

单词 Sheer Thursday
释义 Sheer Thursday Obs. exc. Hist.
Forms: α. 3–6 schere, 3–6, 8–9 shere, 4 scer-, scere, 5 scher, chere, 5–6 sher, 5, 7 shear, 6 chare, 7 sheere, 5, 9– sheer. β. 4 shir, 4–5 schire, 5 schyre, schyr-, schir-, 6 shyre, shire, shier; 6 Sc. chyris. γ. 5 schordordai, s(c)hor-, 5–6 shore, 6 shorpthursday. Often written as one word.
[The α and β types correspond respectively to the two Scandinavian forms which are directly represented in Eng. by Skere Thursday (skere a. 4) and Skire Thursday. The two cognate and synonymous adjs. (ON. skǽrr skere, sheer, and skírr skire, shire) appear to have been applied to Maundy Thursday with allusion to the purification of the soul by confession (cf. Shrove Thursday, F. jeudi absolu), and perh. also to the practice of washing the altars on that day. The γ forms are corruptions due to the association with words of somewhat similar sound.
Another name for Maundy Thursday, app. of similar meaning, was Du. witte Donderdag (‘white Thursday’), recorded from the 13th c.; so G. weisser Donnerstag.]
The Thursday in Holy Week, Maundy Thursday.
αc1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 99 Gif we bien cumen on bicumeliche wise a shereðursdai to absoluciun.c1275Passion our Lord 89 in O.E. Misc. 40 At þe schere þursday.c1290St. Brendan 360 in S. Eng. Leg. 229 A-schereþores-day [(1310 ed. Bälz) scere þorsday, v. rr. c 1300 scerþursday, c 1400 scher þursday, 14.. schire þoresday, schordordai, etc.] huy comen þudere in gret trauaile inouȝ.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xxxi. (1495) 367 The daye of Cene that we calle Sherethursdaye.c1425Processional Nuns Chester (1899) 6 On sherthursday at the washyng of the auters.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 253 On sheerthursday.c1450Mirk's Festial 125 Scher Þursday; for, in old fadrys dayes, men wold þat day make scher hom honest, and dodde hor heddys, and clyp hor berdys, and so make hom onest aȝeynes Astyr-day.Ibid. 169 Chere Þursday.1534More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Pref. B b iij b, Y⊇ maundye of Chryste wyth hys apostles vpon shere thursday.1621in Dewsbury Parish Reg., Alice daughter of Willm Speight elder baptised the xxix day being Shear Thursdaye.
βc1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. I. 325 Joon restide on Shir Þursdaie in þe soper on Cristis brest.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 435 In Cene Þorsday, þat som men clepeþ Shireþorsday [1432–50 Scherethursday].c1450in Aungier Syon (1840) 346 A Schirthursday the sustres shal say the seuen psalmes.1520Perth Hammermen Bk. (1889) 13 For candill upon Chyris Thuirsday in the kirk, iiij d.c1541in J. Collier Eccl. Hist. (1714) II. 197 Shier-Thursday, as we call it.
γ1456Paston Lett. I. 389, I wold ye wold take avise and counsel of the Preest that had you so long under hand on Shorthursday.a1490Botoner Itin. (1778) 372 Item quolibet shore-thursday, voluit lavare pedes eorum.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 2978 Shorpthursday.1537Wriothesley Chron. (1875) I. 62 The 29 daye of March, beinge Shore Thursdaye.




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