

单词 shamianah
释义 shamiana(h Indian.|ʃæ-, ʃɑːmɪˈɑːnə|
Forms: 7 semijane, semane, semian(e, symmeane, semeano, 9 shamyana, shameanah, shameeana, shimiana, 9– shamiana(h.
[Urdu, Pers. shā̆miyāna.]
‘An awning or flat tent-roof without sides’ (Yule); a flat awning or canopy. Also (quots. 1609, 1613), a material used for such awnings, a striped calico.
1609in Danvers Lett. E. Ind. Comp. (1896) I. 29 A sort of Calico here called Semijanes are also in abundance.c1610W. Finch in Purchas Pilgrims (1625) I. iv. iv. 432 Another open Chounter of stone to sit in, couered with rich Semianes.1616F. Fettiplace in Danvers & Foster Lett. E. Ind. Comp. (1900) IV. 239 Semanes, whereof they gave us order from Suratt to buy for one-third of our stock.1616Ibid. 239 Symmeanes.1616Sir T. Roe in Purchas Pilgrims (1625) I. iv. xvi. 543 There is erected a throne foure foote from the ground, in the Durbar Court, from the backe whereof, to the place where the King comes out a square of fiftie sixe paces long, and fortie three broad was rayled in, and couered with faire Semianes or Canopies of Cloth of Gold, Silke, or Veluet ioyned together, and sustained with Canes so couered.1622R. Cocks Diary (Hakl. Soc.) II. 287 Fyne Semian chowters and white baftas are good for presentes.1676in Forrest Bombay Lett. Home Ser. (1887) I. 89 We desire you to furnish him with bridle and sadle, semeanoes, canatts [etc.].1814J. Forbes Oriental Mem. II. 455 To pitch my tent or erect my summiniana, or shamyana.1857M. Thornhill Personal Adv. Ind. Mutiny (1884) 14 Our beds were arranged under large canopies, open on all sides, and which are termed..‘Shameanahs’.1902Times 13 Aug. 4/1 On the lawn, a shamiana with silver uprights had been erected.




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