

单词 severalty
释义 severalty|ˈsɛvərəltɪ|
[a. AF. severalte, -aute: see several a. and -ty.]
1. The condition of being separate or distinct; separateness, distinctness, independence.
1449Pecock Repr. i. x. 50 Ȝit herfore tho craftis in thilk man ben not the lasse dyuerse, ne neuer the lasse kepen her seueralte in boundis and markis as in hem silf.1571Golding Calvin on Ps. lxxiv. 16 Insatiable covetousnes and ambition breaketh whatsoever severaltie [quicquid distinctionis] is made in the world.1648Bp. Hall Select Th. 269 He singles them out in a familiar kinde of severalty both of knowledg and respect.1650B. Discolliminium 37 A respective severalty, that each Nation should operate separately.. in cases peculiar to their severall interests.1679T. Puller Moder. Ch. Eng. (1843) 21 The several societies of Christian men, unto every of which the name of a Church is given, with addition betokening severalty, as the Church of Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, England.1847Grote Greece ii. x. III. 92 The original severalty and subsequent consolidation of the different portions of Attica.1849Ibid. ii. xxxviii. V. 8 The discordant severalty of agents conspicuous in the Homeric theology.a1882T. H. Green Proleg. Ethics (1883) 31 Something other than the manifold things themselves which combines them without effacing their severalty.
2. in severalty [AF. en severalte].
a. Law. (a) Of land: (Held) in a person's own right without being joined in interest with another (opposed to joint-tenancy, coparcenary, and tenancy-in-common); (held) as private enclosed property (opposed to common).
to know in severalty: = ‘to know one's several’: see several C. 2 c.
c1475Partenay 3640 Thi land shal be..Parted in partes..Neuer to-geders hold in seueralte.1480Cov. Leet Bk. 447 He kepeth diuerse pastures in seueralte, which owen to be comen.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 2 And than is nat an acre so moche worthe as & it were in seueralty inclosed or in seuerall pasture.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 1 §3 The same in three partes to be divided in certainety and by speciall divisions as it may be knowen in severaltie.1581W. S. Compend. Exam. 18 b, Tenaunts in common be not so good husbandes as when euery man hath his parte in seueralty.1653tr. Kitchin's Courts Leet (ed. 2) 476 They are Tenants in severalty.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 185 If two joint-tenants agree to part their lands, and hold them in severalty, they are no longer joint-tenants.1807Vancouver Agric. Devon (1813) 102 Coarse moor-land, lying in severalty.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 329 Not in the nature of dower, that is, in severalty, but in common with the heir.1875Maine Hist. Instit. iv. 101 The arable lands are held in severalty, while pasture and bog are in common.1895Strahan Law of Property (1908) 132 By partition is meant the dividing up of the joint estate among the joint tenants, who henceforth hold their individual shares in severalty.
(b) Const. to or for (the possessor).
1523Act 14 & 15 Hen. VIII, c. 6 §1 Yt shalbe leafull to your said besecher [etc.]..to enclose the said olde Waye..and that frohensforthe to holde in Severaltie to them and to their Heires and Assignes to their owne use and profitt for ever..without any comon Waye or passage ther.1652Heylin Cosmogr. iii. 44 Every one..should..take as much ground in severalty for his own inheritance, as he could overcome.
b. Separately, apart from others, particularly.
1588Fraunce Lawiers Logike ii. iii. 89 b, If the same Logicall Doctor..should affirme the same of all the other kindes of causes specially and in seueralty.1624Wotton Archit. i. 64 Hauing considered the precedent Appertions or Ouertures, in seueraltie according to their particular Requisites.1768Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 240 That all should enjoy the produce of their skill and industry in severalty, without interruption from others.1893Traill Soc. Eng. Introd. 17 It has seemed best to treat of each great department of our social life in severalty.
c. In or into several divisions or parts.
1824J. Davison Disc. Prophecy vi. iii. 388 Polytheism divided the world, and its own creed, in severalty; it set up its deities over particular regions.1868Gladstone Juv. Mundi viii. §12. 304 One group of these traditions..which when associated compose a nebula, appears before us in severalty, divided between the three individualities of Artemis, Persephonè, and Aphroditè.
3. Land held by an individual not joined with other owners. Also, the condition of land so held; a state of being owned by individuals.
1570Dee Math. Pref. a ij, Which was when..ground sold were to be layd out: or (when disorder preuailed) that Commons were distributed into seueralties.1766Blackstone Comm. ii. xii. II. 194 Estates in common can only be dissolved two ways: 1. By uniting all the titles and interests in one tenant..which brings the whole to one severalty: 2. By making partition between the several tenants in common, which gives them all respective severalties.1801Farmer's Mag. Nov. 400 Reducing all common and intermixed possessions into severalty.1814J. Shirreff Agric. Shetld. 179 Till land is placed in a state of severalty,..inclosures are seldom erected in any country.1844Min. Evid. Sel. Comm. Commons' Inclosure 27 It often happens that in these shifting severalties the occupier of lot one this year goes round the whole of the several lots in rotation.1862Merivale in Macm. Mag. July 265 Not inclosed from the waste, but merely converted from ‘common field’ into severalty.
b. attrib.
1844Min. Evid. Sel. Comm. Commons' Inclosure 27 After the crop has been removed, these lands become commonable to all the parties having a severalty right, and to no others.Ibid., The severalty crop.Ibid., Circumstances under which the severalty ownership of these lands shifts from time to time.1892Pall Mall Gaz. 30 May 6/2 A private arrangement between the lord, the severalty owners, and the owners of lammas rights.
4. A separate, distinct, or particular thing, point, feature, etc. Obs.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. xiii. 37 Lette it not come in our myndes ones to imagine suche a Trinitie of Persons as may hold our thought withdrawen into seueralties [ed. 1562 seueralities].1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God viii. vii. tr. Vives 309 The first apprehensions..nature hath giuen man, whence the knowledge of many great seueralties arise [vnde rerum multarum magnarumque oritur cognitio].1637Heylin Answ. Burton 163 These are the severalties contained in that generall head; and they relate either to preaching or to praying.1640Bp. Hall Episc. ii. vii. 124 Here is a manifest distinction betwixt the Pastor or Bishop, and those of his charge; and they are described by the severalties of their estates.1667Waterhouse Narr. Fire in London 17 Many other Authors have given us severalties which summed up together, makes out such secret policies.
5. (See quot.)
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Severalty, the denomination under which disagreements respecting accounts amongst the part owners of a ship are referred, either to equity courts, or the common law.




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