

单词 sedulity
释义 sedulity|sɪˈdjuːlɪtɪ|
[ad. L. sēdulitās, n. of quality f. sēdul-us sedulous: see -ity. Cf. F. sédulité (Cotgr.), It. sedulità.]
The quality of being sedulous; painstaking attention to duty, diligent application, industry.
1542Becon Pathw. Prayer xxxiii. O j b, He deserued this thyng not so much for familiarte & acquayntance sake as for sedulite & careful diligence.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 175 Their familiaritie is to be sought after with sedulitie and earnestnesse.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. xiv. §26 He..tells the offices and sedulity of the clergy.1659Evelyn Chrysostom Ded. in Misc. Writ. (1805) 107, I stood amazed at his sedulity and memory.1720J. Johnson Eccl. Laws. tr. Const. Othobon §32 The unquenchable thirst of Ambition chuses neither Mary's better part, nor the sedulity of Martha in ministring.a1734North Life Ld. Kpr. Guildford 252 Some of our barbarous Writers call this awaking of the King's Genius to a Sedulity in his Affairs a growing cruel.1848Thackeray Van. Fair lvi, It became him to prepare, by sedulity and docility in youth, for the lofty duties [etc.].1878Gladstone Prim. Homer 44 Even German sedulity has until the present time shrunk from this task.
b. pl. Assiduities, attentions. Obs.
1694tr. Milton's Lett. St. 31 That your sedulities in the Reception of our Agent were so cordial and so egregious, we both gladly understand [etc.].1696Monthly Merc. VII. 79 On the one side there are never any tender Refusals..no Submissions, nor Sedulities to please on the other.1707tr. C'tess D'Aulnoy's Wks. (1715) 10 He thought me unworthy of his Sedulities.




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