jan. 72 In one instance, the produce is stated to be..92 Scots bolls per English statute acre.1824Scott Redgauntlet xx, What say ye to anither pot? or shall we cry in a blithe Scots pint at once?1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. s.v. Schools, The salaries of the schoolmasters were to be fixed at from 300 to 400 merks Scots.Ibid. s.v., Sterling money is twelve times the value of the same denomination of Scots money.1883American VI. 270 A legacy by word of mouth is good to the extent of {pstlg}100 Scots, or {pstlg}8 6s. 8d. sterling.
c. With reference to law. Cf. Scottish a. 1 e.
In this application recent literary usage favours the form Scots rather than Scottish or Scotch, but Scottish legal writers have apparently never followed this rule.
1766Blackstone Comm. ii. iv. 57 These inferior feudatories..held what are called in the Scots law ‘rere-fiefs’.1773(title) An Institute of the Law of Scotland..By Jon Erskine..Sometime Professor of Scots Law in the University of Edinburgh.1820Trials for High Treason Scot. (1825) I. 15 The old Scots law of treason was by no means well defined.
d. In the names of trees and plants. More commonly Scotch.
c1710C. Fiennes Diary (1888) 20 On y⊇ right side of y⊇ house is a large grove of firrs halfe scotts halfe norroway.1728Bradley Dict. Bot. II, Scots Scurvy-Grass, i.e. Soldanella.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XIV. 761/2 The [pinus] rubra, commonly called the Scots fir, or pine.1908Q. Jrnl. Forestry Jan. 70 The whole enclosure was planted in the spring of 1905 with oak,..larch, and Scots pine.
e. Scots goose: the barnacle goose. (So Norfolk dial. Scotch goose: see E.D.D.)
1668Charleton Onomast. 98 Anser Bernicla, the Barnacle, or Scots-goose.
2. Of language:
a. The distinguishing epithet of the dialect of English spoken by the inhabitants of the Lowlands of Scotland. Also absol. as n., the Scottish dialect.
1542Sc. Acts Mary (1814) II. 415/1 It salbe lefull to all or souirane ladyis lieges to haif þe haly write bait þe new testament and þe auld in þe vulgar toung In Inglis or scottis of ane gude and trew translatioune.1563Winȝet Cert. Tractates Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 74 ‘By’ in Scottis and in Inglis toung is nocht ane.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. II. 179 Translating the æneids of Virgil in scotis; sa rycht..that ilk scotis verse concordet with the latin.1788in Shirrefs' Poems (1790) p. xxvi, For Scots is neither flat nor lame:..When we had kings and courts at hame, They spake nae ither.1818Scott Rob Roy xxvii, Kilted loons that dinna ken the name o' a single herb or flower in braid Scots, let abee in the Latin tongue.1839Hallam Lit. Eur. II. v. §77 It would be a great omission to neglect..the Scots and English ballads.1861Two Cosmos I. 294 To use a good old-fashioned Scots phrase.1902Buchan Watcher by Threshold 281 She speaks broad Scots.
b. Used quasi-Hist. for: Scottish Gaelic. rare—1.
1831Scott Cast. Dang. v, An antique language,..being a species of Scots or Gaelic, which few would have comprehended.
3. Characteristic of or peculiar to Scotland or a Scotsman. Now rare or Obs.
1616W. Haig in J. Russell Haigs (1881) 163 That Scots kindness (ever ready to a friend, but oft inconsiderate).1812Sporting Mag. XXXIX. 17 Captain Barclay..has reduced Crib from upwards of sixteen stone to the above weight, by Scots living.
4. Mil.
a. In names of regiments in the British Army, as Scots Fusiliers, Scots Greys (see grey n. 8), Scots Guards.
b. In names of bodies of mercenaries in foreign service, as Scots Brigade, Scots Dutch (see the equivalent forms under Scotch).
1637Monro Exped. ii. 25 Which..thereafter was still called the Scots Briggad commanded by Hepburne.1646Sc. Acts Chas. I (1870) VI. i. 597/2 Sr. Robert Murray Lieut: colonell to the Scotis Regiment of the guard in France.1823Scott Quentin D. vii. note, Such disputes between the Scots Guards, and the other constituted authorities of the ordinary military corps, often occurred.1862A. K. Murray Scottish Regiments 70 The Scots Fusilier Guards, with the Grenadiers and Coldstreams, were stationed in the chateau and grounds of Hougomont.1867Burton Hist. Scot. III. xxvii. 108 The celebrated Scots Guard was established—it is said to have begun in the few who survived the slaughter at Verneuil.1883Macmillan's Mag. XLVII. 443 Twenty-five mounted infantry of the 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers.1893Stevenson Catriona xii. 132 Lieutenant-colonel in a regiment of the Scots-Dutch.




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