

单词 putty
释义 I. putty, n.|ˈpʌtɪ|
Also 7 puttey, -ie, -ee, 8–9 Sc. potty.
[a. F. potée (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), used in senses 1, 5 a, b, below; orig. a potful, or the contents of a pot, f. pot pot n.1]
1. A powder of calcined tin (amorphous stannic oxide), or of calcined tin and lead, used for polishing glass or metals; distinctively called jewellers' putty, also putty of tin, putty powder. (So F. potée.)
1663Boyle Exp. Hist. Colours ii. xiii, The common putty, that is sold and used so much in shops, instead of being, as it is pretended and ought to be, only the calx of tin, is by the artificers that make it, to save the charge of tin, made..but of half tin and half lead, if not far more lead than tin.1670Flamsteed in Rigaud Corr. Sci. Men (1841) II. 93, I intend to grind with ordinary sand fine dressed, and polish first with chalk, after with putty.1763W. Lewis Comm. Phil. Techn. 58 Fine powder, called putty prepared by calcining a mixture of lead and tin.1839Ure Dict. Arts 1241 When [tin is] heated to redness, with free access of air, it absorbs oxygen with rapidity, and changes first into a pulverulent gray protoxide, and by longer ignition, into a yellow-white powder, called putty of tin.
2. A fine mortar or cement made of lime and water without sand; distinctively called plasterers' putty or ‘fine stuff’.
1633Gerard Somerset (1900) 131 With them putte was soft dyett, which name wee still conserve in a wett and liquid morter for cementing stones together by Masons called Puttey.1641Best Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 138 To mingle water and lime, and not to temper it too thicke, but to make it thinne like unto puttie.1759Colebrooke in Phil. Trans. LI. 47 What the bricklayers call fine stuff, or putty. Note, Putty is lime slacked, and, while warm, dissolved in water, and strained through a sieve.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 612 A thin and smooth coat spread over it, consisting of lime only, or, as the workmen call it, putty, or set.1881Young Ev. Man His Own Mechanic §1201 The mortar used for the white lines [in pointing] is what is technically called ‘putty’, that is to say, plasterer's putty, and not glazier's putty.
3. a. A cement composed of powdered whiting made into a stiff paste with raw linseed oil or occasionally other ingredients, used in fixing panes of glass, and for making up inequalities in woodwork, etc. before painting; distinctively, glaziers' putty.
1706Phillips (ed. 6), Putty,..also a kind of Composition that Painters made use of to stop up Holes in Wood, &c.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Putty, in its popular sense, denotes a cinericious kind of paste, compounded of whiting and linseed-oil beaten together to the consistence of a tough dough.1815J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art I. 258 The nails are driven in a little below the surface of these boards, and the cavity is filled with glazier's putty.Ibid. 221 A mixture of oil-putty.1875Knight Dict. Mech. s.v., Some trades employ glue-putty, in which hot melted glue is substituted for the oil.
b. Phr. up to putty, worthless, useless. Austral. colloq.
1916Anzac Bk. 32/1 A man's got a chance to hit back there, but down 'ere it's up to putty.1953D. Stivens Gambling Ghost 24 ‘I don't hear anything, Cabbage-tree,’ said Thunderclap. ‘Your hearing's up to putty,’ said Cabbage-tree.1965Telegraph (Brisbane) 5 July 8/5 Up to putty, no good.
c. Used fig. to designate one who is easily influenced or malleable. Freq. in colloq. phr. to be (like) putty in (someone's) hands.
1924H. Crane Let. 3 Feb. (1965) 173, I was quite exemplary of both sides of my family in not being made of any putty—knowing what I want to do, and sticking it out.1946W. S. Maugham Then & Now ii. 3 You are infatuated with the man. You're like putty in his hands.1979D. Kyle Green River High vii. 90, I was putty in her hands... The arguments were very attractive.
4. Med. Lead-plaster, diachylon. Obs. rare—1.
1828Lancet 28 June 388/1 Plaster, or putty, is a composition of oil and oxide of lead..it is sometimes called lead plaster.
