

单词 caitive
释义 caitive, v. Obs.
In 4–5 caityve, chatyue, caytifue.
[f. caitiff n.]
trans. To make captive. Hence caitived ppl. a.
1382Wyclif Bible Pref Ep. iii, Chatyuynge al vndirstondyng for to obeishe to Crist.Jer. 2nd Prol., Sathan, caityuende the soules of them that ben forsaken of God.c1400‘Chaucer's’ Test. Love i. Wks. (1532) In this derke prisone caytifued [331/1, (1560) 272/2 printed caytisned] fro frendshippe and acquayntaunce, and forsaken of al.c1440Relig. Pieces fr. Thorn. MS. 36 Whyls we ere in þis caytifede worlde.




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