

单词 servilely
释义 servilely, adv.|ˈsɜːvaɪllɪ|
Also 6–7 servilly, (7 -llye), 7–8 servily.
[f. servile a. + -ly2.]
In a servile manner.
1. In the spirit of a slave; with servile fear or submission; cringingly.
1550Veron Godly Sayings Ep. Ded. A 5 b, Seruillye..worshipping..the signes, for the thinges, whiche by the signes are signified.1596Edw. III, i. i, Ed. I meane to visit him as he requests; But how? not seruilely disposed to bend, But like a conquerer to make him bowe.1660Coke Power & Subj. 72 He who rigorously executes his power will be hated, and servilely feared.1667Milton P.L. iv. 959 Who more then thou Once fawn'd, and cring'd, and servilly ador'd Heav'ns awful Monarch?a1677Manton Serm. Ps. cxix. 167 This is not true Obedience, that is done servilely and by constraint.1727[Dorrington] Philip Quarll (1816) 84 The docile beast most servilely obeys.1849–50Alison Hist. Europe VIII. l. §74. 199 The senate joyfully and servilely registered his decrees.1878Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxiii. 2 Not quarreling with his justice..nor servilely dreading his power.
b. With servile adherence to rules or conformity to an exemplar or original.
1668Dryden Def. Ess. Dram. Poesy Ess. (ed. Ker) I. 130, I say not this with the least design of limiting the stage too servilely to twenty-four hours.1711Addison Spect. No. 29 ⁋8 An English composer should not follow the Italian recitative too servilely, but make use of many gentle deviations from it.1748Hartley Observ. Man. ii. iii. 299 This Method of Reasoning has been adopted too servilely.1852H. Rogers Ecl. Faith 43 Or how can you ascertain that these men meant what you mean, when you thus servilely copy their language?1890Gross Gild Merch. I. 109 Most English writers servilely follow Brentano.
2. In or as if in a state of servitude or slavery; as a slave. Now rare or Obs.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. (1562) 12 So many being seruilely born and brought vp, do wythout douting boast themselues to be the children of God.1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fort. ii. vii. 171 b, I was seruylely borne.1592Shakes. Ven. & Ad. 392 How like a iade he stood tied to the tree, Seruilly maisterd with a leatherne raine.1617Moryson Itin. iii. 220 The Germans are very churlish to their wives and keep them servily at home.1681Glanvill Sadducismus i. (1726) 21 Who inveigle Children..and carry them away to the Plantations of America, to be servilely employ'd there.1825Scott Talism. xxv, Is it indeed you,..gallant Sir Kenneth of Scotland..thus servilely disguised?




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