

单词 pyxie
释义 pyxie U.S.|ˈpɪksɪ|
Also pixy.
[Abbrev. of mod.L. Pyxidanthera (A. Michaux Flora Boreali-Americana (1803) I. 152), f. Gr. πυξίδ-ιον box + ἀνθηρά, fem. of ἀνθηρός flowery.]
In full, pyxie moss. A small, prostrate, evergreen shrub, Pyxidanthera barbulata, belonging to the family Diapensiaceæ, native to limited areas of New Jersey and the Carolinas, and bearing tiny white flowers; also called the pine-barren beauty (see pinebarren b).
1882Harper's Mag. June 65 Among her [sc. Nature's] treasures is the delicate pyxie..a little prostrate trailing evergreen.1892Amer. Folk-Lore V. 100 Pyxidanthera barbulata, pyxie moss.1916J. W. Harshberger Vegetation New Jersey Pine-Barrens xvi. 240 The flowering⁓moss, or pyxie, is usually a prostrate or creeping plant.1925Scribner's Mag. July 35/1 Innumerable clusters of oval-leaved Diapensia lapponica in rounded clumps like red pin-cushions (closely resembling what is called pixy-moss).1951E. W. Teale North with Spring xxviii. 276 If we had been a few weeks earlier, we would have found..the pyxie of the pine barrens, the matted, mosslike flowering plant.Ibid., One year, on the 31st of March,..I came upon a dense mass of pyxie moss,..across which a host of tiny waxy-white flowers were scattered.1973Robichaud & Bell Vegetation New Jersey xii. 217 The most commonly known of these [pine-barren plants] include the turkey-beard, pyxie moss, goat's-rue, [etc.].




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