

单词 buysine
释义 buysine Obs.
Also 4 bosyne, 5 buys(s)yne, 5–6 bussyne, 6 bussynne, busyn.
[a. OF. bosine, buisine trumpet, clarion, ad. L. buccina.]
A trumpet.
1340Ayenb. 137 Þe ilke orible bosyne him went to þe yeare: ‘com to þine dome’.1475Caxton Jason 29 Jason did do sowne..cornes sarasins, buysines and other instruments.1490Eneydos xlviii. 141 Thenne beganne the bussynes and the trompettes for to blowe.c1530Ld. Berners Arth. Lyt. Bryt. (1814) 232 Than began hornes and bussynnes to blowe.c1532Huon 472 The noyse of hornes and busyns.




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