

单词 seventeenth
释义 seventeenth, a. and n.|ˈsɛv(ə)ntiːnθ, sɛv(ə)nˈtiːnθ|
Forms: α. 1 seofonteᵹða, -teoᵹeða, -tiᵹeþa, -teoða, 4–5 seventeþe; β. 3–4 seventenþe, 5 -tenyth, 6 -tenth, 6– teenth; γ. 4–5 sevintende.
[OE. seofontéoþa, f. seofontíene seventeen: see -teenth. The later developments (β and γ forms) are parallel with those of fifteenth (q.v.); with the γ-form cf. ON. sjautjánde. See also tenth.]
A. adj. The ordinal number corresponding to the cardinal seventeen; qualifying a n. expressed or implied.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. i. v, Severus casere..se wæs seofonteoᵹeða [v.r. seofonteoða] fram Agusto.Ibid. iii. xxiv, Þi seofanteoþan [v.r. -tiᵹeþan] dæᵹe Kalendarum Decembrium.c1300Havelok 2559 Of marz þe seuentenþe day.c1400St. Alexius (Laud 108) 325 At þe seuenteþe ȝeres ende.c1400Rule St. Benet (Prose) xii. 17 Þe hundred seuintende [psalm].c1450Godstow Reg. 147/27 The ȝere of þe reyne of kyng Edwarde þe seventenyth.1530Palsgr. 372 Dixseptiesme, sevynteenth.16..Middleton, etc. Old Law v. i, September the seventeenth.1805Wordsw. Prelude ii. 386 My seventeenth year was come.1839H. T. De la Beche Rep. Geol. Cornwall, etc. xv. 590 About the end of the seventeenth century.1862M. E. Braddon Lady Audley xxxv, He..married me three months after my seventeenth birthday.
B. n.
1. A seventeenth part.
1728Chambers Cycl. s.v. Measure, One Paris Ell, and fifteen Seventeenths.
2. Mus. A note seventeen degrees above or below a given note (both notes being counted); the interval between, or consonance of, two notes seventeen degrees apart; a chord containing this interval. Also, an organ stop (see quot. 1855).
1597Morley Introd. Mus. 126 Though I do in it talke of fifteenth and seuententhes, yet are these cordes seldome to be taken in three parts.1609Dowland Ornith. Microl. 79 A seuenteenth, which is equall to a third, and a tenth.1694W. Holder Princ. Harmony 102 A Seventeenth Major.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XII. 509/2 The double octave of the third is called a seventeenth.1855Hopkins Organ 120 Tierce-Seventeenth. A Stop formed of open metal cylindrical pipes, the pitch of which is a major third above the Fifteenth, or a seventeenth above the Diapasons.1897tr. Riemann's Dict. Mus. 372/1 The (major) Seventeenth (second octave extension of the major third..),..the Minor Seventeenth (second octave extension of the minor third).Ibid. 730/1 Seventeenth, the seventeenth degree of the scale; also called the 10th or 3rd.
Hence sevenˈteenthly adv., in the seventeenth place (in an enumeration).
1623in Fasti Aberd. (1854) 283 Seventintlie, that [etc.].c1643Cleveland Let. Poems, etc. (1677) 127 Cheverel-Lungs that will stretch as far as Seventeenthly.1725tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 17th C. vi. ii. iv. 250 Seventeenthly, That baptiz'd Infants..ought to be instructed in the Faith of Jesus Christ.1819Scott Leg. Montrose xiv, The Captain heard sixteenthly—seventeenthly—eighteenthly, and to conclude, with a sort of feeling like distracted despair.




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