

单词 cautel
释义 I. ˈcautel, n. Obs. or arch.
Forms: 4 cautell, (north. cawteile), 4–7 cautil(e, 5 cauteel, cawtele, 5–6 cawtel(le, 5–7 cautell(e, 6 cautill, (Sc. cauteil), 4–7 cautele, 4–7 (9) cautel.
[a. F. cautèle (13th c. in Littré), ad. L. cautēla of Roman Law (whence also Pr., Sp., It. cautela) precaution, f. caut- ppl. stem of cavēre to take heed.]
1. A crafty device, artifice, stratagem; a trick, sleight, deceit.
138.Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 6 Make knowe to þe peple the cautelis of Anticrist.1413Lydg. Pylgr. Sowle ii. lx. (1859) 57 Techinge me for to caste sleyghtes and cauteles.1549Compl. Scot. xiv. 118 Be ane subtile cauteil thai gart pausanias seruitur pas to the tempil.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xxi. §9 The fraudes, cautels, impostures, and vices of euery profession.1611Cotgr., Cautelle, a wile, cautell, sleight.
b. Applied to things material.
c1440Gesta Rom. 123 (Harl. MS.) What dude he but yede, and purveyde him of iij cautils; scil. of an honest Garlonde of Rede Rosys.1533–4Act 25 Hen. VIII, vii, No..person..with any deuise or engine made of heare, canuas, or with any other cautele shall..take any frie, spawne, or broode of yeles.
2. Cunning, craftiness, wiliness, trickery.
c1375Barbour Troy-bk. ii. 114 A, what to þe wys mane rytht wele It geynes to haue þe cawteile That he be not the forspekere.c1394P. Pl. Crede 303 But knewen men her cautel & her queynt wordes, Þei wolde worchypen hem nouȝt but a litel.1548Act 2 & 3 Edw. VI, xxiv. §1 Thieves, which..by Craft and Cautele do escape from the same without Punishment.c1580Hatton in Ld. Campbell Chancellors (1857) II. xlv. 289 Be free from cawtell.
3. Caution, wariness, heedfulness.
1511Elyot Gov. i. iv, There is required to be therein [in their hearts] moche cautele and sobrenesse.1555Eden Decades W. Ind. (Arb.) 186 With great cautele least any parte of their legges or feete bee seene.1613Sherley Trav. Persia 78 As I would preserue my selfe with more cautel heereafter.1664Marvell Corr. Wks. 1872–5 II. 170 To entertain them in mutual cautele and suspicion.
4. A precaution; in Law, etc., an exception, restriction, or reservation made for precaution's sake.
1541Elyot Image Gov. 37 One meruailouse cautell he vsed, that is to saie, one man was not oftentymes in that truste of espial.1563Foxe A. & M. (1596) 202/2 Without cautels & exceptions.1585Jas. I Ess. Poesie (Arb.) 53 Revlis and cautelis to be obseruit and eschewit in Scottis Poesie.1586Fulke Agst. Allen 418 (T.) For cautele and provision against the like sins.1637Gillespie Eng. Pop. Cerem. iii. viii. 191 Which negative Excommunication, is..either a bare punishment, or a cautell and animadversion.1861C. W. Goodwin Mosaic Cosmog. in Ess. & Rev. 209 With such limitations, cautels and equivocations.
b. Eccl. A caution or direction for the proper administration of the sacraments; esp. in cautels of the Mass.
1541Barnes Wks. (1573) 308/2 Why doe not by this reason your owne priestes abstayne from the wine, seeing that this perill may also chaunce to them, as your cautelles of y⊇ Masse doe graunt.1638Featly Strict. Lyndom. i. 61 The cautels of the Masse appoint what is to bee done in case the Priest, being drunk before, cast up the host.1641R. B. K. Parallel Liturgy w. Mass-bk. 59 As we may see in these two cautels of the Masse.1880Edin. Rev. Apr. 286 The reception on the part of certain Ritualists of the Roman ‘Cautels’ for the celebration of the Mass.
As adj. = cautelous.
1606G. W[oodcocke] tr. Ivstine's Hist. 108 Mistrusting himselfe to be deceiued by some cautel treason.1616Bullokar, Cautele, warie, circumspect.1639G. Daniel Ecclus. xii. 31 Be circumspect and Cautele to thy foe.
II. ˈcautel, v. Obs. rare—1.
[f. prec. n.; cf. OF. cauteler, cauteller ‘to deceiue, beguile, cousen’ (Cotgr.).]
trans. To devise cunningly or craftily.
1603Harsnet Pop. Impost. 62 It was wisely cauteled by the penner of these savoury Miracles..why Sara..should be more Devil-haunted then any of the possessed Men.




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