

单词 shaving
释义 I. shaving, vbl. n.|ˈʃeɪvɪŋ|
[f. shave v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of scraping or cutting off a thin slice from a surface; an abrasion.
1390Earl Derby's Exped. (Camden) 22 Pro hedynge iiij doliorum pro floure imponendo, et pro hopes et schauyng dictorum doliorum.a1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 84 Þe schauyng of þe bone profited noþing.1595Duncan App. Etym. (E.D.S.), Intertrigo, galling, or shauing.1688Holme Armoury iii. 87/1 In the Curriers Art. Shaveing, is the taking down of the thickness of the Leather.
2. a. The action of removing the hair from the head or face with a razor; an instance of this.
138.Antecrist in Todd Three Treat. Wyclif (1851) 147 Antecrist makiþ hise [priests] knowen by crowne & berdes schauynge.c1440Alphabet of Tales 306 When I tuke bod a peny for a shavyng, I couthe wele spar som syluer euerilk day.1528Tindale Obed. Chr. Man 73 margin, Shavinge is borowed of the hethen and oylinge of the Jewes.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 62 Their Priests vsed shauings of the head and beard.1823Byron Juan xiv. xxiii, Men for their sins Have shaving too entail'd upon their chins.1837Dickens Pickw. ii, The operation of shaving, dressing, and coffee-imbibing was soon performed.1891Farrar Darkn. & Dawn xxxvii, His arrival at full manhood, as marked by the shaving of his beard.
b. = tonsure n. 2. Obs. (? nonce-use.)
1647N. Bacon Disc. Gov. Eng. i. viii. 25 Theodore Archbishop of Canterbury..placed Bishops over each [diocese], every one of them being of the right Roman stampe, as himselfe was of the right Roman shaving.
3. concr. A thin slice taken off the surface of anything with a sharp tool; esp. a thin slice of wood cut off with a plane. Chiefly pl.
c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. T. 686 What, deuel of helle ! shulde it ellis be? Shauyng of siluer siluer is, parde.a1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 46 Puttyng in þe shauyng of lard wiþ þe iuse of porres.Ibid. 50 Chauyng of lard.c1440Promp. Parv. 444/2 Schavyngys, of boordys or treys, rasure.1575Turberv. Faulconrie 169 You shall not give them..the shaving of a hasell wande.1592Nashe Four Lett. Confut. Wks. 1904 I. 271 These..might haue beene buried with his bookes in the bottome of a drie-fatte,..amongst the shauings of the Presse.a1661Fuller Worthies, Devon (1662) i. 248 We call the Shavings of Fish (which are little worth) Gubbings.1680Moxon Mech. Exerc. xii. 212 [It] is only capable to cut a narrow Shaving off of the Work.1760R. Brown Compl. Farmer ii. 68 All shavings of horns..is good manure for land.1843Holtzapffel Turning I. 151 When the ivory hollows are thin..the material would be turned entirely into shavings.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede i. i, The slanting sunbeams shone through the transparent shavings that flew before the steady plane.1887Ruskin Præterita II. 361, I worked with a carpenter until I could take an even shaving six feet long off a board.
attrib.1865J. Hannett Bibliopegia (ed. 6) 379 The shaving tub, over which is placed the cutting press..is a frame of wood for holding the shavings, &c., from the cutting of the edges.1873J. Richards Wood-working Factories 45 The magazine or shavings room should be arranged to allow the dust to pass off at the top.
b. (See quot.)
a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Shavings, the Clippings of Money.
c. transf. and fig.
1677A. Horneck Gt. Law Consid. v. (1704) 298 Is the King immortal..to be put off with the chips and shavings of devotion?1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life ii. iii. Wks. 1718 I. 228 And all the Stock of Learning, they pretend to, is a few shavings of Wit, gathered out of Plays and Romances.1912Engl. Rev. Sept. 234 Small gleams, shavings and suffusions of light, were escaping from seams in the ship.
d. Phrase. to a shaving, completely, exactly.
