

单词 sea-bream
释义 ˈsea-bream
1. A name applied to several sparoid fishes, esp. Pagellus centrodontus.
1530Palsgr. 269/1 See breame a fysshe.1613R. Harcourt Voy. Guiana 30 Of Sea-fish, there is Sea-breame, Mullet, Sole [etc.].1620Shelton Quix. ii. xi. 64 Thou saydst she had eyes of Pearles, and such eyes are rather the eies of a Sea-Breame then a faire Dames.1672J. Josselyn New-Eng. Rarities 95 Sea Bream, which are plentifully taken upon the Sea Coasts, their Eyes are accounted rare Meat, whereupon the proverbial comparison, It is worth a Sea Breams Eye.1752J. Hill Hist. Anim. 253 The reddish Sparus.., The Sea-bream.1840Cuvier's Anim. Kingd. 297 Sparidæ (the Sea-bream Family).1896Roy. Nat. Hist. (ed. Lydekker) V. 347 The black sea-bream (Cantharus lineatus) of the British seas.
2. Applied to the coryphænoid genus Brama.
1710Sibbald Fife & Kinross 53 Brama Marina nostras, the Sea-Bream.1891Century Dict.




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