

单词 bysen
释义 I. ˈbysen, n. Obs. exc. Sc. and north. dial.
Forms: 1 býsen, bisine, 1–4 bisen, 2–3 bisne, 3 bisin, 4 bysine, -yne, 5 bysyn (bysynt), 6–7 bysin, 9 bison, byzen, bysen.
[partly OE. býsen example; but the later use is exclusively northern, and apparently from the cognate ON. býsn wonder, portentous thing. See also bysym.]
1. An example, a pattern.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. John xiii. 15 Bisen [Rushw. bisine] forðon ic salde iuh.c1175Lamb Hom. 5 Godalmihti..sette us bisne.c1230Hali Meid. 45 After þe bisne of þat eadi meiden.a1240Sawles Warde in Cott. Hom. 245 Ure lauerd..teacheð us þurh a bisne.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1027 Þe bodys of þe world..Shewes us for bisens..How we suld serve God.
2. Something monstrous or portentous; a shocking sight, sorry spectacle, disgraceful thing.
a1455Holland Houlate ix, I am nytherit ane Owll..Bysyn of all birdis that euer body bure.a1600Montgomerie Sonn. xxxiv, Fy, lothsome lyfe! Fy, death, that dou not [serve me] Bot quik and dedd a bysin thow must [preserve me].1803R. Anderson Cumberld. Ball. 63 She's a shem and a byzen to aw the heale town.1874Waugh Jannock ii. 13 in Lanc. Gloss. (E.D.S.), It'll be a sham an' a bizen, if we cannot find him a menseful of a dinner.
3. attrib. or as adj. Monstrous, shocking, conspicuously bad or disgraceful.
c1375? Barbour St. Mathias 29 He sal be a bysyne mane For his ill to al þat spek cane.St. Catherine 945, & mak a bysine wyf of þe.c1425Wyntoun Cron. vi. xiii. 59 (Jam.) Eftyre that he wes broucht on bere Til a bysynt best all lyke.1863Robson Bards of Tyne 504 A bison sight..The warst that e'er you saw.
II. ˈbysen, v. Obs.
[OE. býsenian, býsnian, f. býsen; see prec. Cf. also ON. býsna to portend, bode.]
1. a. To set an example to; only in OE.b. To afford an example or type of, typify, betoken.
a1000K. ælfred Boeth. xxxiii. §4 Ne bisnode þe nan man, forþam ðe nan ær þe næs.Ibid. xxxix. §11 Ða bis⁓nodon hiora aftergengum.c1325Metr. Hom. 111 Pik that cleues quen it is tan, Bisens deling wit wik man, For his sin clefes on god men.Ibid. 124 Water bisenes sin and pliht.
2. To liken, compare.
c1325Metr. Hom. 37 Mani man mai bisend be Unto the rede.




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