

单词 pussy
释义 I. pussy, n.|ˈpʊsɪ|
Also 6–8 -ie, 8 -ey; Sc. poussie, poosie.
[f. puss n.1 + -y dim. suffix.]
1. A cat: used much in the same way as puss n.1, but more as a common noun and less as a call-word.
1726Mrs. Delany in Life & Corr. (1862) 124 My new pussey is..white,..with black spots.1821Clare Vill. Minstr., Sorrows Fav. Cat vi, Ah mice, rejoice!.. 'Tis yours to triumph, mine's the woe, Now pussy's dead.1870E. Peacock Ralf Skirl III. 144 A saucer of milk put on the rug for pussy.1889J. K. Jerome Idle Thoughts 119 He strokes the cat quite gently, and calls it ‘poor pussy’.
2. a. Used as a proper name for the hare: cf. puss n.1 2. Also (Austral.), a rabbit.
1715T. Cave Let. 26 Oct. in M. M. Verney Verney Lett. of 18th Cent. (1930) I. xvii. 342 The Dog is very young and has seen but few Pussies, but..I doubt not of his having Appear'd a profess'd enemy to your Hares by this Time.1785Burns 1st Ep. J. Lepraik 3 Paitricks scraichan loud at e'en, And morning Poosie [v.r. poussie] whiddan seen.1790Tam o' Shanter 195 As open pussie's mortal foes, When, pop! she starts before their nose.1821Clare Vill. Minstr., Autumn xxxii, Poor pussy through the stubble flies.1841J. T. J. Hewlett Parish Clerk II. 15 Away went pussy for her home.1941Baker Dict. Austral. Slang 58 Pussy, a rabbit.
b. A humorous name for a tiger: cf. puss n.1 2 b.
1873Routledge's Yng. Gentl. Mag. 535, I should have liked to have potted a pussy, particularly such a blood⁓thirsty brute as this one seems to be.
3. a. Applied to a girl or woman: cf. puss n.1 3. Also, a finicky, old-maidish, or effeminate boy or man; a homosexual.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. (1877) i. 97 You shall haue euery sawcy boy..to catch vp a woman & marie her... So he haue his pretie pussie to huggle withall, it forceth not.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xvi, ‘What do you think, pussy?’ said her father to Eva.1870Dickens E. Drood ii, I'd Pussy you, young man, if I was Pussy, as you call her.1925S. Lewis Martin Arrowsmith vi. 65 You ought to hear some of the docs that are the sweetest old pussies with their patients—the way they bawl out the nurses.1932A. Christie Thirteen Problems xi. 193 The dame de compagnie, you described, I think, as a pussy, Mrs. Bantry?’ ‘I didn't mean a cat, you know,’ said Mrs. Bantry. ‘It's quite different. Just a big soft white purry person. Always very sweet.’1941N or M? iii. 38 Old boarding-house pussies. Nothing to do but gossip and knit.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §405/2 Pussy, an effeminate boy.1952M. Tripp Faith is Windsock iv. 73 ‘Your rear gunner is a hit with the ladies.’ ‘Jake knows how to make the pussies purr; it's an old Jamaican custom.’a1957J. Cary Captive & Free (1959) x. 50 Some of those old pussies, especially the males, are just longing to put you in a corner.1958L. Durrell Mountolive viii. 157 ‘I first met Henry James in a brothel in Algiers. He had a naked houri on each knee.’ ‘Henry James was a pussy, I think.’
b. A person who lives in another's house as an inmate; a ‘house-cat’.
1904M. Corelli God's Good Man xxi, I shall invite Roxmouth and his tame pussy, Mr. Marius Longford.
4. a. In childish speech applied to something soft and furry, as a fur necklet, a willow or hazel catkin, etc.
1858Zoologist XVI. 5858 Little children call their warm neck-comforters by the name of ‘pussies’.1882Garden 4 Feb. 77/1 These catkins, ‘pussies’, and ‘lambs'-tails’, as the country people call them.
b. Criminals' slang. A fur garment.
1937‘D. Hume’ Halfway to Horror 4 Those who steal furs handle them as ‘pussies’.1960Observer 25 Jan. 5/2 If it was tom or pussies (furs) it was probably one of the big buyers.1972J. Wainwright Night is Time to Die 129 The coat... Ten to one, a fur coat, and there was always somebody ready to lift a pussy.1973‘B. Graeme’ Two & Two make Five vii. 66 From one house they stole every piece of Regency silver..from another..they restricted themselves to jewellery, toms and pussies.
5. pussy-wants-a-corner, an American name for puss in the corner: see puss n.1 5.
