

单词 scrine
释义 scrine Obs.
Forms: α. 3, 5–6 scryne, 6 scrine, scrynne, skryne, 6–7 skrine; β. 5 screne, 6 screene.
[a. OF. escrin (mod.F. écrin jewel-case):—L. scrīnium box for books and papers, writing-desk, whence OE. scrín shrine n. Cf. MDu., Du. schrijn (MDu. also schrein, schreen, whence possibly the β forms above).]
A box for the safe-keeping of valuables; spec. a chest in which the relics of saints are preserved, a shrine.
a1300Leg. Rood (1871) 46 Þe quene of seluer and [of] gold an riche scryne wroȝte.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 610/35 Scrinium, vas vel locus ubi libri vel thesauri servantur, a screne.c1450Mirk's Festial 180 He com to þe chyrch and to þe scryne of Saynt Wenefryd.a1553Udall Royster D. iv. vii. (Arb.) 73, I haue seene your head with it full many a tyme, Couered as safe as it had bene with a skrine.1556Chron. Grey Friars (Camden) 94 Item the vth day of Januarij [1555] was sent Edwardes day and thene was sett up the scrynne at Westmyster.1570Levins Manip. 69/31 A screene, scrinium.1591G. Fletcher Russe Commw. vi. 17 b, In the great Church..is erected a stage whereon standeth a scrine that beareth vpon it the Imperiall cappe and robe of very riche stuffe.1648Hexham ii, Een Schrijne, a Skrine, or a Coffin.
b. fig.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 145 b, The mynde or solle of manne is..housed or hidden within the tabernacle or skryne of the bodye.




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