

单词 pyæmia
释义 pyæmia Path.|paɪˈiːmɪə|
Also pyemia, and less correctly pyohæmia.
[mod.L., f. Gr. πύ-ον pus, matter + αἷµα blood: see quot. 1880.]
A condition of blood-poisoning accompanied by fever, caused by the presence in the blood of pathogenic bacteria and their toxic products, and characterized by the formation of multiple pus-foci in different parts of the body; septicæmia.
1857Dunglison Med. Dict., Pyæmia, pyohæmia.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sc. (1879) I. v. 156 Hospital wards where death was rampant from pyæmia.1876J. S. Bristowe The. & Pract. Med. (1878) 264 Pyæmia occurring after parturition constitutes one of the most common and fatal forms of so-called ‘puerperal fever’.1876Gross Dis. Bladder 267 Pyemia is most liable to occur in broken-down persons.1880Flint Princ. Med. (ed. 5) 85 As the name denotes, pyaemia originally was supposed to be due to the entrance of pus into the blood. The disease is no longer attributed to the direct absorption, by the blood, of pus-corpuscles.




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