

单词 scrip
释义 I. scrip, n.1 arch.|skrɪp|
Forms: 3–7 scrippe, 4–5 scripe, skrippe, 4–6 skrip, 5 scryp(e, skryppe, 5–6 skryp, scryppe, 3– scrip.
[Prob. a. OF. escrep(p)e wallet, purse, bag for alms (later escerpe, escharpe, mod.F. écharpe scarf). Cf. shrip.
ON. had skreppa (Sw. skräppa, Da. skreppe) in the same sense, but it is doubtful whether the word is native or from OF. The OF. word is commonly supposed to be of Teut. origin; cf. the MHG. gloss ‘scherbe, pera’ (Graff.). The commonly cited OE. scripp has no existence; the supposed instance is a scribal or editorial mistake for scip (ship).]
A small bag, wallet, or satchel, esp. one carried by a pilgrim, a shepherd, or a beggar.
In ME. frequently coupled with bourdon2 (= staff); cf. OF. escrepe et bordon.
a1300K. Horn 1093 Horn tok burdon and scrippe.a1300Cursor M. 11425 Þair scrippes..þam failed neuer o drinc ne fode.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. viii. 180 Ich seyh neuere palmere with pyk ne with scrippe [v.r. shrippe] Asken after hym.c1400Rom. Rose 7405 She had a burdoun al of Thefte And a scrippe of Fainte Distresse.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 262/3 [He] clad hym with thabyte of a pylgryme..a scryppe on his sholder and a pylgryms staff in his right honde.1524in G. Oliver Historic Coll. (1841) App. 15 A staffe and scryppe of Seynt James.1572–3in Nichols Progr. Eliz. (1823) I. 324 A scrippe of mother-of-perle,..hanging at three little cheines of golde.1610Fletcher Faithf. Sheph. i. i, Every Shepherds Boy Puts on his lusty green, with gaudy hook, And hanging scrip of finest Cordevan.1648Herrick Hesper., Captiv'd Bee 23 He laid his little scrip Of hony 'fore her Ladiship.1661Morgan Sph. Gentry ii. viii. 104 Argent a Cheveron between three Palmers scrips Sable.1766Goldsm. Hermit vii, A scrip with herbs and fruits supplied.1840Dickens Barn. Rudge xlv, He wore, hanging with a long strap round his neck, a kind of scrip or wallet, in which to carry food.1870Morris Earthly Par. I. ii. 458 A staff he bore, but nowise was he bent With scrip or wallet.
allusively.1587Greene Penelopes Web D 1, Fallen from a Crowne to a Cottage, and from a Scepter almost to a Scrip.
Comb.1530Palsgr. 799 Scryppe wyse, lyke or in maner of a scryppe.
II. scrip, n.2 Sc. Obs.
[f. scrip v.2]
A scornful grimace.
1470Henry Wallace vi. 143 Ane maid a scrip, and tyt at his lang suorde.
III. scrip, n.3|skrɪp|
[App. an alteration of scrap n. and scrape n., with weakened vowel expressive of smallness; prob. influenced by association with script n. See E.D.D.]
1. A small piece or scrap (of paper, usually with writing upon it; rarely, of other things). Obs. exc. dial.
1617Hieron Wks. II. 92 There is not the least scrip of the bill kept in hand for any second demand, when once the bond is cancelled.1676C. Hatton in Hatton Corr. (1878) 134, I punish myself yt I may revenge myself on you for yr little scripps of paper.1681E. Murphy State Irel. §16 He would not save the least scrip of his goods.1691Locke Consid. Lower. Interest (1692) 25 That cannot be till scrips of Paper can be made current Coin.1704J. Pitts Relig. Mohammetans v. 33 They'll not suffer a scrip of clean Paper to lie on the Ground.1754J. Shebbeare Matrimony (1766) I. 243 Of such strange Importance can Love make a Scrip of Paper, and a few black Lines.1809W. Irving Knickerb. To Public (1849) 27 And here have I..collected, collated, and arranged them, scrip and scrap.1922J. Buchan Huntingtower i. 21 The Compleat Angler seemed to fit his mood... Decidedly it was the right scrip for his pilgrimage.