5. In various transferred senses.
(a. and b. are senses of F. potée; they are given in Ogilvie's Imperial Dict. 1882, but have not been found in English or Scottish use.)
a. Pottery. Glaze or glazing-slip for earthenware.
b. Foundry. The ‘loam’ of which moulds are made; a mixture of clay, horse-dung, and sand.
c. (slang or colloq.) Sticky mud at the bottom of a body of water.
1883G. C. Davies Norfolk Broads & Rivers i. 5 All the other Broads have bottoms of black mud..so soft that a yacht's anchor will not hold in it, so that large blocks of iron ballast are used instead, which will not drag through the ‘putty,’ as the mud is locally called.1890P. H. Emerson Wild Life 60 My punt..may stick in the putty.1902Work. Men's Coll. Jrnl. VII. 367 The tide was running down..and the quant had to be used a good deal, the yacht sticking ‘on the putty’ more than once.1961P. Moyes Sunken Sailor ii. 33 My adorable wife has put us on the putty. On a falling tide.
d. As the name of a colour, esp. in dress-materials: A light shade of yellowish grey; in full putty-colour.
1886Daily News 16 Mar. 6/3 Another pretty colour with an ugly name is that called ‘putty’. It is really a very sweet tone of grey with a touch of fawn in it.1915T. Eaton & Co. Catal. Spring & Summer Suppl. 1/2 Natty tailored Suit... In light Putty (Tan) shade only.1926–7Army & Navy Stores Catal. 698/1 Hose..Botany Wool, in Black, Grey, Tan, Nigger, Putty, Beige, Nude.
e. A former type of golf ball made of some material other than gutta-percha.
1891R. Forgan Golfer's Handbk. 39 The ‘putty’ being the popular name for the ‘Eclipse’.1900A. E. T. Watson Young Sportsman 293 Several kinds of composition balls, known generically as ‘putties’ in contradistinction to the ‘gutties’ or gutta-percha balls..have failed to take the place of those made of the raw material.
f. Naut. (See quots.)
1946J. Irving Royal Navalese 141 Putty, the ship's painter.1961F. H. Burgess Dict. Sailing 165 Putty,..a ship's painter.
6. attrib. and Comb., as putty bed, putty beige, putty colour (hence putty-coloured adj.), putty face, putty grey, putty joint, putty mark, putty shade, putty state, putty white; also putty-cool, putty-faced, putty-like, putty-looking, putty-stopped adjs.; putty-blower, a blow-tube for shooting pellets of putty (sense 3); putty-cement, = sense 2; putty-eye, a pigeon's eye having a thick fleshy cere; putty-head U.S., a stupid person; putty-headed a., stupid, softhearted; putty-hearted a., lacking in courage, cowardly; putty-knife, a knife with a blunt flexible spatulate blade for spreading putty (sense 3); putty medal jocular, a worthless reward for insignificant service or achievement (cf. medal n. 2 b); putty-powder, = sense 1; putty-root, a rare N. American orchid (Aplectrum hyemale), the corm of which contains a glutinous matter sometimes used as a cement; putty-shooter = putty-blower; putty-work, decorative work executed in a putty-like composition which hardens after it is moulded.
1902How to make Things 33/2 [In bird-stuffing] the insertion of the artificial eyes, in a *putty bed, follows the operation of pinning the wings to the body.
1969Sears Catal. Spring/Summer 10 *Putty beige.
1862R. H. Newell Orpheus C. Kerr Papers 1st Ser. 156 [The muskets] are inferior to the *putty-blowers of our innocent childhood.1878B. Harte Man on Beach 96 The boot-black drew a tin putty-blower from his pocket, and took unerring aim.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 538 *Putty cement will stand longer than most stones.
1933Burlington Mag. Sept. 122/1 The olive-grey celadon glaze has the same peculiar tint, with a slight suggestion of *putty colour.1979‘G. Black’ Night Run from Java iii. 32 Banana palms..bleached to a kind of putty colour.
1889Daily News 4 Dec. 5/6 The Baroness..wore *putty-coloured silk with trimmings of handsome gold and fawn embroidery.1906H. Begbie Priest ii. 8 At one end was a great spread of folding doors putty coloured.
