

单词 settling
释义 I. settling, vbl. n.|ˈsɛtlɪŋ|
The action of the verb settle.
OE. setlung = a sitting down, also the setting of the sun. The latter sense is recorded by Ash (1775) and Todd (1818) for settling, but this is prob. an error for setting.
1. a. The action of fixing, establishing, arranging permanently, adjusting, deciding, etc.
1553T. Wilson Rhet. (1560) 3 The setling or ordering of things inuented for this purpose, called in Latin Dispositio.a1569A. Kingsmill Confl. with Satan (1577) Pref. A v b, This I say must be a setlinge vnto thee, if thou hast tasted how good and gracious God is.1619W. Sclater Expos. 1 Thess. 173 To Gods children let it be a settling of their Faith, that it neuer wauer.1629Reg. Privy Council Scot. Ser. ii. III. 21 To gif thair advise anent the satling of the disordouris of the Middle shyris.a1642Suckling Let. in Fragm. Aurea (1648) 62 Since the setling of your Family would certainly much conduce to the setling of your mind.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ ii. ix. §2. 261 The miracles done at the setling of their Law.1669R. Montagu in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 465 This thing will be an absolute settling of my fortune, which..is in no good condition.1747Col. Rec. Pennsylv. V. 141 Has desir'd me to take upon myself the settling of the Terms for paying the Men off.1817Selwyn Law Nisi Prius II. 917 The adjustment of a loss is the settling and ascertaining the amount of the indemnity.1909H. M. Gwatkin Early Ch. Hist. I. vi. 112 We get a general impression of apostolic superintendence..and of settling of churches.
b. The state of being settled, a settlement; a station. Obs.
1582N. Lichefield tr. Castanheda's Conq. E. Ind. i. lxvii. 137 Those that went in the vangard, as soone as they came to their setling [orig. chegando à estancia], did giue fire to theyr ordinance.1641Milton Ch. Govt. i. vi. 26 Those Epistles of Peter and John, which are likely to be latest written, when the Church grew to a setling.
2. The action of planting a country with colonists, or of establishing a colony. Also the result of this, a settlement.
1609Salisbury in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 83 An enterprise of plantation in the Indies, where..the King of England..might have a settling as well as the King of Spain.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 2 To search the Moon by her own Light;..And make the proper'st Observations, For settling of new Plantations.1707J. Archdale (title) A New Description of..Carolina: with a brief account of its Discovery, Settling, and the Government Thereof to this Time.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) V. 149/1 That the settling of colonies would have been a cheaper and better method of bridling modern countries, than building fortresses in them.1877Ibid. (ed. 9) VI. 159/2 The ultimate constitution of a colony depends but little on the manner in which the territory for settling was originally acquired.
3. a. The adjusting or liquidating of accounts; also settling up.
1761T. Mortimer Ev. Man his own Broker ii. (1762) 28 The four principal times, for which contracts or bargains are made,..are called in 'Change Alley, the Rescounter settlings.Ibid. 82 Against the day of settling he has made out, what he calls his list.1852R. S. Surtees Sponge's Sp. Tour (1893) 377 After a great event—a Derby, Oaks, or Leger..the newspapers generally devote a neat paragraph or two to what is called ‘the settling’.1893Baily's Mag. Oct. 275/2 A backer, who..refused to face an adverse settling, and quietly skedaddled.
fig.1910Blackw. Mag. Feb. 183/1 After dinner there would be a settling up with the two rebels.
b. settling day, a day appointed for settling accounts; spec. the fortnightly pay-day on the Stock Exchange. settling room, a room (esp. at the Stock Exchange) in which accounts are settled.
1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) xii. xviii, Attending at the Stock-exchange on settling-day.1822Scott Nigel xxi, The score of pieces that must be made up at settling-day.1859H. H. Dixon Silk & Scarlet 97 In the yard of Tattersall's, on Priam's settling day.1902Westm. Gaz. 20 Mar. 9/1 The Settling-room underneath the House [Stock Exchange].
