

单词 shewbread
释义 shewbread Jewish Antiq.|ˈʃəʊbrɛd|
Also 6 schew-, shewe- (9 Dicts. show-); see also bread.
[f. shew, show n., after G. schaubrot (Luther); the compound seems correctly to represent the sense of the Heb. ˈleχem pāˈnīm, LXX ἄρτοι ἐνώπιοι, Vulg. panes propositionis.]
The twelve loaves that were placed every Sabbath ‘before the Lord’ on a table beside the altar of incense, and at the end of the week were eaten by the priests alone.
In 16th c. writers sometimes in pl., after the LXX and the Vulgate; the Geneva Bible (1557) has shewe loues.
1530Tindale Exod. xxv. 30 Thou shalt sett apon the table shewbred before me allwaye.1535Coverdale Matt. xii. 4 Haue ye not red..How he [David]..ate the shew breds.1563Winȝet Bk. Quest. lvi. Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 111 Achimelech wold nocht geue the schewbreid to Dauid.1648Herrick Hesper., Temple 69 Upon this fetuous board doth stand Something for shew-bread.1686A. Horneck Crucif. Jesus vii. 117 The Shew-bread was to be before the Lord continually. In the original it is called The Bread of Faces. The mystery of it was, to shew, that Christ was to be the great Mediator, who should be always in the presence of God, behold his face [etc.].1855Pusey Doctr. Real Presence (Note S) 413 [tr. St. Ephrem.] The shewbread figures the mystery of our sacrifices which are offered through Christ by the Ministers of the Church.
attrib.1611Bible 2 Chron. xxix. 18 We haue cleansed..the shew-bread table.




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