1897Gen. H. Porter Campaigning w. Grant in Cent. Mag. Jan. 349/2 [The manœuvres] now became more like the play of pussy-wants-a-corner.
6. The female pudendum. Hence, sexual intercourse; women considered sexually. to eat pussy, of a man: to engage in sexual intercourse or cunnilingus. coarse slang.
1879–80Pearl (1970) 268 Her legs are wide open showing the red lips and clitoris of her pussey.1913L. Strachey Ermyntrude & Esmeralda (1969) ii. 12 I'm also sure that it's got something to do with the thing between our legs that I always call my Pussy.1922F. Harris My Life & Loves I. iii. 61 By thinking of Lucille and her soft, hot, hairy ‘pussy’, I grew randy again.1940C. McCullers Heart is Lonely Hunter i. iii. 37 She crossed over to the opposite wall and wrote a very bad word—pussy.1959N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 98 This is the magical evil of the big city, but he is wary of being taken in: ‘I come to see pussy..and I ain't seen pussy yet.’1962J. Baldwin Another Country i. i. 63 You wouldn't be putting that white prick in no more black pussy.1965‘A. Hall’ Berlin Memorandum xi. 105 You go to town on the tits and pussy, symbolising carnality till it moans.1967M. McClure Freewheelin Frank i. 8 When we talk about eating pussy we make it sound as dirty and vulgar as possible.1973A. Powell Temporary Kings v. 258 Louis's stuffed a charming little cushion with hair snipped from the pussies of ladies he's had.1976J. O'Connor Eleventh Commandment v. 70 He killed about five prostitutes, cut them to pieces and stuffed various objects up their pussies.1978J. Krantz Scruples ii. 21 There was nothing, he had discovered, like flying a girl away for a weekend to insure as much pussy as you could eat.1979Maclean's Mag. 12 Mar. 25/3 As one blonde in a black leather coat bluntly replied, ‘I sell pussy, not opinions.’
7. a. attrib. or as adj. Soft and furry like a cat: cf. 4. Also fig. Cf. also sense 3.
1842Amer. Pioneer I. 182, I walked up very carelessly among the soldiers..and concluded they could never fight with us. They appeared to me to be too pussy.1863Kingsley Water Bab. v. (1886) 236 She was the most nice, soft,..pussy, cuddly, delicious creature who ever nursed a baby.Ibid. 241 Little boys..who have kind pussy mammas to cuddle them.1930D. L. Sayers Strong Poison xvi. 197 Mrs. Pegler, a very stout, pussy old lady with a long tongue (!)
b. Comb., as pussy-baudrons (Sc.); pussy bow = pussy-cat bow; pussy four-corners = puss in the corner s.v. puss n.1 5; pussy hair slang, a woman's pubic hair; pussy-hoisting slang, stealing fur garments; pussy mob slang, a gang of fur thieves; pussy palm, = palm n.1 4 and pussy-willow; pussy posse U.S. slang (see quot. 1963); pussy power (see quots.); pussy-talk, feminine gossip; pussy-whip v. trans. (slang), = hen-peck v.
1894Crockett Raiders 52 Innocent as *pussy⁓bawdrons thinking on the cream-jug.
1972Times 28 July 10/1 His satin faconne shirts tie in a neat *pussy bow.
1922Joyce Ulysses 477 He plays *pussy fourcorners with ragged boys and girls.
1972R. D. Abrahams in T. Kochman Rappin' & Stylin' Out 231 When the pepper tree begin to bear It burn off all of Jennifer' *pussy hair.1975R. H. Rimmer Premar Experiments i. 68 The wild disarray of your pussy hair beneath your panties.
1962Parker & Allerton Courage of his Convictions i. 82 Then I got three years for *pussy-hoisting from a warehouse in the City.
1967M. Procter Exercise Hoodwink xiii. 91 He became the wheel man of a ‘*pussy’ mob... The Flying Squad caught him with a car load of stolen furs.
1936N. Streatfeild Ballet Shoes ix. 134 The catkins and *pussy palm showed there would not be much more winter.1978Guardian Weekly 26 Mar. 19/1 They used to start coming in April like the returning swallows and house martins. Then they arrived for the daffodils and pussy palm.
1963R. I. McDavid Mencken's Amer. Lang. xi. 730 *Pussy posse, the vice squad.1973Times 22 Mar. 8/7 The police do their best. They have special teams of detectives (known as pussy posses) who mount drives against the girls.
1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 126 Women in America are reported to be manipulating their menfolk by *pussy-power, which is wheedling and caressing, instead of challenging.1970New York 16 Nov. 48/1 Her specialty at political meetings was the Pussy Power speech. With it Elaine Brown originated the concept that a woman's function is to use her body to entice men into the Panther Party.