4. (Cf. settle v. 21 c.) to get a settling (Sc.): ‘to be frightened into quietness’ (Burns Gloss. 1785).
1785Burns Halloween xxiv, But Och! that night, amang the shaws, She gat a fearfu' settlin!
5. a. The action of coming to rest, taking up a fixed or permanent position, becoming quiet or composed, etc. Also settling down.
1605Shakes. Lear iv. vii. 82 The great rage You see is kill'd in him:..Trouble him no more till further setling.1711Addison Spect. No. 106 ⁋6 At his first settling with me.1744M. Bishop Life & Advent. viii. 111, I hope you have no Thoughts of going again to Sea, as I have waited so many Years in Expectation of your settling, when you came home.1796F. Burney Camilla I. 344 Dr. Marchmont..had been introduced to Sir Hugh upon the baronet's settling in the large mansion-house of that village.1911G. B. Shaw Getting Married 118 The process of settling down would go on until they settled into their graves.
b. settling in, the action of establishing one's residence in a new place or of becoming accustomed to new surroundings. Chiefly attrib., as settling-in allowance, settling in grant.
1955Times 16 July 2/4 Generous settling-in allowance during first month, and housing assistance can be afforded to selected applicants.1965Wireless World Aug. 120 (Advt.), Free air travel will be provided for a successful applicant..and a ‘settling in’ allowance will also be paid on arrival in Salisbury.1973Soviet Weekly 17 Feb. 11/3 Some redundant teachers were willing to be sent to localities where there was a shortage of teachers. They were given settling in grants totalling two or three months average earnings, plus a quarter of that sum for each member of their family.1974Economist 31 Aug. 83/1 (Advt.), A settling-in allowance of up to {pstlg}400 is payable in approved circumstances and assistance with housing for a short time is a possibility.
c. Special Comb.: settling time, the time taken for a measuring or control instrument to get within a certain distance of a new equilibrium value without subsequently deviating from it by that amount.
1951Chestnut & Mayer Servomechanisms & Regulating System Design I. xiv. 410 (heading) Settling time ts to reach 5 per cent of final value.1974J. W. Brewer Control Systems x. 285 Rise time is a measure of the speed of response, and the ratio of settling time to rise time is a measure of damping.
6. a. The action of sinking down, subsiding, forming a deposit or sediment, etc.; also, the result of this.
c1440Promp. Parv. 440/2 Saggynge, or satlynge, bassacio.1540R. Jonas tr. Roesslin's Byrth Mankynde i. vii. 32 After the delyueraunce happeneth to women other the feuer or ague,..or els commotion or settelynge out of order of the..matrice.1601Holland Pliny xxxi. iii. II. 408 [These plants] come up..in some low grounds where there is a settling or stay of raine water fallen from higher places.1650Fuller Pisgah iv. iv. 70 Purple being severall sanguine colours, differing onely in degrees, and the severall setlings thereof.1655Moufet & Bennet Health's Improv. 294 For as too long sitting..hindereth the full descent of meat to the depth of our stomachs; so too speedy rising causeth an overhasty setling.1663Gerbier Counsel 26 The unequall setling of the Work.1693Moxon Mech. Exerc. (1703) 260 Which occasions Cracks and Setlings in the Walls.1742De Foe's Tour Gt. Brit. (ed. 3) I. 174 The Shifting of the Beach without, and Settling of the Sullage within.1880Standard 10 Dec., The ground..immediately over a disused rock salt⁓mine, began to show signs of ‘settling’.188119th Cent. 247, I have known a settling down of strata crumple up 14 feet of solid masonry, as though it were paper.