1804R. Anderson's Cumbld. Ball. (1808) 90 She'll suit thee till a shavin.1828[Carr] Craven Gloss. (ed. 2), Shaving, a tittle, a nicety. ‘It fits to a shaving.’1843J. Ballantine Gaberlunzie's Wallet 24 The farmer applauded this song..exclaiming, ‘'od man, ye hae hit aff Peter till a shavin’.
4. slang.
a. The action or process of defrauding.
1606Dekker Seven Deadly Sins vi. (Arb.) 40 Then haue you the Shauing of Fatherlesse children,..and thats done by Executors. The Shauing of poore Clients especially by the Atturneyes.1841C. E. Lester Glory & Shame Eng. I. 38, I have been very much astonished to find the system of petty shaving so extensively carried on in England.
b. U.S. The discounting of bills at an exorbitant rate of interest.
1813T. Eaton Rev. N.Y. 127 Again the broker claims per cent. For he on shaving is attent.1834Niles' Register (Baltimore) 5 Apr. 85/2 These rates of shaving.
5. attrib. and Comb., as shaving-basin, shaving cream, shaving-cup, shaving customer, shaving-day, shaving dish, shaving foam, shaving-glass, shaving hand, shaving-house, shaving-jug, shaving-machine, shaving mirror, shaving-mug, shaving-paper, shaving-paste, shaving-pot, shaving-powder, shaving rag, shaving-shears, shaving-shop, shaving soap, shaving-strop, shaving-tackle, shaving-thing, shaving-tin, shaving utensil, shaving water, shaving whittle; shaving-board (see quot.); shaving box, a small round box containing a piece of soap and a lathering brush; shaving brush, (a) a brush used to put on the lather before shaving; (b) (see quot. 1884); shaving-cloth, (a) ? emery cloth for shaving wood, etc.; (b) a cloth to cover a person's chest when being shaved; shaving-grass = shave-grass; shaving hat, ? a hat made of shavings; in quot. attrib.; shaving horse (see quot.); shaving-iron, (a) a razor; (b) a plumbers' shaving-hook; (c) a shoemakers' paring knife; shaving-knife, (a) a paring tool, spec. a shoemakers' knife; (b) a razor; shaving-linen = shaving-cloth (a); shaving-mill, U.S., a small privateer used during the Revolutionary war and the war of 1812; shaving muscle (see quot.); shavings room (see 3); shaving stick, a stick of shaving soap; shaving-tool (see quot.); shaving tub (see 3).
1488–9Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 282 Pro sowdyng de le *schavyng bassynnys, 6d.1597–8Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees) II. 180 One deepe shaving bason and cover.
1885St. James's Gaz. 2 Jan. 6/1 The rude yet sufficient engines upon which hoops are shaved. Each of these consists of a small slanted beam, the ‘*shaving board’.
1774J. Woodforde Diary 14 Jan. (1924) I. 122 For a *Shaving Box of one Darcy..pd Even. Post 27 July 325/2 Brushes, shaving-boxes and black-ball of the best quality.1841Thackeray Gt. Hoggarty Diam. i, It was about the size of the lid of a shaving-box.
1792J. Woodforde Diary 26 July (1927) III. 364 At D[itt]o for *Shaving Brush and Powder.1838Southey Doctor cliv. V. 210 He shaves..sans shaving-brush,..sans everything except a razor.1884Britten & Holland Plant-n. 427 Shaving-brush. Centaurea nigra, L.
1427in Rogers Agric. & Prices (1882) III. 476/2 *Shaving cloth. 1 ell../6.1483Cath. Angl. 333/2 A Schavynge clathe, ralla.1540in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. ii. 107 Item to Cornelis Hays, that gave a shaving cloth wroght with gold vjs viijd.1558Bury Wills (Camden) 150 Tenne shavinge clothes.