2. scrip (of a pen): a small scrap of writing. Cf. scrape n.1 2 b, scribe n.2 2. Obs. exc. dial.
1710R. Ward Life H. More Pref., It was the Expression of a very great Person, That not a Scrip of the Doctor's should be lost.1775Jefferson Let. Writ. 1892 I. 489, I never had received the scrip of a pen from any mortal breathing.1779J. Adams in Fam. Lett. (1876) 357 For God's sake never reproach me again with not writing or with writing scrips.1874N. & Q. Ser. v. I. 66, I sent you a ‘scrip’ at once, to thank you for the parcel, and now write more fully.1909Westm. Gaz. 13 Apr. 2/3 When I write to you, I often sigh To see so poor a scrip.
3. U.S. [Prob. influenced by scrip n.4]
a. Fractional paper currency.
1889Macoun List Canadian Plants, The price of the list is 50 cents per copy. Scrip preferred to postage stamps.
b. A certificate of indebtedness issued as currency or in lieu of money.
1790P. Freneau Poems (1795) 430 In Scrip (not Scripture) he was fond to plod, Scrip was his prayer-book, scrip his word of God: Scrip was his joy, and scrip his dear delight.1831Deb. Congress U.S. 4 Jan. 405/1 The bill..proposed an exchange of scrip for land.1898Kissimmee (Florida) Valley Gaz. 18 Feb. 3/5 It is suggested that scrip be issued for the amount.1943S. Menefee Assignment: U.S.A. iii. ix. 211 The workers are no longer paid in ‘scrip’ usable only in the company stores.
c. = land scrip s.v. land n. 12.
1837in Laws of Republic of Texas (1838) I. 266 It shall be the duty of the commissioner of the general land office..to cause so much of the vacant lands of the republic to be surveyed and sectionized..as will be sufficient to satisfy all claims against the government for scrip sold, soldiers' claims, and head rights.1884Congress. Rec. 10 June 4994/2 [The lumbermen] have long been in the habit of getting it [sc. pineland] under different forms of scrip, under the soldiers' additional scrip, under the Sioux half-breed scrip, [etc.].1935[see land shark s.v. land n.1 12].1978Washington Post 8 Apr. e2/4 The scrip bears a face value up to $200... Buyers are permitted to accumulate as much scrip as they wish, but may only use it in exchange for 15 percent or $1,000, whichever is less, of the commission on a house transaction.
IV. scrip, n.4|skrɪp|
[Short for subscription.]
1. a. (Short for subscription receipt.) Originally, a receipt for a portion of a loan subscribed. Now, in strict commercial use, a provisional document entitling the holder to a share or number of shares in a joint-stock undertaking, and exchangeable for a more formal certificate when the necessary payments have been completed; often collect. sing. Hence, in loose or popular language, applied to share certificates in general.
1762T. Mortimer Ev. Man own Broker (ed. 5) iv. 174 The receipts for the 3 per Cent. Annuities, are called by the Brokers, Scrip. and Light-Horse... In the month of March..just after the second payment, a person may buy a receipt for 500l. Scrip. for 25l.1796Grose Dict. Vulgar T. (ed. 3) s.v., Scrip is also a Change Alley phrase for the last loan or subscription. What does scrip go at for the next rescounters? what does scrip sell for delivered at the next day of settling?1820G. G. Carey Guide Publ. Funds 10 When the loan is in progress..the separate parts..are called Scrip.1828–32Webster s.v., A certificate of stock subscribed to a bank or other company, or of a share of other joint property, is called in America a scrip.1833Thackeray in National Standard 18 May, The eighths, halves, and quarters, scrip, options, and shares.1848Rev. Statutes Wisconsin (1858) 40 No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of state debt.1850Carlyle Latter-d. Pamph. vii. 4 You find a dying railway, you say to it, Live, blossom anew with scrip.1855Tennyson Brook 4 Lucky rhymes to him were scrip and share.1865Shareholders' Guard. 8 Nov. 847/2 ‘Scrip’..is applied to the stocks given in exchange for a loan, as Reduced Scrip, Consol Scrip, &c.1888F. Hume Mme. Midas i. ii, The small table before him was covered with scrip.1901Rules Stock Exch. 141 In case the payment of an instalment on Foreign or other Scrip falls on a Settling-day.
b. attrib.