attrib.1782Wedgwood in Phil. Trans. LXXII. 320 After complete vitrification, the heat is abated for some hours to 28 or 29°, which is called the settling heat.1834–6Encycl. Metrop. VIII. 422/2 The strong liquor is drawn off into settling cisterns.1857Miller Elem. Chem., Org. 667 The solution is allowed to run into a deep vessel or settling back.1867J. A. Phillips Mining & Metallurgy of Gold & Silver ix. 183 When settling pits are used for the purpose of collecting the tailings for subsequent treatment, it is necessary that at least two of them should be provided, so that whilst one is being filled the other may be cleaned up.1868Times 4 Aug. 4/3 A complete churning and intimate union are effected by the sewage passing through a number of small apertures into cells, in each of which revolves a stirrer, and thence out of the cells into two very spacious settling tanks.1884Encycl. Brit. XVII. 506/1 As these..naturally act as settling-ponds they get rapidly silted up.1894G. E. Waring Mod. Meth. Sewage Disposal xvii. 234 The flocculent matter passing the screen clogged the 4-inch absorption-tiles after a time. This was obviated by constructing a settling-chamber.1899Rep. Dept. Mines on Goldfields N.Z. 1898–99 45 The crushed ore passes over amalgamated copper-plates, 12 ft. long, into four sets of spitzlutten or settling-boxes.1915G. B. Kershaw Sewage Purification & Disposal iv. 117 In most settling towers the bottom of the tank is formed in the shape of a cone, the sludge drain being placed at the apex.1928W. A. Mitchell Civil Engineering v. 572 The term settling basin is ordinarily applied to a reservoir which contains from one to four days' supply of water.1940Imhoff & Fair Sewage Treatment iv. 72 In these tanks, the lower story serves as a sludge chamber and the upper one as a settling chamber.1941C. A. Ward Those Raw Materials vi. 272 The separation of sludge [from oil] may take place in settling tanks or may be brought about by centrifugal means.1955Linsley & Franzini Elements Hydraulic Engin. x. 249 Settling basins..just below the point of diversion so that sediment can be collected and sluiced back into the river.1964Grouts & Drilling Muds in Engin. Pract. 29/2 Retention [of the mud] in settling pits should be not less than 12 min.1978Sci. Amer. July 99/1 Conventional sewage treatment employs a combination of large settling tanks, bacterial cultures and sludge-thickening devices to decontaminate waste water and to concentrate the solid residue.
b. concr. Sediment, lees, dregs. Chiefly pl.
1594Plat Jewell-ho. iii. 23 The residence or setling, which you find in the bottom therof.1634Milton Comus 810 Yet 'tis but the lees And setlings of a melancholy blood.1646P. Bulkeley Gospel Covt. i. 180 The Lord formed man..out of the earth, the dregs and setlings of all creatures.1747H. Glasse Cookery v. 65 Fill these Cups with the Jelly, which you must take clear from the Settling at the Bottom.Ibid., Take the fine Jelly clear from the Settlings at Bottom.1832G. R. Porter Porcelain & Glass ix. 240 A layer of the finer settlings of the enamel is to be spread..over the convex side.1895Daily News 11 May 7/7 The stuff [illicit spirit] was made..from sugar and wine settlings.
II. settling, ppl. a.|ˈsɛtlɪŋ|
[f. settle v. + -ing2.]
That settles (in the senses of the verb).
c1611Chapman Iliad ii. 82 [As bees] So from the ships,..The rabble..Hurried together;..earth did grone Beneath the setling multitude.1681Dryden Span. Friar iii. 36 You call it Settling of a man; just as when a fellow has got a sound Knock upon the head, they say he's settled: Marriage is a Settling blow indeed.1762–3Macpherson Ossian's Poems, Coulath & Cuthona (1806) II. 287 Go; view the settling sea; the stormy wind is laid.1844Mrs. Browning Drama of Exile 1701 The settling hush A bird makes in her nest with feet and wings.1850J. H. Newman Let. 11 Oct. in ‘J. Oldcastle’ (W. Meynell) Newman (1885) 27, I have just received Maskell's able and settling pamphlet.1902M. Barnes-Grundy Thames Camp xii. 256 ‘Of course you refused him’, I said, in my most settling manner.1908Westm. Gaz. 1 Aug. 7/1 The wild little black [horse]..stood trembling and snorting in the settling dust.




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