1937Auden & MacNeice Lett. from Iceland xii. 161 It looks like a week of *pussy-talk.
1963Amer. Speech XXXVIII. 173 One informant noted that a male..is said to be *pussy whipped, a term one of the authors recalls having heard in the Navy in 1956.1973C. & R. Milner Black Players vi. 161 White men (and square Blacks) are thought to be ‘pussy-whipped’ by their wives.1978J. Krantz Scruples viii. 230 Some men are pussy whipped from the day they are born, some have it happen to them later in life, some never.

Add:[7.] [b.] pussy('s)-toes U.S., any of various woolly plants of the genus Antennaria; spec. the mouse-ear (mouse-ear n. 4 c) or ladies'-tobacco, A. plantaginifolia.
1892F. D. Bergen in Jrnl. Amer. Folk-Lore V. xvii. 98 Antennaria plantaginifolia... pussy's toes.1949Chicago Tribune 9 Jan. vi. 5/7 In early summer, one may see blue, white and yellow violets,..pussy-toes, salt and pepper, poppies..and wild columbine.1975New Yorker 7 Apr. 44/1 They harvest the old flower heads at random. Boneset, Saint-John's-wort, common everlasting, pussytoes.1985R. M. Stern Wildfire i. i. 5 White pussy-toes and yellow meadow cinque-foil clung to rock and what soil there was.
II. pussy, v.|ˈpʊsɪ|
[f. the n.]
intr. (With advbs.) To behave or move like a cat (see also quot. 1973).
1943K. Tennant Ride on Stranger xi. 134 Buzz off, Pop. You don't want to be pussying around.1952C. Armstrong Black-Eyed Stranger ii. 17 He came pussying up.1973‘J. Patrick’ Glasgow Gang Observed 235 Pussyin' aroun', playing about, mostly used in a sexual context.
III. pussy, a.1|ˈpʌsɪ|
[f. pus n. + -y.]
Full of pus.
18..Med. News LIII. 695 The most pussy gland ruptured during extrication.
IV. pussy, a.2, pussel, a.|ˈpʌsɪ, ˈpʌsəl|
Also pussle, puzzle.
Chiefly U.S. dial. corruptions of pursy a.1 Mainly in pussy-, pussel-gutted adjs., corpulent, obese; also pussy-, pussel-gut, a corpulent stomach; (pl.) a fat person (see also quot. 19761); hence pussel-gut v. trans. (nonce), to render obese.
1844‘J. Slick’ High Life in N.Y. II. 89 As..pussy as a turkey-gobbler.Ibid. 92 As pussy and pompous as a prize pig jest afore killing time.1886F. T. Elworthy W. Somerset Word-bk. 598 What a pussy old fuller th'old Zaddler White's a-come; I can min' un when he used to go a-courtin, a slim young spark.1892S. Hewett Peasant Speech Devon 115 'Er's drefful pussy tü-day, an can't walk vast nur var.1906Dialect Notes III. 152 Pussy-gutted, adj., corpulent. ‘He's terrible pussy-gutted.’1907Ibid. 197 Pussy.., adj., corpulent. ‘He didn't use to be so pussy.’1909Ibid. 361 Pussle-gutted, adj., same as pussy-gutted.Ibid., Pussy-gutted, adj., corpulent, having a large abdomen. Often used as a term of contempt. ‘You low-lifed, pussy-gutted scounderl.’Ibid. 402 Pussy guts, n. phr., a corpulent man. ‘See that old pussy guts.’1933M. K. Rawlings South Moon Under xiii. 133 Sort o' pussle-gutted, eh?1935W. Faulkner As I lay Dying 10 You pussel-gutted bastard.Ibid. 35 He has pussel-gutted himself eating cold greens.1942Z. N. Hurston Dust Tracks on Road viii. 143 Goat-bellied, puzzle-gutted,..knock-kneed..so-and-so.1946Amer. Speech XXI. 99 A body who has gained weight enough to show signs of obesity is said to be fleshy or pussy (pursy).1949‘J. Nelson’ Backwoods Teacher ix. 88 A lantern-jawed ol' varmint with a big golden watch chain acrost his ol' pussy-gut.1959W. Faulkner Mansion 55 Old pussel-gutted Hampton that could be fetched along to look at anything, even a murder, once somebody remembered he was Sheriff.1976C. S. Brown Gloss. Faulkner's South 157 In northern Florida, the pot-bellied little mosquito-fish, or gambusia, is called the pusselgut.1976N.Y. Times Mag. 10 Oct. 111/2 All watched over by a savage God, by the dead and by pussel-gutted deputies.




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