

单词 sedulous
释义 sedulous, a.|ˈsɛdjʊləs|
Also 6 sedulious.
[f. L. sēdulus careful + -ous.
The L. word appears to have been evolved from the adv. sēdulō sincerely, honestly (hence diligently, assiduously), repr. OLatin sē dolō without guile (see se- prefix).]
1. Of persons or agents: Diligent, active, constant in application to the matter in hand; assiduous, persistent.
1593Nashe Christ's T. 24 b, I would gyue thee leaue to hate me, so thy hate woulde make thee industrious & sedulous to harken out & enquire whence I am.1629B. Jonson New Inn ii. ii, There is a chare-woman..a poore silly foole, But an impertinent, and sedulous one, As euer was.1667Milton P.L. ix. 27 Since first this Subject for Heroic Song Pleas'd me long choosing, and beginning late Not sedulous by nature to indite Warrs.c1709Prior 1st Hymn Callim. 56 The sedulous Bee Distill'd her Honey on Thy purple Lips.1791Cowper Iliad iii. 311 They sedulous obey'd.1836Thirlwall Greece xxiv. III. 329 He was sedulous in paying court to the people.1867Parkman Jesuits N. Amer. iii. (1875) 21 The..Algonquins..of whose language he had been so sedulous a student.1887Stevenson Mem. & Portraits iv. 59, I have thus played the sedulous ape to Hazlitt, to Lamb, to Wordsworth [etc.].
2. Of actions: Constant, persistent.
1540in Lett. Suppress. Monasteries (Camden) 281 Thankes for..your sedulious paynes and labours taken aboute the survey off Cayneham.a1631Donne Serm. lxi. (1640) 612 Admit that preparation..by an assiduous and a sedulous hearing.1661Boyle Style of Script. (1675) 48 That dying Husband-man, who by telling his Sons of a hidden Mass of Wealth he had buried in a nameless place of his Vineyard, occasioned their so sedulous Delving all the Ground, and turning up the Earth about the Roots of the Vines, that they found indeed a Treasure.a1778C. Darwin Experiments (1780) 105 A gentleman of temperate life and sedulous application to business.1833–48H. Coleridge North. Worthies (1852) I. 22 He paid sedulous attention to the interests of his borough.1859Smiles Self Help iv. (1860) 71 Sedulous attention and painstaking industry always mark the true worker.1881Westcott & Hort Grk. N.T. Introd. §10 By sedulous cultivation,..a high standard of immunity from even clerical errors has at times been attained.




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