

单词 caitifty
释义 ˈcaitifty, -ivetie Obs.
For forms cf. caitiff.
[a. OF. caitivetet (mod.F. chétiveté):—L. captīvitāt-em captivity, f. captīvus captive.]
1. Captivity.
a1300Cursor M. 23626 Þe gode..sal liue in fredom fre, þe wicked..euer in caitiuete.1382Wyclif Ephes. iv. 8 He styȝinge into hiȝ, ledde caitifte caytif.Isa. Prol., The ten lynages led in to caitiftie.
2. Wretchedness, misery.
a1300Cursor M. 7353 Wit caitiuete and care He sal vte o þis werld fare.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 455 My moder has consayved me In syn and in caytefte.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. x. 255 The cause of al þys caitifte · comeþ of meny bisshopes.
3. Vileness, wicked baseness.
a1300Cursor M. 22382 Quen þat ilk warlau bridd [ante⁓crist] his caitiute has tua yeir kidd.




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