

单词 chemopreventive
释义 chemopreventive, a. and n. Med.
Brit. |ˌkiːmə(ʊ)prɪˈvɛntɪv|, |ˌkɛmə(ʊ)prɪˈvɛntɪv|, U.S. |ˈˌkimoʊˌpriˈvɛn(t)ɪv|, |ˈˌkimoʊˌprəˈvɛn(t)ɪv|, |ˈˌkɛmoʊˌpriˈvɛn(t)ɪv|, |ˈˌkɛmoʊˌprəˈvɛn(t)ɪv|
[‹ chemo- comb. form + preventive adj., after chemoprevention n.]
A. adj. Of, relating to, or used in chemoprevention.
1976Zeitschr. f. Erkrankungen der Atmunsorgane14575 In GDR since about 1960 chemopreventive [German chemoprophylaktische] measures were taken in cases of silicosis and silicotuberculosis too.1978Nature 30 Mar. 402/3 J. DeCosee..emphasised the need for safety and freedom from toxicity in any chemopreventive agent, since it would be given to people for long periods of time.1992Chicago Tribune 20 Dec. v. 1/4 This is no longer nutritional-food-store stuff... At our hospital, two cancer research sections, gastrointestinal and head and neck, have committed themselves to chemopreventive studies.2002Carcinogenesis 23 2055/2 Cruciferous vegetables have been shown to possess chemo-preventive activity against a variety of other cancers.
B. n. A chemopreventive drug or substance.
1984Carcinogenesis 5 57 The steroid, which has previously been shown to inhibit spontaneous breast cancer and chemically induced lung tumors in mice, may find application as a chemopreventive in individuals at high risk for developing colon cancer.1990Cancer 65 1483 The testing and development of candidate chemopreventives proceeds through a series of preclinical efficacy screens, followed by controlled clinical trials.2003BusinessWeek 9 June 123/3 More and more people with a..high-risk factor will convince their doctors to prescribe potential chemopreventives—with or without FDA approval.




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