

单词 pursuant
释义 pursuant, n. and a.|pəˈsjuːənt|
Also 4 poursuiant.
[ME. a. OF. por-, poursuiant, pr. pple. of por-, poursuir, also -suivir, mod.F. poursuivre to pursue, q.v. Subseq. conformed to AF. pursuer and pursue vb.]
A. n.
1. One who prosecutes an action (at law); a suitor; a prosecutor. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. I. 167 These lovers..for that point which thei coveite Ben poursuiantz fro yeer to yere In loves Court.Ibid. 245 He, which was a poursuiant Worschipe of armes to atteigne.c1470Harding Chron. clviii. ii, At whiche parliament the pursuantes theim bond, At his decree and iudgement to stond.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 27 §113 The pursuantes in euery suche writte of errour..do pay like fees therfore.a1657W. Bradford Plymouth Plantations 8 (1602–6) Vexed with apparators, and pursuants, and ye comissarie courts.
2. One who pursues; a pursuer. rare.
1924W. J. Locke Coming of Amos xiii. 163 Amos..ran..followed also at a run by Hamilton, thereby giving..visitors..the impression of pick-pocket and pursuant.1978Maledicta 1977 I. 232 Little Bit's longtime pursuant and then casual lover.
B. adj.
1. Prosecuting (in a court of law). Obs.
1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 27 §77 At libertie of the partie pursuant.
2. a. With to, rarely upon: Following upon, consequent and conformable to; in accordance with. Obs. or merged in b.
1648Art. Peace xiii. in Milton's Wks. (1851) II, That the Proceedings..shall be pursuant and according to his Majesties printed Book of Instructions.1711Addison Spect. No. 123 ⁋4 They determined, pursuant to the Resolution they had taken.., to retire.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) IV. 154 If..the fine is levied pursuant to the deed.
b. quasi-adv. = pursuantly.
1675Ogilby Brit. Introd. 1 Pursuant to our method..we have concluded it necessary.1712–13Swift Let. to Mrs. Dingley 4 Jan. Lett. (1767) I. 215 The bishop of Clogher and Dr. Pratt made me dine with them to-day at lord Mountjoy's, pursuant to an engagement which I had forgot.1847C. G. Addison Law of Contracts i. i. §1 (1883) 8 If the act has been performed pursuant to the previous request of the party making the promise.1885Act 48 & 49 Vict. c. 54 §15 Every monition..served on him pursuant to any of the provisions of the first-mentioned Act.
3. Going in pursuit; following after, pursuing.
1691J. Norris Practical Disc. 347 Nothing but what is pursuant of the End for which he Created us.1836Fraser's Mag. XIV. 648 Whom varnished fiction vainly woos, Of stern reality pursuant.1906Daily Chron. 12 Mar. 3/4 There is..the landing of the noble lord, the pursuant lady,..and several other people, on an island.




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