

单词 sea-hen
释义 ˈsea-hen
1. A name for the piper-gurnard, Trigla lyra, and the lump-fish, Cyclopterus lumpus.[Cf. G. seehahn (= ‘sea-cock’), applied to both fishes.] 1611Cotgr., Poullarde, the Sea-henne; a fish.1684Sibbald Scotia Illustr. ii. II. 24 Lyra, quibusdam the Crowner, aliis ex nostratibus the Sea-Hen.1892H. A. Macpherson Vertebr. Fauna of Lakeland 480 The fisher⁓men of the English Solway generally apply the title of ‘Sea hen’ to this species [Cyclopterus lumpus].
2. A local name for the common guillemot, Uria troile, and the great skua, Stercorarius catarrhactes.
a1672Willughby Ornith. iii. iii. iv. (1676) 244 Northumbris & Dunelmensibus, a Guillemot or Sea-hen.1852Macgillivray Brit. Birds V. 318 Uria Troile. Foolish Guillemot... Sea-hen.1879Kumlien Contrib. Nat. Hist. Arctic Amer. 94 Buphagus skua... ‘Sea-hen’ of whalemen.




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