

单词 self-devoted
释义 self-deˈvoted, ppl. a.
[self- 2.]
Characterized by self-devotion.
1713Addison Cato iv. iv, For him the self-devoted Decii died.1814Wordsw. Laodamia 48 And forth I leapt upon the sandy plain; A self-devoted chief.1817Lady Morgan France ii. (1818) I. 260 Self-devoted patriotism.1831Scott Ct. Rob. iv, These bold and self-devoted men.
So self-deˈvotedness, -deˈvotement, -deˈvoting vbl. n. (rare) = self-devotion; self-deˈvoting ppl. a. = self-devoted.
1823Lamb Guy Faux Misc. Wks. (1871) 368 Heroic *self-devotedness and true Christian martyrdom.
1800Characters in Asiat. Ann. Reg. 23/1 To acquiesce cheerfully to this species of *self-devotement.1819G. S. Faber Dispensations (1823) II. 293 That Jehovah..through a mysterious self-devotement shadowed out by the rite of sacrifice,..would reconcile man to God.
1702Howe Self-Ded. 35 Solemn, personal *self-devoting.
Ibid. 44 This *self-devoting disposition.1832Downes Lett. Cont. Countries I. 171 The self-devoting prowess of Arnold von Winkelried.




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