

单词 shimmering
释义 I. ˈshimmering, vbl. n.
[f. shimmer v.1 + -ing1. Cf. (M)LG. schêmering, MHG. schemerung twilight, G. schimmerung coruscation.]
The action of the vb. shimmer.
c1386Chaucer Reeve's T. 377 A litel shymeryng [v.r. schemeryng] of a light.1623Bp. Hall Gt. Impostor Wks. (1625) 503 The..blinde man that thought he now saw a shimmering of the Sunne-beames.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. ix. (1856) 64 Looking toward the shore, I observed a sort of shimmering, as of the heated air above a stove.1868Helps Realmah iii, Kissed into ripples by the shimmering of moonlight.1883W. S. Dugdale Dante's Purg. i. 9, I discerned the shimmering of the sea.
fig.1880Todhunter Shelley vii. 199 It is a weak shimmering of forced fun.
II. ˈshimmering, ppl. a.
That shimmers.
c1000Gl. Prud. in Germania (N.S.) XI. 401/10 Scymriendes wæles, cerulei gurgitis.c1230Hali Meid. 31 Þat eadi trume of schimerinde meidenes.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 80 Wyth schymeryng schene ful schrylle þay schynde.a1400–50Wars Alex. 1544 Shemerand shaftis of the shire son.c1440York Myst. i. 69 My schewyng es schemerande and schynande.1557T. Phaer æneid vi. Q 4 In shimring shadowe darck and thinne.1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 219 If some little shimering light appeare at a little creuise.1655W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. i. 224 There is some shimmering light in all.1840Eliza Cook Poems 151 The towering hill, the shimmering rill.1874Symonds Sk. Italy & Greece (1898) I. vii. 124 The plain..basking in the hazy shimmering heat.1881Macm. Mag. XLIII. 345 The soft brilliancy of her toilet had the look of shimmering plumage.
fig.1880E. White Cert. Relig. 34 The vague and shimmering atmosphere of local and chronological detail.

Add: Hence ˈshimmeringly adv.
1934in Webster.1979Washington Post 15 June c3/1 The weather was shimmeringly perfect.1988Los Angeles Times 23 Mar. vi. 5/1 ‘Starfish’, the group's new album—propelled by the shimmeringly psychedelic single, ‘Under the Milky Way’—is looking like the breakthrough for the band.




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