

单词 sea-lion
释义 ˈsea-lion
1. A kind of lobster or crab (see lion n. 8).
1601Holland Pliny xxxii. xi. II. 452 Sea Lions, which haue cleies or armes in manner of Crabfishes, but in other respects resembling Locusts.
2. A fabulous animal. In Her. (see quot. 1780).
1661Tatham in Heath Grocer's Comp. (1869) 478 In the Reare..are placed two Sea Lyons riding on the surface of the water, and on their backs two Trytons playing on retorted Pipes or Hornes antique, agreeable with the Musick of Neptune.1780Edmondson Heraldry II. Gloss., Sea-lion. The upper part is formed like that of a lion, and the lower part like the tail of a fish... Sometimes they are drawn erect, and on their tails; and then they are blazoned as follows: Sea-lions erect on their tails.
3. One of several large eared seals:
a. (a) the largest otary of the North Pacific, Otaria (Eumetopias) stelleri, Steller's or the Northern sea-lion; (b) the Southern or Patagonian sea-lion, Otaria jubata; (c) the Zalophus lobatus of Australian seas, also the distinct species Z. californianus of the North Pacific.
1697W. Dampier Voy. I. 90 The Sea Lion is a large creature about 12 or 14 foot long.1748Anson's Voy. ii. i. 124 A sailor..employed in skinning a young sea-lion.187.Cassell's Nat. Hist. II. 226 White-necked Otary, or Australian Sea-Lion [Otaria albicollis].Ibid., The Patagonian Sea Lion, or Cook's Otary [Otaria jubata].1880H. W. Elliott Rep. Seal Isl. Alaska (1884) 84 The northern sea⁓lion, Eumetopias Stelleri.
b. transf. [tr. G. seelöwe.] In full, Operation Sea-lion, the code name for the German plan to invade the United Kingdom after the fall of France in the war of 1939–45. (Announced by Hitler in July 1940 and cancelled in October of that year.)
1949W. S. Churchill Their Finest Hour xiv. 261 Our excellent Intelligence confirmed that the operation ‘Sea Lion’ had been definitely ordered by Hitler.1951F. H. Hinsley Hitler's Strategy iv. 83 In his [sc. Hitler's] mind ‘Sea Lion’ was never more than a colossal bluff.Ibid. x. 191 The final cancellation of operation ‘Sea Lion’..was less important for itself than as an indication of the state of mind to which Hitler had already been reduced.1978D. Kyle Black Camelot xi. 178 Heydrich..must have obtained Raeder's copy after Sea Lion was cancelled.
Hence sea-lioness, a female sea-lion. Obs. rare.
1750Parsons in Phil. Trans. XLVII. 111 But, if a shew⁓man gives out, that his animal is a sea-lioness, he will easily report any other absurdity.1771tr. Pernety's Voy. Malouine Isl. (1773) 186 M. Guyot brought..five sea-lionesses.




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