

单词 chawdron
释义 I. ˈchawdron Obs. or arch.
Forms: 5 chaudoun, -on, -yn, -ern, -ron, chawdon, -wyn, chawdewyne, chaundron, 6 chauden, 7 chauder, chawdre, chawthern, chaldern(e, 7–8 chawdron, chaldron.
[ME. chaudoun, a. OF. chaudun (caldun, caudun):—L. type caldunum, cf. med.L. caldūna, (‘de novem ovibus fiunt fercula quæ vocantur caldunæ, Du Cange’); app. a deriv. or compound of calid-us hot, but the latter part of the word is obscure. In MLG. kaldûne, mod.G. kaldaune-n. In later Eng. corrupted app. by form-assoc. with chaldron. (See also chowder.)]
1. A kind of sauce, consisting of chopped entrails, spices, and other ingredients. Obs.
c1420Liber Cocorum (1862) 9 Chaudoun for wylde digges, swannus, and piggus.c1440Anc. Cookery in Househ. Ord. (1790) 441 Chaudern for Swannes.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 535 in Babees Bk. (1868) 152 To signet & swann, convenyent is þe chawdoun.Ibid. 688 Swan with the Chawdwyn.1469Ord. R. Househ. 96 Garbages of swannes, the chaundron made sufficiently.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 680 Blamangers, jellies, chawdres, and a number of exquisit sauces.1615Markham Eng. Hous-w. (1660) 77 This is called a Chauder or Gallantine, and is a sawce almost for any Fowl whatsoever.
2. Entrails of a beast, esp. as used for food. arch.
1578Lyte Dodoens v. xviii. 572 The second kind of Letuce hath crompled leaues..drawen togither almost like the Moquet or Chauden of a calfe.1604Dekker Honest Wh. Wks. 1873 II. 40 Calves chaldrons and chitterlings.1605Shakes. Macb. iv. i. 33 Adde thereto a Tigers Chawdron, For th' Ingredience of our Cawdron.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 70 The chawthern, the head, and the feet of Calves.1611Cotgr., Fraise, also, a calues chaldern.1658Sir T. T. de Mayerne Archimag. Anglo-Gall. No. 51. 44 To make a Pudding of Calves-Chaldrons.1727Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Calf's Chaldron, The Chaldron is also eaten in a Court Bouillon, or Broth.1798Progr. Man 26 in Anti-Jacobin 19 Feb., How Lybian tigers' chawdrons love assails.
3. comb. Chathernwise: see chathern.
II. chawdron
obs. form of chaldron.




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