

单词 busily
释义 busily, adv.|ˈbɪzɪlɪ|
Forms: 3 busiliche, (superl. bisilukest), 3–5 bisiliche, 4 bysely, bysily, bisili, bisyly, besaly, besiliche, (compar. bisiloker), 4–5 bysyly, bisily, besily, 4–6 besyly, 4–7 besely, 5 besele, besselyche, bysiliche, bysylyche, (compar. besilier), 6 bisilye, buisyly(e, busely(e, busilie, 4, 6– busily.
[f. busy a. + -ly2.]
1. With fixed attention; carefully, heedfully; attentively, intently; with attention to details; particularly, minutely, ‘curiously’. Obs.
c1205Lay. 4473 His cnihtes..laien bi þan brimme and bisilichen [c 1275 busiliche] hit wisten.a1300Cato Major iv. 35 Let not o Bok bisiliche Beo lernynge euer-more.c1325E.E. Allit. P. B. 1446 Wyth besten blod busily anoynted.1382Wyclif Matt. ii. 7, 8 Than Herode, bisily lernyde of hem the tyme of the sterre..And he..saide, Go ȝee, and axe ȝee bisily of the chyld.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 997 He loked besily Upon the child.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. C ij/2 He demanded more besilier after hym.a1520Myrr. Our Ladye 225 How besely she was to kepe her tongue.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 344 It is in the 3. of Kings, very busily set downe.
b. Anxiously, solicitously. Obs.
c1400in Pol. Rel. & L. Poems (1866) 234 Here we liue bisiliche wit strong sorwe & care.
2. Earnestly, fervently, eagerly, importunately.
c1340Cursor M. 17710 (Trin.) Bisili to god preyonde.c1375Lay-Folks Mass-Bk. B. 14 We blesse þe bisyly.c1460Towneley Myst. 26 Pray for me besele.1534Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) B b ij, My wife..busily praied me to kepe it.1621Bolton Stat. Irel. (11 Eliz.) 316 Dermot Mac Morche..went..to the said king Henry, and him besely besought of succour.
3. So as to be fully occupied: diligently, industriously, assiduously, energetically.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1067 About worldisshe thynges þai here travaile Ful bysily.1447–8J. Shillingford Lett. (1871) 3 Have full bisily labored to make an answere to the articulys.1508Fisher Wks. i. (E.E.T.) 58 He shoulde haue resysted..more besyly.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, v. v. 38 Northumberland, and the Prelate Scroope..are busily in Armes.1736Butler Anal. vii. 142 This little scene of human life, in which we are so busily engaged.1798Southey To Spider, Busily our needful food to win, We work.1866Kingsley Herew. x, The old Lapp nurse sat..sewing busily.
b. Actively, briskly.
1513Bradshaw St. Werburge (1848) 1 Byrdes besely syngynge.1843Carlyle Past & Pr. ii. vii. (1872) 65 St. Edmundsbury..is a busily fermenting place.1860Tyndall Glac. i. §11. 72 The stars..twinkled busily.




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