1851C. Cist Sk. Cincinnati in 1851 226 A. E. Wetherill, manufacturer of..soaps and *shaving creams.1922S. Lewis Babbitt i. 5 He snatched up his tube of shaving-cream, furiously he lathered.1976‘Z. Stone’ Modigliani Scandal iii. iv. 136 Peter Usher put down his safety razor..and washed the remains of the shaving cream off his face.
1871‘Mark Twain’ Sketches 258 Noted the numbers on the private *shaving-cups in the pigeon⁓holes.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Shaving-cup, a cup with compartments for hot water and soap, for convenience in shaving.
1840Thackeray Barber Cox Nov., Did you not make over your house,..and nine-and-twenty *shaving customers, to me?
1710Swift Jrnl. to Stella 11 Sept., I am rising to go to Jervas to finish my picture, and 'tis *shaving-day, so good-morrow MD.
1879C. Schreiber Jrnl. 17 Sept. (1911) II. 205 An Oriental *shaving dish with the arms of Groningen.1961L. G. G. Ramsey Connoisseur New Guide Antique Eng. Pott. Porc. & Glass 28 One-handled bleeding bowls, and shaving-dishes with a segment out of the rim.
1974Harrod's Christmas Catal. 11 ‘His’ contains..deodorant, *shaving foam, soap and talc.1979M. Page Pilate Plot i. 10 A can of aerosol shaving foam.
a1817Jane Austen Persuasion (1818) IV. i. 18 Now I am quite snug, with my little *shaving glass in one corner.1839[Miss Maitland] Lett. fr. Madras (1843) 265, I fear it will all end in buying shaving-glasses and penny prints to stick up in his house.1967S. Beckett Stories & Texts for Nothing vi. 99 The glass, a round shaving-glass, double-faced.
1538Turner Libellus, Hippuris, *Shavynge gyrs.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 37 Take y⊇ lesse Shauing girss, called also Cattes tayle and Earth yuy of eche two handfull.
1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 177 One barber can haue but one *shauyng hande.
1723Lond. Gaz. No. 6192/11 Elizabeth Robinson,..*Shaving Hatmaker.
1841Southern Lit. Messenger VII. 527/2 A receptacle for spinning-wheels, wash-tubs, pitchforks, *shaving horses, and sundry other implements of domestic industry.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Shaving-horse, a narrow bench or trestle on which the workman sits astride while shaving down work with the drawing-knife or spokeshave.1930Times Educ. Suppl. 18 Oct. p. iv/1 A few tools for the lathe..a saw, a shaving-horse.1974P. W. Blandford Country Craft Tools ix. 128 Most shaving horses still in existence show that all sizes were made.
1401–2Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 300 Sol. pro vitriacione cujusdam fenestre in le *Shavynghous, 12d.c1440Promp. Parv. 424/1 Rastyr howse, or schavyng howse,..barbitondium.
1352Wynnere & Wastoure 185 in Gollancz Parl. 3 Ages (Roxb.) 96 And alle the lethire..Schynethe alle for scharpynynge of the *schauynge iren.1541Aberdeen Reg. (1844) I. 176 The steill to scherp the [shoemaker's] schawing jrne.
1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, *Shaving jug.
14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 564/18 Ansorium, a *shavyngknyf, or a trenket.1530–1MSS. Duke Rutland (Hist. MSS. Comm.) IV. 269 For shavinge knyves bought for my Lorde, vjs. viijd.1647Hexham i, A shaving knife, een scheer-mes.1843Knickerbocker XXII. 386 The rub-a-dub of the cooper's mallet, the creak of his shaving-knife were still.
1512in Rogers Agric. & Prices (1882) III. 483 *Shaving linen..ells. {at} /5.
1897C. T. Davis Manuf. Leather xvii. 254 *Shaving machine..for shaving the alum, acid and combination tannages.
1781Independent Chron. (Boston, U.S.A.) 19 July 3/3 in Trans. Col. Soc. Mass. (1910) XI. 223 A small boat, one of the noted *Shaving-Mills, which continually infest our bay.1813Salem Gaz. 12 Oct. 4/1 (ibid. 224) The Fairhaven shaving mill..has sailed from Boston on a cruise.
