

单词 script
释义 I. script, n.1|skrɪpt|
Also 5 skript.
[In ME. an etymological spelling of scrite (so OF. escript for escrit:—L. scrīptum); later, ad. L. script-um, neut. pa. pple. of scrībĕre to write, used subst.]
1. Something written; a piece of writing. Now rare. script of mart: see mart n.5
c1374[see scrite].c1400St. Alexius (Laud 108) 409 In his hond he fond a skript [Vernon MS. skrit; rime as tyd].1600Holland Livy xlii. 1129 He delivered unto them a script to this effect as followeth.1624Fletcher Wife for Month i. ii, Do you see this Sonnet, This loving Script? do you know from whence it came too?1665J. Eliot Commun. Ch. Pref., A few copies of this small script are printed.1690Evelyn Let. Aug. in Pepys' Diary (1879) VI. 168 This hasty script is to acquaint you that [etc.].1722Hearne's Collect. (O.H.S.) VII. 315 He delivered to me a Parchment Script..the words of which Script here follow.1781W. Pollard Let. to Dr. Parr 25 Feb. in P.'s Wks. (1828) VIII. 383, I once more repeat, that any script of paper assuring me of your welfare will give me the greatest satisfaction.1879E. Arnold Lt. Asia viii. ad fin., Forgive this feeble script, which doth thee wrong, Measuring with little wit thy lofty Love.1900Contemp. Rev. Mar. 374 The green banner with its script of gold.
fig.1891Harper's Mag. Mar. 534/2 A beardless face, full of the script of years.
2. a. Handwriting, the characters used in hand-writing (as distinguished from print). Also attrib., as in script hand, script letter.
1860S. S. Haldeman Analyt. Orthogr. iii. 25 Script and printing are essentially different.1865M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 86 The press in each country..reproduced exactly the script-hand of each country.1885‘S. Luska’ As it was written 184 The writing is German Script.1887(title) Script Letters for Perforating and Sewing.1899Hutton in Life of H. Calderwood (1900) 288 It was written in full on a sheet of ship paper in his own clear script.
b. Typogr. (In full script type.) A kind of type devised to imitate the appearance of handwriting.
1838Timperley Printers' Man. 63 Script Type. Script was in former times called Cursive.1841W. Savage Dict. Printing 751 Since 1820 the English letter founders have produced a variety of beautiful Scripts of different sizes.1846Wood & Sharwood's Spec. Bk. Type, Great Primer Script, cast on a common Square Body.
c. Used attrib. of systems of shorthand which resemble longhand in general appearance and in the movements of the hand that are required.
1888(title) Science Victorious!.. Published by the Script Phonography Co. of Scotland.Ibid. 7 Shorthand constructed on the Script or one-slope principle.1907Daily Chron. 16 July 6/6 The shorthand was Mr. Malone's script system.
d. A style of handwriting resembling typography, both in the shape of the characters and in their not being joined together. In full script-writing; cf. print-script s.v. print n. 16 a. (Freq. used in the teaching of young children.)
1920C. W. Kimmins in Child Study Dec. 18 These norms for cursive writing were obtained from London children with the same words and under the same conditions as those for script-writing.1937R. Tanner Lettering for Children 9 A..more profitable method is..to use the infants' school script to form a simple running italic hand.1948H. K. F. Gull From Two to Seven Plus v. 146 It is not necessary to discuss the relative values of script and cursive writing, for to-day script is almost universal in the infant school.1955P. Rudland (title) From scribble to script.1959J. C. Gagg Beginning Three R's xii. 83 Both the ‘Marion Richardson’ script and ‘Italic’ are found in infant schools also, in unjoined forms.1966D. E. M. Gardner Experiment & Tradition in Primary Schools iv. 156 This scale shows specimens of children's writing in script and also in cursive hand.
3. A kind of writing, a system of alphabetical or other written characters.
1883Sayce Fresh Lt. fr. Anc. Monum. i. 15 The inscriptions of Nineveh turned out to be written in the same language and form of cuneiform script.1883I. Taylor Alphabet I. 268 Thus both scripts were probably employed concurrently for a considerable period.1899Athenæum 26 Aug. 277/2 A..knowledge of Japanese, especially of its complicated scripts.1909Expositor May 437 Recent excavation has carried the history of the use of the Babylonian script in Palestine a little further.
4. Law. ‘The original or principal instrument, where there are part and counterpart’. Cf. rescript.
1856Bouvier Amer. Law Dict. (ed. 6) s.v. Part, Covenants were formerly made in a script and rescript, or part and counterpart.
5. a. In theatrical parlance, short for manuscript. (Written 'script.)
1897Westm. Gaz. 13 May 10/1 Hearing of the success of the play from a friend, Macready wrote asking to see the 'script.1900Ibid. 22 Mar. 10/1 Mrs. Campbell has had the 'script of ‘Tess’ on her hands for quite a while.
b. The typescript of a cinema or television film; the text of a broadcast announcement, talk, play, or other material.
