

单词 self-pleasing
释义 self-ˈpleasing, vbl. n.
[self- 1 b.]
1. Doing one's own ‘pleasure’ or will.
1681Owen Humble Test. 89 All Self-seeking, and Self⁓pleasing,..must utterly be cast away.1842Manning Serm. vii. (1848) I. 98 The greater number of men live lives of mere self-pleasing.
2. Self-complacency.
1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Cockayne, Their culture generally enables the travelled English to avoid any ridiculous extremes of this self-pleasing.
So self-ˈpleasing ppl. a.
1590Spenser F.Q. iii. iv. 6 With such selfe-pleasing thoughts her wound she fed.1607–12Bacon Ess., Marriage & Single Life (Arb.) 266 Self pleasing, and humorous mindes.1735Pope Prol. Sat. 90 Who shames a Scribbler? break one cobweb thro', He spins the slight, self-pleasing thread anew.1818Brit. Rev. XII. 191 His vanity and self-pleasing activity.1855Kingsley Westw. Ho! xi, All the trickeries of self-pleasing sorrow.




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