

单词 cemetery
释义 cemetery|ˈsɛmɪtərɪ|
Forms: 5 cymytery, -torye, cymitory, cymetorye, cimiteri, 6 cimitorie, -tory, cemitorie, cœmiteri, 6–7 cemiterie, 7 cemitory, cyme-, cimitery, sœmeterie, cyme-, cymitier, 7–8 cœme-, cœmitery, 8 cemitery, ceme-, cœmitary, 8– cemetery.
[ad. L. cœmētērium, ad. Gr. κοιµητήριον dormitory, (in Christian writers) burial-ground.]
A place, usually a ground, set apart for the burial of the dead. a. Originally applied to the Roman underground cemeteries or catacombs.
[1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 65 A chirche hawe at Rome.. hatte cimitorium calixty.]1460J. Capgrave Chron. 67 Anicetus..was biried in the cymytery of Kalixt.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. iv. (1520) 37/2 He ordeyned the Cimiteri where many a thousande martyrs is buryed.a1638Mede Wks. iii. (1672) 679 Had the Christians long before used to keep their Assemblies at the Cœmiteries and Monuments of their Martyrs.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. II. 37 Beyond which there extend, in every one of the cemeteries, galleries choked up.1855Card. Wiseman Fabiola ii. ii, The very name of cemetery suggests that it is only a place where many lie, as in a dormitory, slumbering for a while.
b. The consecrated enclosure round a church; a churchyard. Obs.
1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 243 Two cymytoyres or chirche⁓yerdes.1530–1Act 22 Hen. VIII, c. 14 Any parishe churche, Cimitorie, or other lyke halowed place.1601F. Godwin Bps. of Eng. 321 [He] was buried in the Cemitory or church⁓yard of his owne church.1644Evelyn Mem. (1857) I. 73 About this cathedral is a very spacious cemetery.1771Antiq. Sarisb. 74. 1806 Gazetteer Scotl. 172 The place on which the buildings of the Parliament Square stand was formerly the cemetery of St. Giles.
c. A burial-ground generally; now esp. a large public park or ground laid out expressly for the interment of the dead, and not being the ‘yard’ of any church.
1613Purchas Pilgr. I. v. vii. 411, I saw a certaine Cœmiterium or burying-place, then which I had never seene a fairer sight.1711Addison Spect. No. 90 ⁋2 It is for this Reason (says Plato) that the Souls of the Dead appear frequently in Cœmiteries.1753Phil. Trans. XLVIII. 337 A public coemetery..was highly requisite.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 71 The women often stay all the days of the festival in the cemeteries.1883Lloyd Ebb & Fl. II. 119, I should have been in the Protestant Cemetery at Puerto Blanco.Mod. He was buried in Abney Park Cemetery.
d. fig.
1704Swift Batt. Bks., It is with libraries as with other cœmeteries.1872O. W. Holmes Poet Breakf. T. ii. 70 The old folios that fill the shelves all round the great cemetery of past transactions of which he is the sexton.1886Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. cxlv. 7 That the goodness of the living God should be buried in the cemetery of silence.




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