1931P. Dixon Radio Writing i. 5 It is a curious craft—writing for radio. There is little glory.., for..network regulations forbid mentioning the name of the author of a script.1931Writer May 170/1 It is also noted for the guidance of competitors that entries should take the form of a rough shooting script.1942Punch 11 Feb. 112/1 Time was I loved it not, the mystic microphone. In some confined and subterranean crypt, Cooped with its faceless visage and my script, I did my stuff.1952A. Huxley Let. 22 Mar. (1969) 643, I am just about to start work on the script of a film on Gandhi.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio ii. 34 (caption) Microphone Position. Showing a good position for speech, with head well up (and not too close). Script also held up and to side of microphone.1976Encounter June 54/2 In his preface to the scripts, however..he dissociated himself from these films.1980S. Brett Dead Side of Mike vi. 60 He had read his [radio] script... He didn't find it particularly funny... Charles had made a brief journey into television comedy. He hadn't found much of that script very funny either.
fig.1954Sun (Baltimore) 15 May 26/1 Another ‘near perfect’ murder with a script paralleling Baltimore's Grammer case.1968Wall St. Jrnl. (Eastern ed.) 28 Feb. 13 It's easy to think of a dozen different scripts for events of the next few weeks.
c. transf. in Social Psychol. The social role or behaviour appropriate to particular situations, esp. of a sexual nature, that an individual absorbs through his culture and association with others.
1968Simon & Gagnon in Etc. June 175 All human sexual experience is scripted behavior. Without the proper elements of a script that defines the situation, names the actors, and plots the behavior, little is likely to happen... The scripts we bring to such [interpersonal] encounters are most typically non-sexual.1973Sexual Conduct (1974) i. 19 The term script might properly be invoked to describe virtually all human behavior in the sense that there is very little that can in a full measure be called spontaneous.1979Luria & Rose Psychol. Human Sexuality iv. 111 Boys learn a different script from girls.
6. An examinee's written answer paper or papers.
1923P. B. Ballard New Examiner i. 27 The man who sets an examination paper will ‘knock it off’ in an hour or two, but the man who reads the scripts will have to toil over them for days.1936C. L. Burt in Hartog & Rhodes Marks of Examiners 294 The assumption that those correlations are due solely to the common influence of the true value of the scripts.1961J. P. Tuck in Gen. Cert. Educ. 8 In each case scripts which had already been marked we re-allotted to other examiners.1978H. Carpenter Inklings iii. iii. 136 He has written it on the back of old examination scripts.
7. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 5) script conference, script editor (also script-edit vb. trans.), script-reader, script supervisor, script unit, script-writer, script-writing; script clerk, girl orig. Cinemat., an assistant to the film director, who takes details of scenes filmed and performs other administrative functions; also in Broadcasting.
1927Current Hist. Apr. 63/2 With scenarios in hand the script clerk (always a woman, because of the feminine aptitude for detail) takes down in shorthand everything that occurs.
1950‘E. Crispin’ Frequent Hearses iv. 35 It's a role which gets more and more etiolated..as one script conference follows another.1977M. Babson Murder, Murder, Little Star vi. 42 Turning back into the script conference, his voice rose.
1968Punch 13 Nov. 684/2 I'm script-editing a marvellous new television serial.
1959W. S. Sharps Dict. Cinematogr. 127/2 Script editor,..the person responsible in a film production organization for finding, selecting and adapting suitable script material.1974Radio Times 14 Mar. 33/4 A comedy series..Script editor John Chapman.
1928Sat. Even. Post 3 Mar. 5/3 It was Miss Donovan, the script girl, a friend of many years.1951R. Benchley My Ten Years in Quandary 82 A girl, known as the ‘script-girl’, holds the book of the picture and is supposed to check up.1980L. St. Clair Obsessions v. 110 The..script girl..dashed into Mimeo with a stack of scripts.
1956B.B.C. Handbk. 1957 78 A number of specialist script-readers and adapters.
1957M. Kennedy Heroes of Clone ii. i. 14 She's supposed to be the Script Supervisor's secretary but she really runs the whole Department.1965B.B.C. Handbk. 203 All television scripts should be submitted to: Script Supervisor, Television, BBC Television Centre.
1956Ibid. 1957 78 A Script Unit which deals with the 200–300 scripts and texts submitted every month.1966Writing for B.B.C. iv. 13 Scripts are handled centrally by a Script Unit, consisting of a script editor and a number of assistants.
1915C. J. Caine How to write Photoplays 105 A script writer should make it a point to see that wherever a leader is broken into a scene it is not only absolutely necessary, but also somewhat of a help to the artistic value of the scenario.1939L. Jacobs Rise of Amer. Film xvii. 327 The best scenarists in the industry were..the long-experienced motion picture script writers.1948E. Waugh Loved One 4 Sir Francis, in prime middle-age, was then the only knight in Hollywood, the doyen of English society, chief script-writer in Megalopolitan Pictures and President of the Cricket Club.1964M. McLuhan Understanding Media ii. xxx. 299 The resonating dimension of radio is unheeded by the script writers.1972Guardian 9 Feb. 12/3 The whole team, including directors, studio managers, script writers, cameramen.1980G. Greene Doctor Fischer of Geneva xvi. 123, I wrote it myself. Not the script writer or the director. It came to me suddenly..on the set.
1945‘G. Orwell’ in New Saxon Pamphlets iii. 38 Films that are all wrong from the bureaucratic point of view will always have a tendency to appear. So also with painting, photography, script-writing, reportage.1972Guardian 24 June 9/4 Script writing is full of communication tricks; the walk to the door, the slow turn, then: ‘Oh, and by the way―’.

