

单词 chalet
释义 chalet|ˈʃæleɪ, ʃale|
[F. chalet (not châlet, as often in English books) a Swiss word (in la Gruyère pronounced tsalet), supposed to have been introduced into Fr. by Rousseau (Littré Suppl.). Perh. a dim. of casella, cassella, a little cottage, cot (Du Cange), itself dim. of casa house (or of its Romanic representative); less probably, as concerns the sense, = It. cataletto, F. châlit wooden bedstead. (Littré's suggestion of identity with castelletum, châtelet is phonetically untenable, because st becomes in la Gruyère ç, as chastel, tsaçī.)]
1. A hut or cabin on the Swiss mountains, where cattle are lodged in the summer, and where cheese is made; hence, the small wooden house or cottage of the Swiss peasant; gen. a house or villa built in the style of a Swiss cottage. Also, a small, usually wooden, dwelling for holiday-makers.
1817Byron Manfred i. ii. 121 The Chalet will be gain'd within an hour.1818Blackw. Mag. IV. 88 There are many chalets in very lofty situations.1860Tyndall Glac. i. §2. 12 On the slopes were innumerable châlets.1861Times 18 May 5/2 Among all watering places, none can be put in comparison with the fine and large Establishment at Fécamp... There is found the invaluable advantage of having in the same establishment lodging house, chalets, taverns.1878M. E. Herbert tr. Hübner's Ramble i. xi. 171 A poor little hut or châlet inhabited by a planter and his family.1910Lancet 5 Nov. 1380/1 Chalets for consumptives at Swansea.1953E. Hyams Gentian Violet 19 [A holiday camp] consisted of orderly rows of hideous concrete huts known as châlets.
2. = F. chalet de nécessité, a street lavatory, urinal, etc. (In Paris these are elegant structures.)
1882Pall Mall G. 5 Oct. 3 A protest against the proposed erection of the chalets at Ludgate-Circus.1886Daily News 17 Dec. 2/3 (Commissioners of Sewers, London) A large deputation of ratepayers from Ludgate-circus..the petitioners suggesting that the chalets should be placed underground, as..at the Royal Exchange.




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