1911Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 30 Apr. 10/2 In the surrounding staterooms, the rest began to hang up *shaving mirrors and get into deck shoes.1958‘R. Crompton’ William's Television Show vii. 187 The double reflection of the dressing-table mirror and the shaving mirror over the hand basin gave her a perfect view of her profile.
1895Stores' List, *Shaving Mugs.
1912Keith Human Body xii. 188 The skin over the chin has a curious muscle which acts on it, sometimes named the ‘*shaving’ muscle, as it is employed to steady the skin of the chin against the razor.
1839Dickens Nich. Nick. liv, A few bank notes for *shaving paper.
1808Times 5 Nov., *Shaving Paste, newly invented.
1537North Country Wills (Surtees 1908) 148 A *shavinge potte, a shavinge bason.1841Thackeray Gt. Hoggarty Diam. vii, A man..brought me a silver shaving-pot of hot water.
1768Goldsm. Good-n. Man iv, We should never travel without—a case of good razors, and a box of *shaving-powder.
1796T. Wale in H. J. Wale My Grandfather's Pocket-Bk. (1883) xvii. 341 Wash given out to Mrs. Wheeler... 1 pair under stockings, thread. 3 *shaving wrages.1814Jane Austen Let. 18 Nov. (1952) 412 The dirty Shaving Rag was exquisite!
1855Browning Holy-Cross Day ii, Shame, man ! greedy beyond your years To handsel the bishop's *shaving-shears?
1844Dickens Mart. Chuz. xxvi, Sweedlepipe's easy *shaving-shop.
1790Pennsylvania Packet 19 Apr. 4/2 He has likewise for Sale..*Shaving soap.1844Dickens Mart. Chuz. xxvi, [It] could not remove the smell of shaving-soap.
1886Kipling Departm. Ditties (ed. 2) 14 Pears's *shaving-sticks will give you little taste and lots of lather.1915S. Lewis Trail of Hawk 328, I must go in and get a shaving-stick.1978D. Bagley Flyaway xxviii. 268 I'm old-fashioned enough to use a soap shaving-stick.
1909H. G. Wells Tono-Bungay iii. i. §2. 269 With the name on the..*shaving-strop.
1842Dickens Let. 3 Apr. (1974) III. 181 My *shaving tackle, dressing case, brushes, books, and papers.1848Dombey xxv, I don't see his shaving tackle. Nor his brushes, Captain.1980Daily Tel. 16 Feb. 3/1 In some units..patients are expected to share toothbrushes and shaving tackle.
1797Scott in Lockhart (1837) I. viii. 262 A case with *shaving-things, combs, and a knife, fork, and spoon.
1825J. Nicholson Oper. Mech. 624 The *shaving-tool is used for getting the slates to a smooth face for skirtings, floors of balconies, &c.
1823Scott Quentin D. xxvi, That last remark upon the *shaving utensils.
1837Dickens Pickw. xxxix. 426 ‘*Shaving water, Sam,’ said Mr. Pickwick.1853G. J. Whyte-Melville Digby Grand xxiii, Shaving-water at seven, breakfast at eight.
II. shaving, ppl. a.|ˈʃeɪvɪŋ|
[f. shave v. + -ing2.]
That shaves, in the senses of the verb.
1611Cotgr., Frerot, a shauing, or shifting, fellow.1789E. Butler Diary 12 Jan. in G. H. Bell Hamwood Papers Ladies Llangollen (1930) 169 The most bitter Cold I ever remember, cutting shaving wind.1810B. Hunt Diary 20 Jan. in Chester County (Pennsylvania) Hist. Soc. Bull. (1898) 17/2 Most shaveing Cold weather.1860[see shaver 2 b].1897Meredith Amazing Marriage xxxvi, A shaving Northeaster.




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