Add:[5.] d. Artificial Intelligence. A formalized description of a commonly occurring situation, consisting of facts or events which are usually interdependent, which is intended to assist comprehension (usu. by a machine) of esp. textual descriptions of such a situation in which not all the details are made explicit.
1975R. C. Schank in Bobrow & Collins Representation & Understanding ix. 264 Some of the episodes which occur in memory serve to organize and make sense of new inputs. These episodic sequences we call scripts.1977Schank & Abelson Scripts, Plans, Goals & Understandings iii. 38 The first special mechanism must be able to recognize that a script—a standard event sequence—has been mentioned.1983Brown & Yule Discourse Analysis vii. 245 Some empirical research has shown that treating scripts as ‘action stereotypes’..for people's knowledge of routine activities can produce experimental results to support the views of Schank and his collaborators.1987Austral. Personal Computer Dec. 131/3 The script also contains other information, such as what kinds of people or things are found in the restaurant, and what types of actions these people or things are allowed to do.

Computing. A program, esp. a short or simple one, in the form of a sequence of commands stored in a text file that is executable as it stands, without having to be compiled.
1978P. D. Lebling Request for Comments (Network Working Group) (Electronic text) No. 751. 2 Complete ftp scripts may be found, if you are interested, on mtm-dm.1988ICL Techn. Jrnl. 6 167 The elementary User Interface Subsystem which currently exists is a unix shell script.1997Internet Mag. Jan. 116/1 Although cookies can be included in static html documents, they're most often generated on-the-fly by a cgi script.2000L. Wall et al. Programming Perl (ed. 3) i. 17 You can use the following script to gather all their scores together, determine each student's average, and print them all out in alphabetical order.

script kiddy n. (chiefly in form script kiddie) Computing slang (depreciative) an unsophisticated or unskilled computer programmer who engages in malicious acts (such as violating computer security, or attempting to disrupt or damage computer systems or networks), typically by using existing computer scripts (lacking the expertise to write his or her own).
1996Phoenix, AZ 2600 Meeting Friday June 7 in alt.2600 (Usenet newsgroup) 4 June From the elite hacker..to the dufus *script kiddie,..come one, come all and hang with us.1999Express (Nexis) 26 Oct. Automated hacking programs are freely available and numerous sites reveal security flaws... This allows ‘script kiddies’—inexperienced hackers—to break into networks once impregnable to all but accomplished experts.2004N.Y. Times 8 Feb. 31/1 Script kiddies often have only a dim idea of how the code works and little concern for how a digital plague can rage out of control.
II. script, n.2 Obs.
[Var. of scrip n.4]
= scrip n.4 1.
1768Tucker Lt. Nat. II. iii. 374 The Bank of England give no interest upon their notes, whereas the Bank of the Universe improve what we have lying there to immense advantage, far beyond what could be made in Script by any Jew or clerk in the secretary office let into secrets.
III. script, n.3 slang (orig. U.S.).|skrɪpt|
Shortened form of prescription 2, esp. one for narcotic drugs. Cf. scrip n.5
1951Even. Sun (Baltimore) 27 Mar. 4/1 He [sc. a drug-addict] may have found he could acquire prescriptions, or ‘script’ from a doctor who had his price.1953W. Burroughs Junkie iii. 40, I got a codeine script from an old doctor by putting down a story about migraine headaches.1972J. Brown Chancer ii. 33 You're just like a bloody junkie I know. Gets his script at mid-day every day, then works his fixes out.1980J. Winchester Solitary Man xiv. 136 He completed the script and handed it across the desk.
IV. script, v.|skrɪpt|
[f. script n.1]
trans. To adapt (a story, novel, etc.) for broadcasting or filming; to write the script for (a broadcast or film). Also absol. and fig. Hence ˈscripting vbl. n.
1935in A. P. Herbert What a Word! ii. 58 The original story has been scripted by L. du Garde Peach.1940Writer's Jrnl. Oct. 8/1 Charles Martin is again scripting for radio.1958Oxf. Mag. 6 Mar. 354 There are two bit parts..which have been scripted with far more thought than parts of that size usually receive.1959Observer 22 Mar. 22/7 Cunning scripting, polished production and team-work added up to snug fireside entertainment.1960K. Amis New Maps of Hell (1961) iii. 67 A British writer who has since scripted two rather..horrific science-fiction films.1974J. Wainwright Hard Hit 17 It must be hell scripting a book like that for the screen.1977O. Schell China (1978) i. 22 And then, as if scripted by my own thoughts, a European woman walks through this flow of Chinese faces.1980Times Lit. Suppl. 26 Sept. 1062/2 Garbo's talking version [of Anna Karenina]..was rather grandly scripted by Clemence Dane, Salka Viertel and S. N. Behrman.




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