1798Chron. in Ann. Reg. 33/1 Robert Reaves the stock broker who was..found guilty..of forging scrip-receipts.1839H. T. De la Beche Rept. Geol. Cornw. etc. 565 The number of shares has amounted to 10,000 or more in the scrip mines.1841Thackeray Gt. Hoggarty Diam. xi, The shares were scrip shares, making the dividend payable to the bearer.1850Carlyle Latter-d. Pamph. vii. 3 Mounted on some figure of a Locomotive, garnished with Scrip-rolls proper.1869Redfield Law Railways (ed. 4) I. 7 They have no right to decline accepting such scripholder, as a shareholder.1881Chicago Times 4 June, The directors of the Atlanta and West Point railroad have decided to issue a scrip dividend of 100 per cent. interest.1882Ogilvie, Scrip-company, a company having shares which pass by delivery, without the formalities of register or transfer.1901Rules Stock Exch. 129 Every bond or scrip share is to be considered perfect, unless it be much torn or damaged.
c. Special combination: scrip issue Econ., the issue of additional shares free of charge to shareholders in proportion to the shares already held; an instance of this.
[1951M. S. Rix Investment Arithmetic xiv. 141 If a company..issues to the shareholders further..ordinary capital.., it will announce the issue of a capital (or scrip) bonus of one new share of 10s. for three existing 10s. shares held.]1955Times 2 May 20/6 The scrip issue of a corresponding number of fully paid Ordinary shares of 5s. each.1964Financial Times 31 Jan. 16/1 Guinness Mahon is to better its dividend forcast, aided by..a scrip issue.
2. Bookselling. (Short for subscription price.) A trade price 25% below the published price.
So called because this was originally the price at which books were sold by the publisher to the booksellers who ‘subscribed’ them, i.e. agreed before publication to take a certain number of copies. Later, however, ‘scrip’ became the most unfavourable trade terms that were given, the ordinary trade rate being known as ‘sale price’.
1884Bookseller 6 Nov. 1173/1 To enter the books at scrip.1897Publishers' Circular 3 July 8/2 Those dealers who refuse to come into the arrangement..should be supplied at no better terms than scrip.
V. scrip, n.5 slang.|skrɪp|
Also 'scrip.
[Shortened form of prescription.]
= script n.3
1966O. Norton School of Liars iv. 72, I wasn't to worry if I found his tablets in the bathroom, because Chris had given him a 'scrip for some more and he had had it filled on the way up.1967M. Glatt et al. Drug Scene ii. 22 In this country..he can find drugs. Say he is not due to pick up a ‘scrip’ (prescription) for two hours..he can usually find someone.1973Guardian 25 Apr. 16/6 Failures of execution while we [sc. the Labour Party] were in government... Teeth, specs, scrips.1975J. F. Burke Death Trick (1976) ii. 29 The little cloisonné pillbox..contained some uppies for which she had no scrip.1977Times 19 Sept. 17/6 Is there not a sickness in Whitehall which needs curing by Dr Owen before he gives us a scrip for our local [Rhodesian] consumption?
VI. scrip, v.1 Obs. rare.
In 5 skryp.
[f. scrip n.1]
refl. To provide oneself with a scrip.
1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 6515 Whan they hem skryppen euerychon.
VII. scrip, v.2 Sc. Obs.
Also 6 skrip(e, 7 scirp.
[Cf. scorp v.]
a. trans. To mock, deride.
b. intr. To scoff, jeer.
c1450Holland Howlat 67 Sum skripe me with scorne.1500–20Dunbar Fenȝeit Freir 97 The ja him skrippit with a skryke.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. Wks. 1846 I. 119 The Cardinall scripped and said, ‘It is but the Island flote’.1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (1843) II. 278 When Lethington had viewed the Apologie, he scripped and said, ‘Homines obscuri’.1658R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) III. 362 They scirp at all we can doe or say for peace.




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