

单词 burgeoning
释义 I. burgeoning, vbl. n.|ˈbɜːdʒənɪŋ|
[f. burgeon v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of budding or sprouting: also fig.
c1400Primer in Maskell Mon. Rit. II. 24 Thou ȝeldist with hooly buriownynge.1616Markham Countr. Farm iii. xlvi. 401 It keepeth the tree from growing and rising, which is the same that we call bourgening.1878B. Taylor Deukalion ii. v. 91 April burgeoning of sunny locks.
2. concr. A bud, a growing shoot, a branch; also transf. offspring. Obs.
a1340Hampole Psalter 513 As rayne on herbe, and as droppis on burionyngis.1382Wyclif Matt. xxiii. 33 Ȝee..fruytis, or buriownyngus, of eddris.1618Sheph. Kal. (1656) xlvii, Thou ugly beast, Which of the Wines the burgenings doth eat.
II. ˈburgeoning, ppl. a.
[f. burgeon v. + -ing2.]
That buds or sprouts.
1382Wyclif Wisd. xix. 7 A buriounende feeld.1635Heywood Hierarch. iii. 150 It is still greene and burgeoning.1886Standard 17 May, Sitting on bench and chair under the burgeoning trees.




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