1970R. Lowell Notebk. 69 Our bedroom, putty-gray and *putty-cool.
1927M. Sinclair Hist. A. Waring xvii. 88 Charlie, in spite of his *putty face, was handsome in a heavy way.1931W. Faulkner Sanctuary vii. 68 ‘Yes, putty-face!’ the woman cried.
1969*Putty-grey [see putty-cool above].
1856M. J. Holmes L. Rivers 370 He got so engaged about the darned ‘liquor law’, and the *putty-heads that made it, that he'd no idee 'twas so late.
1873‘Mark Twain’ Gilded Age xliii. 393 In a word, the great *putty-headed public loves to ‘gush’.1885R. L. Stevenson Prince Otto ii. i, A springless, *putty-hearted, cowering coward.
1838Civ. Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 330/1 A fine brick..to be..laid in what is called a close *putty joint.
1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, *Putty-Knife,..used by glaziers and painters, to spread putty.1901J. Black's Carp. & Build., Usef. Recipes 51 Take a sharp-edged putty-knife..and cut the paint off as low as you can without scratching the glass.
1865Daily Tel. 3 Nov. 5/4 Leaving a huge *putty-like cake of clay at the bottom.
1849–52Todd's Cycl. Anat. IV. 1009/1 The *putty-looking chalky matter often observed in the lungs.
1898R. E. F. Cohen in W. A. Morgan ‘House’ on Sport 378 Not even the proverbial *putty medal or a memento of any sort was awarded to the man who upheld the honour of his University by beating his rival in the water.1958M. Kelly Christmas Egg (1965) iii. 195 ‘You know what you'll be given for all this?’..‘A putty medal. Sooner have a cheque.’1972Guardian 12 Sept. 15/7 Putty medal blues... The Americans are busy mounting a major public inquest on their showing at Munich and on the Olympic Games.
1832G. R. Porter Porcelain & Gl. x. 245 The outer surface being then covered with washed *putty powder, which is a combination of the oxides of tin and lead.1868Watts Dict. Chem. V. 817 Amorphous stannic oxide..is hard, and is therefore used for polishing stone and glass, and for sharpening and polishing steel, etc. The oxide used for this purpose is called putty-powder; it is sometimes a mixture of the oxides of tin and lead.1895Oracle Encycl. I. 598/2 The artist..next develops the figure with very delicate tools of steel wire..finally polishing with putty powder.
1857Henfrey Bot. 411 Aplectrum hyemale, the North American *Putty-root, is used for making a cement for china.
1930Daily Express 6 Oct. 11/6 (Advt.), The Barry ‘militaire’ (in fashionable *putty-shade).
1896D. C. Beard Amer. Boy's Bk. of Sport xxxiii. 395 When people depend for their dinner or personal safety upon a ‘*putty-shooter’ you may be sure that they learn to shoot with great accuracy.
1881Young Ev. Man his own Mechanic §561 They could not be *putty-stopped well enough.
1971Guardian 20 July 9/3 Caramel..and *putty-white make the season's signature combination.
II. putty, v.|ˈpʌtɪ|
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To cover or smear with putty; to fix, mend, or join with putty; to fill up (a hole, woodwork, etc.) with putty.
1734Curteis in Phil. Trans. XXXVIII. 267, I..stopt the Holes at the Bottoms with Corks; and..puttyed the Corks, that no Water could filtrate through them.1771J. Adams Diary 4 June, A glass mug broken to pieces and puttied together again.1879Eng. Carriage Build. in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 221/2 Any joints..are carefully puttied up with oil putty.
Hence ˈputtied ppl. a., ˈputtying vbl. n.; also ˈputtier, one who putties, a glazier.
1775Jefferson Writ. (1892) I. 450 To detain them about a month to harden the puttying.1860Thackeray Lovel ii, Cracked old houses where the painters and plumbers and puttyers are always at work.1892Photogr. Ann. II. 39 Fix the lens..and focus on a large sheet of puttied or ground glass.




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